Jia Hong was slightly startled when he heard the system prompt!

Does this count as Prince Huping or Prince Beijing? Is this okay?

He carefully checked the system's interception status。

It didn't take long for me to realize。

Without Jia Hong’s report, the incident in Pingjun Wang Dongchuang would not have happened so quickly.。

In other words, there was no King Beijing in this world. It was caused by the appearance of Jia Hong.。

As for his son Pingnan becoming Beijing? Proclaimed King of Beijing? Jia Hong didn't bother to pay attention.。

All in all, you just got a benefit for nothing!

“Qi nourishing pills are always needed, the little girls at home are too weak!”

While checking, Jia Hong also thought of Zheng Sanniang。

This woman can be called a hero among women, both physically and in martial arts.。

Jia Hong thought, if there is a chance, he should ask for advice!

Then, his eyes continued to move downward, and he was overjoyed。

“Yushuang Snow Rabbit! A BMW that travels thousands of miles every day!”

Jia Hong immediately jumped out of bed and couldn't wait to come to the yard。

Yushuangyuan is quite big, summoning a horse is no problem at all。

After he touched the card, a snow-white horse appeared in front of him!

The lines are smooth!

Full of muscles!

“Xu Xu——”The Yushuang Snow Rabbit roared!

The eyes are agile and look very energetic!

Jia Hong caressed the snow rabbit's body and couldn't help but admired: "What a horse!”

“Thousands of miles a day, which is extremely fast in this era!”

After all, in the Wu Dynasty, there were no sports cars.。

Isn’t this BMW just like a car?。

There are many horses in Jiahong's mansion。

Occasionally I also used the BMW of the Yulin Cavalry.。

But those horses were completely different from the Yushuang Snow Rabbit in front of me!

“This horse can actually take back the card without feeding it!”

Jia Hong looked at the introduction and felt more and more surprised.。

The next black armor cavalry also surprised him。

The most important thing is the number of cavalry!

Because Jia Hong’s previous Yulin elite soldiers and cavalry had already filled the regular establishment of the Zhenxi Army.。

The five hundred mysterious cavalrymen, like the dead warriors, are directly summoned by cards!

Jia Hong couldn't help but chuckle and said: "In this way, the Zhenxi Army's infantry and cavalry are as high as one to one!”

“The horses are one soldier and three horses. Under special circumstances, the infantry can be directly transferred to the cavalry, which is two thousand horses!”

Although it is beyond the establishment, it can also be incorporated into the logistics team to avoid having to implement the actual population.。

After all, in normal times, the Zhenxi Army's logistics team can range from two thousand to four to five thousand.。

The only problem is that after overstaffing, one or two additional riders will need to be equipped, and Jia Hong will have to pay for all the food and grass himself.。

With the current Suppressing Western Army's 2,000 regular troops and 3,000 horses, it is equivalent to feeding an army of 15,000 people.。

“Call! Cool!”

Jia Hong felt relaxed and happy for a while。

“Huh? My lord, have you bought a new horse?”

Jia Hong turned his head when he heard the sound and saw Maid Baozhu.。

“Oh yes! Jia Hong grinned and said, "I just got started. How is it? It's pretty, isn't it?" It's called Yushuang Snow Rabbit。”

“Snows hare. Baozhu nodded and said with a smile: "It's a nice name."。”

She walked timidly to Jia Hong and said, "This snow rabbit is so tall."。”

Seeing that BMW is so strong, Baozhu is inevitably scared。

Jia Hong smiled and said: "Why are you so afraid of it? It's very docile. Come close and touch it."。”

“ah? Baozhu's almond-shaped eyes widened, and his head shook like a rattle, "No, no, my lord, I don't dare."。”

“You also know that I am timid. Although it looks good, I feel very scared inside.。”

Jia Hong flicked her forehead and joked: "Why do I feel like you are talking about me?”

“Your grandma has been married into the family for so long. I feel like you have always been afraid of me.。”

Bao Zhu's face was slightly red, and he blinked: "No! I'm just timid! I'm not very good at doing things, so I don't dare to talk or do things randomly!"”

Jia Hong shook his head and said, "Just touch it, the snow rabbit won't bite you."。”

After being encouraged by Jia Hong, Baozhu plucked up the courage and reached out to stroke the snow rabbit's mane.。

His mane is as white as snow, and his whole body is full of strength. His ears twitch from time to time, and his eyes are even brighter.。

Bao Zhu was inevitably fascinated and shouted: "You are so beautiful."。”

Suddenly, Snow Rabbit meekly hummed at Baozhu twice, which made her face turn red for a moment, "My lord, lord! It can understand words."。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile, put his hands around Baozhu's waist, and lifted her onto Yushuang Snow Rabbit's back.。

“ah——”Bao Zhu shouted in surprise, "Your Majesty! Let me down!"”

Jia Hong laughed angrily and said, "What's the point of just touching the horses?”

He jumped on the horse and took his maid out for a walk to Yangzhou City, taking the opportunity to try out his new mount!

But the maid Baozhu was sitting on the horse, and her heartbeat was beating non-stop at this moment.。

Within half a moment, in Yushuang Courtyard, Qin Keqing rubbed the bags under her eyes and got up, "Master Hong?”


Seeing that no one was there, Qin Keqing spat angrily: "Did the bastard prince coax this little hooves away?”

Qin Keqing shook her head and laughed, so she had to call another maid.。


a few days later。

Early in the morning, Jia Hong was in his study and received a memorial from the imperial memorial office.。

Accompanying him were a group of eunuchs preparing to go to Prince Ping's residence.。

Jia Hong flipped through the memorial, but couldn't help but frown.。

The defeat of General Mobei was a bit tragic!

The key is, is Emperor Hongchang so anxious for him to return to Tianjing?

Jia Hong reported that Jia Changping was back。

“Chang Ping, you will lead three hundred people in a moment and follow the Prime Minister to Prince Pingjun's Mansion.。”

“Then send someone to convey the order to Yao Yuan. Tell him: Lead one thousand Zhenxi Army and five hundred Yangzhou Battalion to the Pingnan Army garrison. The Ministry of War officials and transfer orders will be sent to you shortly.。”

“Yes, my lord! "Jia Changping cupped her hands and stepped back.。

Jia Hong turned around and said, "Xia Neixiang"。”

“The slave is here! "Xia Shouzhong hurriedly bowed and said。

Compared with Dai Quan, Xia Shouzhong was less qualified, so naturally he did not dare to show his confidence in front of Jia Hong.。

Jia Hong said: "It is not a big deal at this time. With Prince Ping's two thousand soldiers and horses, there is no reason to rebel. In addition, the emperor has given Qin Fupeng a title, but it is appropriate to go in and out.。”

“But on this trip, the emperor sent me back to Beijing. Was it to respond to the challenge or just to bring the Pingnan Army back?”

Xia Shouzhong hurriedly said: "Back to the prince, this slave really doesn't know! The saint didn't reveal it."。”

“What about the imperial envoy affairs in Jiangnan? "Jia Hong asked。

“But this saint had something to explain. The saint said: Just come back and make arrangements.。”

Jia Hong rubbed his chin。

Unlike Emperor Jianlong, Emperor Hongchang likes to hide things... This is very annoying。

“Fine! Jia Hong nodded and said, "The Prime Minister and Jia Changzhu go to work!" I immediately prepared the team and set off as soon as possible。”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


next month。

After Prince Ping was deposed, Prince Ping and his family were sent to the capital.。

During this period, Jia Hong prepared the Pingnan Army and prepared to bring the army back to Emperor Hongchang.。

The Pingnan Army has 2,000 men and only more than 300 cavalry.。

Because Emperor Hongchang did not specify the arrival time, Jia Hong was not in a hurry.。

The two troops traveled along the eastern section of the canal, passing through Huai'an, Haizhou Prefecture and other places, and rested for a few days in Lanling, Yizhou Prefecture.。

While resting, Jia Hong also visited the county town. Judging from the location, it was Linyi, Shandong Province.。

That day Xue Baochai gave him eyebrow painting powder, and the mask he gave him was bought here by Xue Pan. He said it was an imitation of the mask of King Lanling.。

“I wonder if Jia Huan is fascinated by the magic of the mask? Or the legend of King Lanling? "Jia Hong thought unhappily。

However, after Jia Hong wandered around for a while, a soldier hurriedly came over。


“After the Moxi army suffered a heavy defeat in Mobei, they marched quickly! After breaking through Yanghekou outside Datong, advance eastward! It has already appeared in Xuanhua and Huailai areas in Gyeonggi Province!”

“Your Majesty is marching in person and bringing 80,000 troops to help! We have arrived at Changping to garrison a few days ago, and we want to leave Juyongguan to fight the enemy! !”

Jia Hong's eyes twitched, Emperor Hongchang personally conquered? This Zhen Xie has never led an army!


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