“Eighty thousand……”

Jia Hong carefully calculated the defense situation in the Gyeonggi area.。

His military career began when he was stationed in Changping, so he naturally studied the defenses in this area.。

Such a rash exit battle may be because the Moxi Army has not many troops, and Emperor Hongchang wants to kill them all.。

But it is impossible for this kind of army to leave the border to mobilize all the troops in the Gyeonggi area.。

After Jia Hong calculated it clearly, there was no need to think about it. Zhen Xie must have asked the Supreme Emperor for troops for this expedition!

Emperor Hongchang wants military power, and he also wants to prove himself!

“This is Emperor Hongchang! How courageous! "Jia Hong couldn't help but sigh.。

The problem is, Zhen Xie has never been a warrior or general.。

When I was young, I could only draw a bow with four or five strength.。

The Supreme Emperor went on a personal expedition when he was young, it was because he was really capable!

Jia He occasionally recalled the past and mentioned that Zhen Yan was a man who could pull a fifteen-power bow and hunted heroes who could kill bears and tigers.。

It’s no wonder that Zhen Yan is worried about handing over the military power, he is really worried!

After thinking about it, Jia Hong shook his head and immediately returned to the outside of Lanling City.。

To be honest, the Moxi Army is not weak either!

Can we march from three routes, advance from Mobei into the Hetao area, and enter the pass through Yanghekou? !

Datong should be guarded by generals and more than 10,000 people. I am afraid that this is a direct attack!

In Jia Hong's view, Emperor Hong Chang's move was too hasty!

“The whole army is assembled, the military tents are in order, and they are ready to go at any time!”


Five days later, the Zhenxi Army arrived in Tianjing ahead of schedule。

Jia Hong saw that the city gate was locked, so he asked Jia Changping to call the city gate.。

Unexpectedly, the soldiers at the top of the city shouted: "Prince Zhong has something to say! No one is allowed to open the city gate!"”

Jia Hong's cheeks suddenly puffed up. What did he mean by not being allowed to enter the city?

Prince Zhong, Jia Hong knows。

This is the thirteenth son of Emperor Jianlong. Because of his meritorious service in supporting Emperor Hongchang, he was named Prince Zhong as soon as he ascended the throne.。

Jia Hong ordered: "Call Zhang Mingcheng, the admiral of the Nine Sects, to come out!”

At this time, a general walked up to the tower。

Seeing that it was Zhang Mingcheng, Jia Hong scolded: "Admiral Zhang, what do you mean by this! Why are you not allowing the Zhenxi Army to enter the city?”

“Return to the prince! Zhang Mingcheng shouted: "Since Zichen's mutiny last year, no army except the Forbidden Army can enter Tianjing unless the emperor orders it."。”

Jia Hong cursed: "Do you know how the previous admiral died? He allowed the civil strife in the imperial city to tolerate it! Call me Xia Shouzhong!”

Zhang Mingcheng said again: "Your Majesty! Today Emperor Hongchang is on an expedition and was captured in Huailai two days ago! Now the Supreme Emperor and the ministers are discussing matters! They want to make Prince Zhong the emperor!”

At this time, Jia Hong's mind exploded!

Zhen Xie was promoted to Emperor Hongchang in less than half a year? Zhen becomes the supreme emperor?

Jia Hong said angrily: "What the hell! The city gate is locked, and the Moxi Army can't fight!"”

“That means the Emperor is dead, and the Supreme Emperor has no reason to lock down the city! Have all the troops been killed? No need to close up and fight anymore?”

“Waiting for the Moxi army to arrive at Tianjing, will the new emperor be the turtle in the urn?”

“snort! Zhang Mingcheng snorted: "At this time, there is no need for King Zhenxi to consider it!"”

Jia Hong trembled all over after hearing this.。

Now he was really furious.。

Except for Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing who went to Jiangnan, the rest of Jia Hong's family were all in the city.。

What does Prince Zhong mean?

Just ignore the life and death of Emperor Hongchang!

Instead, gather the defeated army and defeat the Moxi army!

If the city gates are closed, are you afraid that the Supreme Emperor and others will be captured and a new emperor will be enthroned first?

You have to choose a time to rebel!

We're not afraid of screwing up the Wu Dynasty and letting the Moxi nomads enter the border and wreak havoc!

“Ha ha ha ha! Jia Hong suddenly laughed, "What a loyal prince!"”

The key is, if Jia Hong is left outside with an unwelcome attitude, how can Jia Hong dare to let this emperor take the throne?

The base area of Hujiang Prefecture has not started yet, it is better to ask Emperor Hongchang to be the emperor now!

Even if a younger prince is replaced and the Supreme Emperor Zhenyan takes over as regent, it will be better than any Prince Po Zhong!

Jia Hong got down from the Yushuang Snow Rabbit and collected the BMW into a card。

Then, he stepped lightly on the city wall, taking advantage of the gaps here and there, and suddenly flew up to the Tianjing Tower!

Suddenly, Zhang Mingcheng was shocked!


Jia Hong took out the sword from his waist, took three steps and two steps, and chopped off his head with one sword!

For a moment, blood mist sprayed out from the fracture, and the body fell directly to the ground.。


On the female wall, thousands of Imperial Guards were shocked into silence! None of them dared to take action!

“Where is General Chen? Where is General Ma!”

At this time, two counselors, Chen Ruiwen and Ma Shangde, hurriedly came from the tower.。

“See the prince!”

Jia Hong scolded: "If I don't kill Zhang Mingcheng, why don't you just sit back and watch?”

“Do you want me to capture the Supreme Emperor again so that you can believe that I can take refuge?”

Chen Ruiwen and Ma Shangde, the Great Khans of Qi and Zhiguo, also followed the admiral's orders last year and ignored the civil unrest in the city.。

“Your Majesty! Just because the Supreme Emperor handed over the command of the two of us to the Emperor before he left for the expedition. Without the emperor's order, we cannot go beyond Admiral Zhang's command.。”

Jia Hong shook the head in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Fuck you, Zhang Mingcheng is here!”

“Open the city gate! Let me see what happened to King Zhongshun!”

Chen and Ma did not dare to say anything more, so they timidly opened the city gate and allowed the Zhenxi Army to enter Tianjing.。

Afterwards, Jia Hong summoned the Yushuang Snow Rabbit again and flew through the streets of Tianjing like a bolt of silver lightning.。

As it roared away, everyone in Tianjing City exclaimed!

“Look, look, look! ! King of Zhenxi!”

“Although I don’t know when the incident occurred in the Imperial City, the city gates were locked this morning! I'm just afraid something big will happen!”

“definitely! you do not know? The emperor was captured by the Moxi Army!”

“Now that the city is in chaos and the country is in chaos, we still have to rely on An Guohong!”

“It would be great if King Zhenxi comes back! !”

Although the doors of every house in the city were closed, people kept leaning out of their windows and shouting amid the sound of horse hooves.。

Or there is a girl holding up her hand and raising a silk scarf, eager to attract the attention of this beautiful general!

“King of Zhenxi! King of Zhenxi!”

“King of Zhenxi!”


When he arrived at Zhenxi Prince's Mansion, Jia Hong saw more than a hundred dead soldiers and two hundred guards on guard.。

Among them, Jia He has white hair and is wearing cotton armor and is constantly giving orders at the gate of the mansion!

Jia Hong opened his mouth slightly, couldn't help but smile, and did not stop for the time being. Instead, he accelerated his horse and galloped towards the imperial city.。

Arriving at the imperial city, suddenly all the Luan Yiwei archers on the tower were aimed at them!

And Jia Hong's 500 Xuanjia Army arrived one step ahead of Yulin's elite.。

Jia Hong raised the head and shouted: "Where is the Supreme Emperor! Where is Prince Zhong!”

No one answered for a while, Jia Hong put away his BMW again, stepped on it, and rolled into the imperial city.。

At this moment, arrows all over the sky were heading towards Jia Hong!

But today is different from the past. Jia Hong is wearing armor and is extremely fast, so he is not afraid of these arrows!

After landing, Jia Hong called out the Jade Frost Snow Rabbit!

“Tap tap tap!”

“Luan Yiwei! Chase!”

Jia Hong looked back and saw hundreds of Luan Yiwei chasing behind him!

In the palace, a chase drama was staged in various palaces。

Jia Hong rides a Yushuang Snow Rabbit and navigates the red walls with ease, like a swimming dragon.。

Luan Yiwei's horses can't keep up with the Yushuang Snow Rabbit! I can only shoot arrows from a distance, but my accuracy is very poor!

The infantry guarding the horse were completely dispersed with just one impact!

But when Jia Hong touched his forehead, Liu Ya was injured!

“I'm not done with Luan Yiwei!”


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