Jia Hong simply put on a mask。

With a pinch on the horse's belly, it galloped towards the eunuch's residence where Yuhuatian was!


Inside the house, Yuhuatian flew out after hearing the words!

“The slave has met the prince!”

Jia Hong put away the BMW and the two of them jumped to the roof. At this time, Luan Yiwei could not hurt him.。

“Where is Prince Zhong!”

“Your Majesty, you should be in the Zichen Palace at this time!”

“Go find the whereabouts of the Supreme Emperor!”

At this time, the Zhenxi Army at the palace gate was attacking the palace.。

Jia Hong flew towards Zichen Palace。

Jumping to the green tiles of Zichen Hall, Jia Hong raised his hand to gather strength and broke through the roof with one blow!


At this time, all the civil and military officials in Zichen Hall were horrified!

“Someone come! Guard!”

“Luan Yiwei!”

However, the main force of Luan Yiwei is intercepting the Zhenxi Army.。

There are only a few hundred people left in the hall!

Jia Hong jumped into the Zichen Hall。

All civil and military officials were completely shocked! They all started to rustle!

“King of Zhenxi!”

“Why did King Zhenxi come?”

Jia Hong drew out his sword and pointed it out, shouting: "Prince Zhong!!"”

On the dragon chair, Prince Zhong was so shaken that he raised his hand and said: "Luan Yiwei, Luan Yiwei!”

“Come on, catch this traitor! Attack the palace for no reason!”

“This is rebellion, rebellion! !”

“Hahaha! Jia Hong suddenly laughed and said wildly: "Where is the Supreme Emperor!"”

“Why are you preventing me from entering the city?”

“And why not send troops to collect the defeated troops in the garrison!”

“Today your loyal prince will ascend the throne! What a legitimate name!”

More than a hundred Luan Yi guards surrounded Jia Hong, but there was no fear in his eyes!

“Anguo Mansion has served as a soldier for generations, hoping for peace in Anguo!”

“We will eat all the liver, gallbladder and intestines of the Xiongnu, and we will not let the barbarians enter the pass again!”

“How are you, Prince Zhong!”

“National crisis at hand! But he closed the city gates and sought a golden throne! This treachery is a grave crime that harms the country!”

“Tomorrow the Moxi army will approach the city!”

“What reckless coward dares to go into battle and kill the enemy!”

“Who dares to stop me! Who dares to kill me!”

When the golden armor is applied to the face, it looks like there is a demon god underneath!

The awe-inspiring evil aura completely shocked Luan Yiwei!

No one dares to take action!

Prince Zhong was horrified and pointed: "You, what do you mean by your awe-inspiring righteousness!”

“You are not the only general in the Wu Dynasty! presumptuous!”

“Give it all to me! Kill the King of Zhenxi!”

Jia Hong glanced away。

“Give me your life!”

After Jia Hong shouted loudly,。

Luan Yiwei ignored Prince Zhong's command again! Make way for each other。


“Do not kill me!”

Jia Hong stepped down, not giving Prince Zhong any chance to escape, and wiped off his head with a sword.。

The heads fell to the ground, and all the civil and military officials were shocked and silent!

Discuss Prince Tadashi’s enthronement!

Discuss moving the capital to Jinling!

But there was no discussion on how to defeat the thieves!

What happened today is enough to put Prince Zhong on the pillar of shame!

At this time, Yuhuatian carried the Supreme Emperor into the main hall.。

“It's the Supreme Emperor!”

“See the Great Emperor!”

Zhen Yan was so angry that his veins popped out。

“These national thieves and cowards! He was actually making fun of Shi San!”

When Jia Hong saw Zhen Yan walking into the main hall, he cupped his hands and said, "See the Supreme Emperor."。”

Zhen Yan had mixed emotions and sighed: "Thank you for your hard work, my dear."。”

Jia Hong only nodded slightly and let Zhen Yan take charge of the overall situation.。

It would be a lie to say that Jia Hong did not want to be emperor。

But at this moment, the Moxi army broke through and entered, becoming an emperor under siege?

Who wants to be responsible for this shit! Only someone with a brain like Prince Zhong would be happy。

What if the Wu Dynasty moved its capital to Jinling?

Not to mention occupying his base area, will he launch a Northern Expedition in the future?

There are two Songs to learn from, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Want to tear down the entire Central Plains dynasty and give half of it to Moxi?

This is a hammer!

Not long after, Zhen Yan summoned all loyal ministers to。

Among them, when Zhen Yan died, the Rong Mansion Council that Zi Chen rebelled against。

What shocked Jia Hong was that the old man even called his wife Jia Yuanchun to come over and sort out the records!

There is also the old man Jia He in the family, who is in charge of the nine gates.。

And Jia Hong needs to lead the Western Army and leave Changping Juyongguan in the north! The general who is the commander-in-chief of the front line!

As the grandfather and grandson walked out of the hall, Jia Hong worriedly asked: "Old ancestor, what are you causing trouble at this time?”

Jia He is dressed in golden armor. Although his hair is gray, he is still majestic.。

He snorted: "Young boy, why do I, Jia He, need you to direct me in my actions?”

“Things are happening over and over again in the Nine Gates, the Supreme Emperor is worried!”

“What about sister! "Jia Hong laughed angrily.。

Jia Yuanchun smiled and said: "I am only in the court, and I will not leave the city! What are you worried about?"”

“What's more, it turned out that there was Feng Yatou and her aunt in the house who even transported food!”

“I asked Ping'er, Ruizhu, and Rana to mobilize and organize the Xue family's team to help North Korea transport food and logistics!”

“When your husband goes out to fight, we will transport food to feed you! How can we just watch and wait!”

When Jia Hong heard this, he couldn't help but feel sad.。

Regardless of the old lady's presence, Jia Hong hugged her and kissed her passionately.。

After a while, Jia Yuanchun said softly: "Pay more attention! There are many people waiting for you at home!”

“Okay - I'll go first then。”

“good! come back earlier!”

Having said that, Jia Hong stopped talking and went to the front of the palace to summon the Yushuang Snow Rabbit.。


Arriving in front of the palace gate, Xuanjia Army and Yulin Army had already stopped fighting.。

The ground was so miserable that most of them were the corpses of Luan Yiwei.。

Jia Hong raised his sword and pointed, "Go to war!”

“Tap tap tap!”

The rumble of the cavalry came out of the palace and went along the streets of Tianjing.。

At the gate of Tianjing City, two thousand people from the Pingnan Army and logistics were gathered, and then they rushed to Changping!


to Changping。

Because the emperor was captured in the dust, all the nine divisions were dejected.。

Jia Hong led four thousand elites and said, "The King of Zhenxi is here!”

“Where is Changping's defense?”

After giving the order, all the soldiers raised their heads and climbed up from the female wall to watch!

“King of Zhenxi! It’s the King of Zhenxi who is here!”

“What an elite teacher! It’s really shameful!”

Not long after, Jia Hong saw Sun Shou Bei coming, and he couldn't help but smile: "Master Shou Bei, I haven't seen you for a few years!”

“Your Majesty! " Sun Shoubei felt deeply in his heart。

The former subordinate, Mr. Qian, is now the king of the county and the commander! He is truly a heroic boy!

“Sun Wuyong obeys the order!”

“The official is here!”

“Prepare the garrison troops and horses! Gather the scattered troops nearby!”

“Send out five hundred people to protect the logistics supply team along the way!”

“Without my instructions, you are not allowed to leave the border to fight without permission!”

“Then send the order to Huairou to garrison and prepare, and give the same instructions!”

“Yes, as ordered!”

But before Sun Wuyong could leave, the rumble of horse hooves shouting for death came from Huailai!

That was the location where Emperor Hongchang was captured! How tragic was the fighting that day!

At this time, there must be 10,000 Moxi troops rushing through the pass!

All the defenders were immediately demoralized. Even Sun Wu used his legs to fight and almost led his troops to escape!

Jia Hong shouted, "Changping army listens to the order! The archers are ready to fight!!”

“Jia Changping! Lead the southern army's infantry and resist the horses! Form a phalanx, shoot with muskets, bows and arrows!”

“Zhenxi Army Cavalry! Exit!”

After hearing this rebuke, the Changping garrison's blood rushed to the sky, and there was a sense of fighting spirit.。

At this time, Jia Hong led two thousand Zhenxi troops out of Juyong Pass.。

After applying golden armor to his face, Jia Hong took out his armor-piercing bow, fired an arrow and exploded the arrow, saying: "Kill the enemy!”

“Yulin Army! Around the flanks!”

“Xuanjia Army! charge!”

In full view of the garrisoned troops, the 2,000-strong Zhenxi Army merged into a torrent of 10,000 people.。

The leading white horse general was like white lightning, like a silver spear with cold light. When he charged, he wrenched out a piece of blood mist, and the Desert West army was directly torn into two pieces!

One side thrust diagonally at the Juma of the Pingnan Army. When they rushed to the Juma, the roar of muskets continued!

Another side was intercepted by the Yu Lin cavalry who circled to the flank, like two beasts colliding and wrestling together!

Sun Shoubei suddenly came to his senses, "Changping Defense Army! Bows and arrows!”

The setting sun was like blood, and the 10,000-man Moxi Army was so killed that it was completely defeated and had nowhere to escape!

The black black armor cavalry slowly returned to the city。

The defenders and Sun Wuyong watched the white horse completely turn into a "blood rabbit", among which the masked general looked like a god.。

Everyone was completely shocked!

“Won! What a victory!”

“Kill and retreat! Kill and retreat!”

“King of Zhenxi! King of Zhenxi!”

In an instant, the soldiers garrisoned in Changping burst into loud cheers!


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