to the next day。

Jia Hong woke up in the military tent。

Sun Wuyong came to report the battle situation!


“Clean the battlefield position, fight Chang Ping, and kill six thousand enemies! There are more than two thousand war horses and pack horses gathered!”

“The Pingnan Army suffered two hundred casualties! The Zhenxi Army...eighty!”

The more Sun Wu said, the more shocked he became! Elite, this Zhenxi Army deserves to be the elite of the Wu Dynasty!

His hands trembled and he continued: "The troops retreating from Yanqing have gathered about two thousand infantry and soldiers in the pass!”

“Huairou garrisoned and gathered 3,000 people, half of whom were logistics personnel.。”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said: "Send a team of cavalry to report the victory quickly! Then send the message to Jia Changzhu, Jia Changlu and Jia Changwei from the Beijing Guard Camp!”

“The gathered Wu Dynasty army collapsed and separated the logistics personnel. All returned to the capital warehouse to transport grain and grass!”

“The gathered war horses and pack horses formed a logistics team to leave the customs!”

Sun Wuyong cupped his hands and said: "Yes, general!”

Then, the messengers rushed to spread the news to Tianjing!

“Good news, good news!”

“Retreat thousands of enemies from Juyongguan outside Tianjing City!”

“A great victory by killing six thousand people!”

For a time, the minds of the people in the city completely calmed down.。

“King Zhenxi is the one who calms people down!”

“In just a few days, they defeated the enemy as soon as they arrived in Changping!”

“Do you know how many people the Zhenxi Army has? Two thousand!”

“Hum! What do you know about military strategists? Soldiers are more valuable than their essence!”

After this battle, the haze of Emperor Hongchang being captured was cleared away.。

All over the city, because of the presence of King Zhenxi, the people suddenly felt at ease.。

Originally, Xiaoxiao occasionally took the opportunity to steal chickens and dogs, but now she didn't dare to mess around.。

“Good news, good news!”

The messenger came to the palace


“Outside Juyongguan, there are two thousand Zhenxi troops, two thousand Pingnan troops, and one thousand Changping troops!”

“Repulse the enemy with 10,000 cavalry! Kill six thousand heads! Gather two thousand war horses!”

“Another 3,000 Lifu cooks' logistics troops have retreated from Changping and handed over to the logistics to transport weapons and supplies!”

After the news spread, all the officials wiped away the melancholy on their faces.。

“As expected, the divine soldiers descended from heaven, and the country’s warriors were unparalleled!”

“This King of the West is really helping the building collapse!”

“If we hadn't entered the palace the day before yesterday, I'm afraid we would still be arguing about the issue of establishing a new emperor!”

“well! "Zhen Yan was relieved!

“Everyone, discussion!”

“Your Majesty, in the granary of today's capital, Emperor Hongchang brought half of the grain and grass with him during the expedition! Now we need to step up mobilization from all over the country。”

“Tiannan Prefecture and Zunhua Prefecture have sent out fast horses to hurry up, and it will take five or six days to arrive!”

“Return to the Supreme Emperor! Jia Yuanchun raised his hand and said, "There has been a caravan coming from Hejian recently, and we have asked people to transport food." It can solve an urgent need. Five or six days is not a problem!”

Zhen Yan was overjoyed, "Okay, okay!”

“The king of Zhenxi needs to allocate a few soldiers from the Jingwei camp. Which general can temporarily take over the position to ensure public security in the city?”

“I am willing to serve! "A military attache said。

Just because Emperor Hongchang's 80,000 troops came out of the border, all available generals were transferred to the main army.。

It is also impossible to completely mobilize the garrison in various places, and generals at all levels are still needed to command pass and city defenses.。

At this time, another messenger came。


“The Moxi army has two more armies attacking from different directions!”

“Among them, there were 10,000 people outside Huairou Pass, and another 3,000 Qingqi appeared in the Wenyu River and Tongzhou areas!”

At this time, all the ministers in the DPRK were shocked。

“Isn’t it time to arrive in Tianjing soon?”

“What should we do!”

When the officials of the Manchu Dynasty looked uncertain, Jia He stood up and said: "Wei Chen is willing to lead the troops!”

“Three thousand people are probably the vanguard! On the one hand, there is nothing to fear, and on the other hand, there are still 10,000 Tianjing Imperial Guards!”

“This time the Moxi Army in Huairuan and Tongzhou may be feigning an attack, in order to attract the attention of the Zhenxi Army!”

“The Zhenxi Army and his party should be handed over to the Zhenxi King to act according to the situation, instead of repeatedly dispatching them in vain!”

“Please also ask the Supreme Emperor to allow me to lead five thousand people to test the depth!”

He is still leading troops in battle at the age of seventy!

In an instant, everyone was in awe of the old man!

It's okay to stick to Tianjing City and not leave, but are you afraid of the vanguard of 3,000 people?

This obviously hurts morale!

The old man wanted to repel the small force that was feinting to attack, but he also wanted to ensure that Jia Hong's bayonet could be thrust out!

Zhen Yan looked at the white-haired Jia He. Their eyes met, which made Zhen Yan's eyes feel hot.。


“It is not advisable to fight for a long time! Retreat to the capital at any time!”

“Yes, I am listening to my orders! "After Jia He cupped his hands, he left the Zichen Hall quietly.。

And the rear of Tianjing City was operating in an orderly manner.。

Zhenxi Army rests for two days。

Jia Hong sent Jia Changlu and led an army of two thousand to rush to Huairou Pass.。

Then he personally led 6,000 people out of Juyongguan。


Two days later, on May 1。

The Zhenxi Army arrived at Huailai and gathered hundreds of defeated Wu Dynasty troops.。

After the reorganization, all supplies of food and grass were ready。

Jia Changlu's two thousand troops returned, and the Moxi army in Huairou and Tongzhou feigned an attack and retreated.。

May 3。

Jia Hong led 10,000 people to advance to the security guard at noon.。

During this period, the gathered 6,000 people were equipped with armor and weapons.。

On the morning of May 5th, we arrived at Xuanhua Mansion。

At noon, the reconnaissance cavalry sent back the message。


“It was detected that the enemy had gathered a large force of 20,000!”

“Coming towards the Xuanhua garrison!”


Hearing this, Jia Hong issued the command。

“Jia Changlu, stay behind and garrison Xuanhua! The artillery is loaded and shot immediately!”

“Jia Changwei leads a thousand riders and a thousand steps! Ensure the logistics team along the way and exit Xuanhua and Huailai as soon as possible!”

“Yes, General!”

“Jia Changping, lead three thousand steps! Advance to one mile outside the garrison and set up a defensive horse and phalanx!”

“Jia Changzhu, leading five hundred Yulin riders! Accompany them to ensure the advancement of the Pingnan Army!”

“Yes, General!”

Several subordinates all went down to make arrangements, and all of a sudden the war drums and horns of each team sounded.。

“Boom, boom, boom!”


Under the command of Jia Hong, the Wu Dynasty army began to organize their troops in a clear manner.。

at the same time。

From the Yanghe River area, when the river was rushing, the iron cavalry of the Desert West Army rumbled in!

There was a cold light among them, and at first glance they looked like well-equipped heavy armored cavalry!


The artillery roared inside the Xuanhua Garrison!

After the three thousand troops led by Jia Changping were in position, they also fired the artillery!

“Zhenxi Army! Jia Hong drew out his long knife and waved, "Charge!"”

Suddenly, the Xuanjia Cavalry and Yulin Cavalry under his command came out following the order, following Jia Hong's Jade Frost Snow Rabbit galloping!

“Hahaha! The Wu Dynasty army is trying to laugh me to death!”

“A thousand people dare to attack a team of 20,000 people!”

Next to Moxi Khan, the military attachés and generals couldn't help but taunt him.。

“Moxi Army, kill! "The Great Khan waved his sword and said!

Suddenly, the former army and the Zhenxi army collided!


Jia Hong clamped his horse's belly and brandished a long knife in his hand!

With one strike, he immediately blocked a cavalryman from his waist and killed him!

The strength in his hand did not diminish, and even the cavalry behind him was not spared with a single swing!

“uh uh uh——”

The desert wind is high and the snow hare is howling! Suddenly the white horse was dyed red rabbit again!


The rumbling iron cavalry charged in. The team led by Jia Hong did not break up at all, but directly opened a hole in the Desert West army!

After a charge, Moxi Khan's forehead popped out with veins!

“Be bold!”

The Great Khan of Moxi led his troops to pursue him on horseback!

“What a beautiful general!”

“Whoever catches this man will be rewarded with a night of pleasure! Reward a thousand taels of gold!”

When the Moxi Hu people heard this, their eyes turned fierce and they stared at the leader Jia Hong.。

Jia Hong naturally heard the nonsense and put a mask on his hand.。

“The King of Zhenxi is here! Let's see who can catch me!”

After a roar, Jia Hong's arm muscles bulged, he waved his long knife with both hands, killed seven or eight people and dismounted from his horse!

After two consecutive charges, the two armies misplaced themselves and widened the distance. Jia Hong's team actually lost ten people.。

Just a moment later, the Moxi Army that covered the mountain was cut into more than ten pieces. Jia Changzhu, Jia Changping and others led the troops to advance in an orderly manner, constantly driving away and nibbling away one by one.。

Half an hour later, Jia Hong stopped his charge and led his cavalry to cruise around and kill the deserted Moxi army!

For a time, the 20,000 soldiers and horses in Moxi were completely defeated. The morale of the rear army was in chaos, and the 10,000 soldiers and horses who came to support did not dare to fight!

As soon as they arrived at the range, they were met with artillery fire from Xuanhua, followed closely by Xuanjia's charge, and finally the elite infantry continued to advance and strangle!

“The Moxi Army retreats!”

After only an hour of fighting, Moxi Khan secretly thought something was wrong!

It is different from the unimpeded journey south from Khovd, and different from Yanghekou where I broke through Datong!

This army is definitely the elite of the Wu Dynasty! The cavalry of the Moxi Army collapsed at the first touch and were unable to compete with them!

At this time, Jia Hong saw the banner of the Moxi Army moving northward and shouted: "Want to retreat? No way!"”

“Xuanjia Army, the whole army is chasing and suppressing!”

Jia Hong shook off the blood on the long knife and took the armor-piercing bow in his hand.。


At this time, Jade Frost Snow Rabbit's speed was pushed to the extreme by Jia Hong。

The people of Moxi were horrified when they saw this lonely hero galloping on the battlefield!

So brave, one man and one horse chased him!

“Personal guard! Stop him! "Moxi Khan shouted。

However, Jia Hong had no intention of fighting for a long time. He drew his bow one after another and shot more than ten arrows in just one breath!



After all the intercepting cavalry were dealt with, Jia Hong narrowed his eyes and raised his hand with an arrow!

The armor-piercing arrows passed through the thousands of troops and hit the most conspicuous Moxi Khan under the banner with one blow!


“Thump thump!”

For a moment, the head of Moxi Khan exploded and rolled down the horse!

“Sweat profusely!”

The 10,000-strong Moxi army that was escaping was suddenly in a state of chaos. They were in a state of chaos, with their men and their horses overturned.。

When everyone saw that the Great Khan was dead and the pursuers were approaching, each general led his own soldiers to escape, and suddenly they divided into five or six teams.。


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