“Xuanjia Army! Chase! " Jia Hong ordered after reining in his horse!

At this time, after killing the Moxi Khan, the morale of the Moxi Army had already plummeted!

Jia Hong let out a long sigh after dismounting and saw the body of Moxi Khan.。

“snort! I want to steal your wife? Dream on!”

Not long after, the teams led by Jia Changzhu and Jia Changping were surrounded and strangled separately.。

It was not until early in the morning that this Moxi army was completely wiped out.。

“stop! Don't kill me, I am Emperor Hongchang, I am the Emperor!”

Jia Hong looked up blankly and saw a middle-aged man half-kneeling in the distance, wearing white clothes and linen clothes. He looked really miserable.。

“Ah - I conveniently saved another emperor.……”Jia Hong thought unhappily and sent a team of soldiers to send the emperor back to Tianjing.。


Tianjing City。

The messengers were accompanied by the spring breeze and horse hooves were rushing through the city.。

“Good news, good news!”

“The Zhenxi Army retreated from Moxi's 30,000-strong army! The King of Zhenxi, shoot the Great Khan of Moxi!”

“good news……”

Suddenly, huge cheers erupted in Tianjing City。

“He really is the King of Zhenxi, so awesome!”

“Unbelievable, unbelievable! This was less than ten years in total!”

“With the power of one person, the world can be reversed! It’s really shocking!”

“Who will decide the world's peace? I will be the king of the West with the help of outstanding people!”

Immediately afterwards, the messenger troops came in from Tianjing Street and rushed into the imperial city.。


“The Zhenxi Army retreated from Moxi's 30,000-strong army! Kill 20,000 enemies!”

“The King of Zhenxi shot the Great Khan of Moxi with his own hands!”



Suddenly, a thunder exploded in Manchao Wenwu's head。

The Great Khan of Moxi...is dead!

Zhen Yan stood up slowly and said tremblingly: "Say it again, say it again!”

The ordering soldier was shocked and had to give the battle report again.。

At this time, Zhen Yan's eyes were filled with gleaming light, shocking! And emotion!

Decades ago, he personally conquered Moxi and shot the great Khan of Moxi with his own hands!

“Good boy! "Zhen Yan was overjoyed!

“Your Majesty, I think that once the Great Khan dies, the tribes in the western desert will be in chaos! You should start your counterattack after preparations!”

“The Zhenxi and Zhenyuan lines can directly attack Dihua and take the main north-south roads of Tianshan Mountain! After the capital army is ready, they will regain Khovd and then enter Iri!”

“Directly and completely cripple the Moxi Khanate!”

Zhen Yan waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay!”

“My dear friends, start your counterattack immediately! Order Zhao Fangyong, Wang Ziteng and other officials to take up their posts immediately!”

“Promote a series of generals such as Jia Changzhu! The Ministry of War will immediately start dispatching!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Originally, during the battle between Chang Ping, Zhen Yan was happy, but at the same time, she was inevitably melancholy.。

In the battle of Khovd, thousands of elite soldiers were killed and wounded, and more than ten generals were killed.。

Now in the battle of Huailai, only half of the 80,000 soldiers in the capital are left!

The key is, even Emperor Hongchang was captured. Can the people under his command survive?

But these worries are nothing at all in light of the news of Moxi Khan's death!

The Zhenxi Army killed the main force of Moxi to such a degree that even the Great Khan died!

No one has gone to pick peaches yet, are the other generals of the Wu Dynasty pigs?


Followed closely, May 8th。

Jia Hong detached the capital army to clean up the battlefield, and then led the Zhenxi Army and the Pingnan Army to march westward.。

Along the Huaiyuan, Tiancheng, Yanghe, and Datong roads, clear out the Moxi soldiers who stayed behind and occupied the garrison and those who fled and were alone.。

At the end of the month, he returned to the capital。

After the entire Tianjing battle。

The 80,000-strong outgoing army led by Emperor Hongchang were defeated, with 40,000 casualties and 40,000 casualties.。

As for the armies led by Jia Hong, the Zhenxi Army suffered 200 casualties, the Pingnan Army suffered 500 casualties, and the Reinforcement Army suffered more than 1,000 casualties.。

But during this period, Jia Hong's team strangled nearly 40,000 Moxi troops and forcibly tied the situation between the two sides!

He even killed the Moxi Great Khan in one blow, giving the Wu Dynasty a good opportunity to counterattack!

When returning along the Great Wall, the soldiers stationed everywhere were in high morale and cheering.。

When Jia Hong arrived at Tianjing City, several more salutes were fired at Andingmen, making it as lively as a festival.。

“The King of Zhenxi, the King of Zhenxi!”

The Nine Gates Forbidden Army, who had been repeatedly instructed by the admiral to behave like monsters, could not help shouting the name of King Zhenxi at this time.。

Then, the Zhenxi Army entered Tianjing Street, and people everywhere beat gongs and drums and lined the streets to welcome them.。

All men, women and children of all ages walked out of their homes to see the beauty of the beauty general and the majesty of the god general!

“Look, look, look! The King of Zhenxi is back!”

“good! This battle was fought mightily! Look at the Zhenxi Army, one or two, they are elite and arrogant!”

“If you ask me, King Zhenxi is still more powerful! You heard it, one arrow! He killed the Great Khan of Moxi with one arrow!”

“The unparalleled Anguo Divine Bow! Generals from generation to generation have good shooting skills!”

“This general is so handsome, even prettier than my daughter!”

“So mighty! I heard no, he was the one who rescued the emperor!”

For a time, wherever Jia Hong and the Zhenxi Army passed by, the people were all jubilant.。

Jia Hong rode the Yushuang Snow Rabbit and walked in the front, and he was even more popular.。

Countless girls looked sideways, or secretly expressed their feelings.。

Jia Hong waved and smiled。

Countless girls fell on the spot, as if an arrow had been hit in their hearts, and their faces turned red like newlyweds.。

When we arrived at Zhenxi Street, the Rongning and Ningfus also opened their doors and held a guard of honor, with firecrackers and suonas blasting in unison!

“Look, King Zhenxi is smiling at me!”

“Wow - what a wonderful person, how can there be such a good-looking man in the world!”

“The key, the key is so powerful! So handsome, so handsome!”

“If you marry him, you will be extremely happy!”

“What are you daydreaming about with two little hooves?”

“Don't look at his wife!”

In the Rongning and Ning mansions, the ladies and maids are noisy.。

Jia Hong just smiled and walked into the Zhenxi Prince's Mansion not long after.。

“Your Majesty!”

“Master Hong!”

After Jia Hong smiled at his family, he said to Jia Changzhu and the others: "Bring the army into the school and hand over the Pingnan army."。”

“Yes, my lord!”

After saying that, Jia Hong walked to the door of the palace。

For a moment, all the ladies in the mansion gathered around。

Ping'er said with concern: "Are you hurt?”

Jia Hong grinned and said: "No problem!”

“Daddy! "Second sister Nuonuo shouted。

Jia Hong hugged his daughter and said with a smile: "Baby girl! Come on, give her a kiss!”

“Wooden ah!”

“I want to hug daddy too! "The eldest sister shouted。

Jia Hong was amused for a while, and walked into the house with a daughter in his arms.。

Seeing that Ruizhu Ranna and Su'e Chanjuan were both there, Jia Hong said again: "Where is Sister Chun?”

“She is still busy in the palace! Ping'er smiled and said, "Su'e Chanjuan and I have to go to the Xue family's shop soon!"”

“Knowing that it was you who was coming back, I got busy and came over to greet you!”

Jia Hong smiled brightly and said: "That's all right, go ahead and get busy! Don't pay attention to me!”

He kissed them one by one, making the ladies' faces look like peach blossoms, and after snoring in annoyance, they went to work.。

Seeing them leaving, Jia Hong walked into the house with his two daughters in his arms.。

After walking through the front of the mansion and entering the Qing'an Hall in the back garden, Jia Hong sat down and let out a long sigh - after all, he was still more comfortable at home!

When Jia Hong got tired of playing with his two daughters, he asked his maid to take them back to their room to sleep.。

He was sitting in Qing'an Hall, thinking about things。

“I don’t know, what can I gain this time?”

Even if it is just to relieve the siege of Tianjing, this contribution is already huge!

Not to mention that the Wu Dynasty could break up the Moxi Khanate again in one go!

The places Jia Hong could think of were the Admiral of Jiumen, the Admiral of Gyeonggi, the Admiral of Ganzhou, or the Governor of Liangjiang.。

If Emperor Hongchang is timid, he might be asked to take charge of Jiumen or Gyeonggi.。

Among them, the grade of the Gyeonggi Admiral is higher.。

But after Wang Ziteng was promoted, there have been problems with the Jiumen officials for two consecutive terms.。

Since the founding of Emperor Long, the Nine Gates have been handed over to the family of King Jia Shi and Xue.。

Except for Jia Hong, no one among the four is qualified now.。

When he was appointed as the admiral of Ganzhou, he was promoted to a senior military officer in the northwest, allowing Jia Hong to continue his campaign in the northwest.。

But the Battle of Tianjing directly strangled the main force of Moxi. If this battle is decided quickly, it will basically be overwhelming!

Jia Hong felt that it was unnecessary to send him again in this battle.。

The governor of Liangjiang is also simple. The most important thing is the imperial envoy from Jiangnan and his party. The investigation of the salt affairs has not been completed yet.。

Under the system reward, Jia Hong got another Hujiang Jiedu Envoy!

Putting the two rivers under Jia Hong's management can also better allocate resources!

“Lets see! Emperor Hong Chang and Old Man Zhen have really different styles.。”


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