at this time。

In the palace, Emperor Hongchang still had lingering fears in his bedroom.。

The emperor of the Wu Dynasty has always had a precedent of personally conducting military campaigns.。

What's more, the generals he brought under his command from the Gyeonggi Admiralty were also very experienced.。

Who would have thought that the right time and place were not as favorable as the people's? During the personal expedition, two heavy rains and the disadvantages of the stationed terrain directly led to the defeat!

Eighty thousand people could not defeat the 40,000 Moxi army!

What's even worse is that because he left the customs in a hurry and Prince Zhong deliberately stumbled him, the logistics and supplies could not keep up, resulting in continuous defeats along the way!

The army retreated all the way from Huailai to Datong. When they finally returned, their morale was greatly reduced. They walked and ran away, but were caught by the Moxi army again!

awful! awful! awful!

Emperor Hongchang repeatedly raised his eyebrows. Ever since he became the successor emperor, nothing good has happened!

Even his thirteenth brother, who originally supported him, actually took advantage of this moment to cause destruction. He was really not afraid of becoming a criminal in history!

“The Emperor has arrived!”

Just as Emperor Hongchang was reminiscing, the Supreme Emperor came。

“See Father! "Zhen Xie hurriedly left the imperial study room to greet him.。

Zhen Yan waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay. It's good to come back. Now it will get better after a few days of rest. While Hong Xiaozi comes back, those generals will be punished as they deserve and rewarded as they deserve!"”

Zhen Xie responded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Of course it is! Jia Hong turned the tide and rescued me. He also killed the Moxi Khan in one fell swoop, giving the Wu Dynasty a chance to counterattack.。”

“Even though my father is rest assured, his reward will naturally not be withheld!”

Zhen Yan sat down slowly and sighed: "The Anguo Mansion is full of loyal people, don't neglect them, don't make them feel cold."。”

Zhen Xie took the document and handed it over, "Father, this is the list I gave to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.。”

Zhen Yan took the page and asked strangely: "Governor of Liangjiang? Why?。”

“Father, I have naturally thought about this matter for a long time! " Emperor Hongchang said。

“First of all, now that Zhao Fangyong and Wang Ziteng have all been appointed and prepared, a series of powerful generals have naturally been promoted for the Western Expedition!”

“Secondly, Jia Hong’s imperial mission to the south of the Yangtze River has not yet been completed. In addition, Hujiang has great potential, so I thought that I should take charge of it.。”

The Supreme Emperor nodded solemnly and said: "I thought you would be afraid and put him in Tianjing. In this case, let's call back Jia He, an old minister.。”

Zhen Yan laughed angrily: "He is two or three years younger than me, but now it seems he can still fight!”

“Jia Laochen——”Zhen Xie pondered for a moment。

Zhen Yan waved his hand and said: "While you were captured, he personally led the troops and repelled thousands of people who were feinting to attack.。”

“You still don’t understand about the Nine Gates? It’s not about how brave you are, it’s about loyalty and trustworthiness!”

“If all the brothers disapprove of you, who else will you choose?”

Zhen Xie's brows jumped when he heard this, "Okay! Got it!"”

Then, the Supreme Emperor shook his head again and said, "Give that boy another title, let's make him a prince - just call him - King Zhongshun!!!”

Emperor Hongchang's expression froze, "Although Jia Hong has great achievements, he has been promoted successively.……”

The Supreme Emperor waved his hand and said, "You still don't understand?”

“Mr. Hong can rush into the palace to save me, and can kill Shisan. You are afraid that his great skills will overwhelm the master, and he will be rebellious. Don’t you know that all he needs to do to kill you is a single sword strike.。”

“It is easy to kill you, and it is also easy to kill any Zhen family member. It’s just that I care about the world and don’t want the world to be in chaos!”

“He also cherishes feathers, and has been a loyal minister and good general in Anguo Mansion for generations. Unless you push him to the edge, a foolish and evil monarch, at that point, he will jump out and go against the wishes of his ancestors.。”

Emperor Hongchang opened his mouth slightly and suddenly breathed out。

Yes - on the day Jia Hong killed Prince Zhong, he could have completely cleaned the palace.。

However, the Wu Dynasty was a large country and the Zhen family had been in business for many years. If Jia Hong suddenly became the emperor, some people might not be convinced.。

In this way, the world will inevitably be in chaos, and the Central Plains Dynasty will inevitably fall into a warlord melee!

“I understand, I am so narrow-minded! " Emperor Hongchang said with emotion。

The Supreme Emperor nodded repeatedly, "As long as you understand. With this good bow for An Guo, why worry about the world not being peaceful?"”

“Oh - I heard that he doesn't want the Grand View Garden, so Jia Zheng should build the Hujiang River.。”

“Yes, Father!”

“Let Jia Zheng build a garden in Hujiang. I will go south to visit when I have time.。”



a few days later。

Xia Shouzhong came out of the palace。

Along the way, the ceremonial guards beat gongs and drums, attracting countless people from Tianjing to watch.。

“This is to go to the Zhenxi Prince’s Mansion for a reward, right?”

“You can be promoted to a higher position every three days! So cool!”

“There is a reason why King Zhenxi is so bullish!”

“Last year the savior rode alone, this year the savior came from thousands of armies, and he took the head of the Great Khan of Moxi!”

“That’s it! Who in the world can do it? Who else?”

When the people of Tianjing City learned that it was the team that was awarded the title of King of Zhenxi, they shouted loudly and even lit firecrackers for a while.。

Even Xia Shouzhong is weak, he has never been so popular!

“This Zhenxi King is truly unparalleled in the limelight! More importantly, he is deeply loved by the people!”

Not long after, Xia Shouzhong's big car arrived at Zhenxi Street.。

At the archway in the west of the city, the surrounding princes and ministers couldn't help but become curious.。

Last time, I made an exception and directly sealed the title of county king. How else can I be granted the title?

And in the west of the city today, how many daughters are sexless!

She keeps making noises every day to marry the King of Zhenxi, but she won’t marry him!

She doesn't look like a girl at all!

It is also striking that the matchmaker Xi Po has been sent to visit the Zhenxi Prince's Mansion!

Among the many princes, only the Zhen family and King Beijing were censored by Jia Hong because of the imperial envoy from Jiangnan. They were quite unhappy after hearing the news.。


At this time, the family members of the royal family came to the Fuchi Patio of the South Hall.。

Jia Hong greeted Xia Shouzhong and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Interior Minister."。”

Xia Shouzhong said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, you are so polite! It's natural for a slave to work hard, and it's a slave's blessing to give you the good news!"”

After the greetings, Xia Shouzhong took out the imperial edict and read out:

“According to the imperial edict, the emperor was ordered to carry his fortune to heaven.——”

“Jia Hong, the king of Zhenxi County and the commander of the Jingwei Camp. The bravery and bravery of our dynasty are unparalleled, and the country's soldiers are unparalleled!”

“In the battle of Tianjing, he retreated the Moxi army, killed the Moxi Khan, and was rescued by tens of thousands of troops, helping the building to collapse!”

“Now he is named King Zhongshun!”

“Give Hujiang Mansion 100,000 acres of fertile land!”

“All the royal concubines:”

“Mrs. Wang, be granted the title of First-class Princess!”

“The Qin family is granted the title of second-grade royal concubine!”

“Jia family, be granted the title of second-grade royal concubine!”

“Ermin clan, be granted the title of second-grade royal concubine!”

“Mrs. Wang, be granted the title of Princess Xian of the Third Rank!”


At this time, Jia Hong was stunned。

King Zhongshun? ? ?

Jia Hong was a little confused for a moment。

I am disloyal and disobedient! It was so easy to save Emperor Hongchang!

Jia Hong originally thought that he and Concubine Jia were inexplicably close to each other in Jiangnan.。

In my heart, I wish that Emperor Hongchang would die.……

While everyone was celebrating, Jia Hong heard a sound in his ear.。

“Ding! Confess King Zhongshun! Cutting off successfully!”

“Congratulations! Reward attribute points*18!”

“Congratulations! A steelmaking plant can be upgraded! !”

“Congratulations! Reward hybrid rice mother seeds! Note: The yield per mu is two thousand catties! Several times the rice variety of Wu Dynasty! !”


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