After coming out of Heqing Hall。

Jia Hong thought for a moment, then walked out of the mansion, preparing to visit Rong Mansion.。

This trip to the south of the Yangtze River to build Hujiang Mansion。

Jia Hong also asked Emperor Hongchang for Jia Zheng。

In the original work, Jia Zheng is said to be quite pedantic and old-fashioned.。

Although Jia Hong doesn’t feel so easy to get along with,。

But at the very least, Jia Zheng did a good job with the Ministry of Industry.。

The palace built for Jia Hong has no problem with its quality and beauty.。

Since he wanted to ask his father-in-law to go down to the Hujiang River, Jia Hong also came over to say hello.。

After a while, Jia Hong walked to the gate of Rongfu on Rongning Street.。

“Your Majesty!”

“Welcome, Your Majesty!”

“Why didn't the prince say anything in advance when he was coming?”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Come and sit wherever you want, is Mr. Zheng here?”

“Sir - this will be at the Yamen。”

“Please wait a moment. I'll just call someone to tell you.。”


After saying that, Jia Hong walked towards the Hall of Rongxi。

As for the inconvenience caused to Jia Zheng, he didn't care so much.。

“Hello, Your Majesty! Jin Chuan came with tea and said, "Your Majesty, please have some tea."。”

“Okay, thank you. " Jia Hong said with a smile.。

Not long after, Jia Zheng did not come, but the sisters from the West Courtyard came over.。

“Brother Hong, Brother Hong!”

“Why did you come without saying a word!”

Tanchun shouted excitedly。

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile and tapped her head, "I just missed you guys, come and see。”

“Pooh! Tan Chun's pretty face turned red, and she pursed her lips and said, "We don't believe what you say."。”

“How long has it been since New Year's Eve? We went to the palace to play and no one was there.。”

“OK! Miss! "The waiter covered his mouth and said with a smile.。

“The prince is a busy man. It turned out that I was going to Jiangnan, but I just came back because of the war a while ago.。”

“Miss, don’t think about it. Without the protection of the prince, we might not be able to protect Tianjing!”

Tan Chun pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Well, you are a servant, I thought if I kissed you on New Year's Eve, you would be all protected now!”

Si Qi, the maid who welcomed the spring, couldn't help but teased: "Miss Third, who kissed me first! It wasn't you!”

“We are just joining in the fun, who think you are serious! Right, Your Majesty!”

Jia Hong waved his hands angrily and said with a smile: "Don't drag me along, I'll be in debt forever."。”

“If I take someone from your house back to the palace again, will your master not show mercy to me?”

Unexpectedly, Jia Hong was joking with a few people。

Jia Yingchun sat directly next to him and Nuonuo shouted: "Brother Hong... I miss you."。”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows, smiled and said: "Yes, you are the one who is sincere?”

At this time, another person came from the West Courtyard。

Yuanyang smiled and said: "It's really the prince who is here! Why are all the ladies running over here?"。”

“I’ve met the prince! The prince is still in the limelight!”

Jia Hong raised his eyes and smiled: "Sister Yuanyang, please be polite. You still have the limelight."。”

“In every mansion, there is no one who doesn’t treat you like a young lady. The old lady likes you very much. Whoever sees you will praise you for being smart and capable.。”

Yuanyang blushed slightly when he heard this, and said with a charming smile: "I can do it, but your ladies can do it! Your prince has such a face and such a mouth! He is really the greatest scourge in the world!”

“alright! The old lady ordered me to come here. She asked if you would like to sit at her place. She said that her legs and feet are inconvenient today. what do you think?”

Jia Hong nodded and smiled, suspecting that she was driving, but there was no evidence.。

He smiled and said: "Of course that's fine, but today I'm looking for Mr. Zheng. After we finish chatting for a while, I'll go visit the old lady again."。”

“Amitabha! Good is good! Yuanyang nodded slowly and said with a smile, "I'll remember that." If you don't come, I will go to the palace to ask for someone!”

“Here you go, Miss Second, Miss Three, Miss Four, let him busy first and call him later!”

“go Go. "Jia Hong raised his hands and said to his sisters, but he also thanked Yuanyang in his heart.。

“She is also a girl with general knowledge. "Jia Hong couldn't help but think of。

At this time, Jia Zheng did not come again.。

I guess they are busy at the Ministry of Industry yamen, so it will take time to come from Qipan Street.。

Unexpectedly, before Jia Zheng arrived, Jia Hong saw his wife Ping'er and several maids coming over.。

“Ping'er? Jia Hong quickly stood up and went to greet her, hugged her and said, "What are you doing in Rong Mansion?"”

Ping'er smacked his hand angrily and said angrily: "You're a slutty little tiger, you're just tossing around at home! There are still cuddles in the Rong Mansion."。”

Jia Hong laughed and said, "Are you used to it? Don't worry about it."。”

Ping'ercong pointed at Jia Hong's forehead, "I'm still used to it!”

“The government didn't find enough people for the fields last year, so I thought I'd call on everyone to pick some people to use.。”

“She has a lot of acquaintances in her family, so we don’t need to run around too much. Originally, Sister Chun was in charge of this manpower matter, but now she often comes in and out of the palace to help raise food and transport food, so I will continue to take care of it for a while.。”

Jia Hong nodded and said: "Okay. Then you can get busy. I'll talk to Mr. Zheng about something."。”

“It is also a matter of Hujiang. Mr. Zheng also sent them there when the time came.。”

“oh——”Ping'er raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Tell me so honestly? I won't eat you."。”

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed angrily, "If you don't eat me, then the little phoenix bird will peck people to death?"”

“After all these years of marrying you, why don't you still get angry with her? She can hold it in her mouth now, but you make her jealous every now and then.。”

“A bottle, a vinegar, a perfect match! Press the gourd and lift the gourd!”

Ping'er pointed at his nose, shook his head and said with a smile: "Who is jealous of you anymore? Oh, let's not talk about it anymore. I'll just quarrel with you and forget about the real thing!"”

“As soon as you come home, I will forget everything! It's better not to come here and recruit me all day long! "Ping'er pinched Jia Hong's waist.。

Jia Hong was so amused that he pounced on her, "Here you go again! Run away after all day long, why don't you run away quickly! Go back to your Wang family today, so as not to say I recruited you again!"”

“I don’t even know who is recruiting whom! You just taught me how to be careless, and now you are being careless again.。”

Ping'er giggled and hurriedly ran away. The two of them flirted and flirted for a while outside the Rongxi Hall.。

The maid in Rong Mansion was so stunned that she laughed, and she naturally envied Ping'er very much in her heart.。


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