Not long after。

Ping'er went to find someone who was relying on everyone.。

Jia Hong was sitting in the Hall of Honor and Happiness。

He thought to himself that this family could be regarded as a talented one thanks to everyone.。

Originally he was just a slave of Rong Mansion。

But starting from Aunt Lai, I saved money by serving the Rong Mansion.。

Now there is another group of servants serving their family down there.。

Among the ladies in the family, Ping'er is the smoothest in dealing with things.。

Regardless of whether she is a maid, a cook, or a lady from another house, getting along with her is like a spring breeze.。

In fact, I don’t blame her for being in constant contact with Lai.。

When Jia Hong was thinking wildly, Jia Zheng came over after a while.。

“Hello, Mr. Zheng. "Jia Hong stood up and said。

“Brother Hong, you're welcome, you're welcome. "Jia Zheng was flattered and said。

After all, he is also his father-in-law, so Jia Hong naturally has no need to hold it。

He got straight to the point and said, "My father-in-law, I want to speak directly to you about the affairs of Hujiang.。”

“I wonder how much money the Rong Mansion raised to build the Grand View Garden?”

Jia Zheng was stunned for a moment and then said awkwardly: "To be honest, all the government can get out is only 400,000 taels."。”

“Among them...nearly half were discounted from the gifts you sent to Yuanchun on New Year's Eve.……”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, I can call you father-in-law. It's not money, so naturally it's just to help Rong Mansion."。”

“After all, it’s hard to disobey the Emperor’s will, but these old accounts were actually incurred by the older generation.。”

“Thank you, thank you! Jia Zheng hurriedly smiled gratefully and said, "My nephew is still thoughtful!" This money will naturally be invested in the Hujiang Mansion according to the emperor's current arrangements.。”

“However, this money is only a drop in the bucket, and the Emperor still wants to build a garden in Hujiang.。”

Jia Hong stood up and said, "Well, let's show Master Zheng something."。”

After that, Jia Hong took out the cement sample from the system, came to the garden of the outer courtyard of Rong Mansion, and called two servants。

Jia Hong introduced: "Master Zheng, this thing is called cement. It can be used for construction."。”

“cement? After hearing this, Jia Zheng said strangely: "But I have never heard of this thing. It looks like ordinary dust."。”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "This cement only needs to be mixed with water and sand to turn into concrete. After pouring and shaping, it only needs to be air-dried for one day to turn into a hard stone!”

“Um! "Jia Zheng was stunned when he heard this, extremely surprised!

“Is this true? How does it turn into hard stone after solidification? Just one day?”

Jia Zheng was so shocked that he couldn't believe it。

Jia Hong said: "It's the same as burning bricks and porcelain. Of course, the hardness is much stronger. If it is supplemented by a steel structure, it will not be a problem to build several floors."。”

“Rebar? ! "Jia Zheng said strangely。

Jia Hong said with a smile: "It's just smelting iron and shaping it into steel bars to provide skeleton support when pouring hard soil."。”

Hearing this, Jia Zheng suddenly realized: "That's the case...but it's possible. Wonderful, wonderful!”

Jia Hong nodded and said: "Now in Hujiang, I have ordered people to build two cement and steel factories. The money invested by Rongfu will be based on the cost price.。”

“We quickly built the foundation of Hujiang, and in the future we will directly rely on the local finance of Hujiang to support it.。”

“Cost, naturally saves a lot of labor, transportation and material costs than wood structures。”

Jia Zheng was very moved after hearing this and thanked him hurriedly: "My nephew is really thoughtful!”

“In this way, I will arrange the drawings of Hujiang Mansion as soon as possible! Things about the garden……”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "The Emperor's matter is not urgent. In the future, when Mr. Zheng is familiar with the materials, it will not be too late to discuss it then."。”

“Another plan I have is to build a three- to five-story low-cost house on the edge of Hujiang City. Cheap selling and renting also make it easy to attract labor to settle in Hujiang.。”

“The purpose of the entire construction work is not to make money, but to consider the people and the long term. Master Yaizheng needs to explore this more!”

When Jia Zheng heard this lofty rhetoric, his passion for literati governing the country was directly aroused.。

He hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "My nephew is really a prince who loves the people! In this case, I naturally have to go all out!”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "What nonsense! Now I still rely on the master for help, how can I know how to repair the house?”

“After the city is built, I think what every common people will be grateful to is Master, what have I done? I'm not sure, I will have to build your statue and Buddhist temple in the future!”

When Jia Zheng heard this, his eyes almost turned red.。

No matter how pedantic or corrupt an official is, who wouldn't want to do something serious?

Having built houses for princes and ministers for so many years, now Hujiang City has become the most serious thing。

Let the people be grateful, what an achievement!

“Please, Your Majesty, pay me my respects! This matter is indeed much better than building a garden. "Jia Zheng said,。

“no no! Jia Hong hurriedly helped Jia Zheng up and said, "My father-in-law, this is embarrassing me!" If my sister knew about it, she wouldn't be able to point at me and scold me! My family doesn’t have to be like this!”

“I recently stayed in Beijing for a few more months. If you have any ideas, please let me know at any time! We strive to build the first city of the Wu Dynasty!”

“well! "Jia Zheng said with great joy.。

The more he looked at Jia Hong, the more satisfied he became。

The son-in-law is a prince and has a high status, but he is not arrogant at all.。

Use Jia Yuanchun’s dowry to help with finances。

We don’t do any cosmetic projects like gardening, but we do practical things for the country and the people!

Such a son-in-law can't be found even with a lantern!

“Just don’t worry, virtuous son-in-law! "Jia Zheng said seriously: "I have recently stepped up the handover of the matters at hand, and then I will go all out and devote myself to the affairs of Hujiang!”

“Okay, then I’m relieved! " Jia Hong said with a smile.。

The two chatted for a long time. After visiting Jia Mu, Jia Hong left Rong Mansion.。

By the next day。

Jia Zheng went to the courtyard outside his home to check on the cement condition.。

This is what Jia Hong left yesterday. Jia Zheng followed the instructions on the bag and asked the servant to stir it and then water it.。

After checking the solidity of the cement board, Jia Zheng was immediately shocked.。

“This cement material is really a weapon! "Jia Zheng sighed.。

The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became! I hurriedly turned around and went to the Ministry of Industry。


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