
After Jia Hong had eaten, he enjoyed the cool air in the Huxinlou at home.。

All the decorations in this building were designed and directed by Qin Keqing。

Elegant and stylish, full of leisure and leisure。

A separate small attic, usually only Jia Hong and a few ladies come up。

There are also several Western paintings of Venus hanging among them, which look particularly charming.。

After resting for a while, Jia Yuanchun and his maid returned to the house holding the piano.。

“elder sister! "Jia Hong beckoned.。

Jia Yuanchun looked up and saw that it was Jia Hong. After dismissing Baoqin, he smiled and walked up to the Huxin Tower.。

“My dear brother, it’s quite relaxing to sit here!”

Jia Hong hugged her, got into her arms, and said with a smile: "Of course, there is no such busy person as my sister. Now she is no longer a female official in the palace, but she still has to be called upon by the palace!"”

Jia Yuanchun blinked and smiled: "After all, there is a caravan at home. I just called my aunt's shopkeeper to help. But it was a great help to the court!"”

“In addition, it can also earn some money for the house, so why not do it. I am nervous about the battle with Moxi.。”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Yes, yes - I don't know if the court is nervous or not, but I am quite nervous anyway."。”

“Every day you are busy when you open your eyes, and no one is there when you close them, so don’t be too busy!”

Jia Yuanchun caressed Jia Hong's head lovingly and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't be busy after today. You should take care of your family affairs if you have nothing to do."。”

“Nowadays, the government's expenditure is quite large, although it is only the cost of a festival at Qiongjianglou. 'There will always be days when there are no days and there will be no days, don't wait until there is no time and think about the days when there is no time'. This saying is always true.。”

Jia Hong raised his eyes and smiled: "Okay, okay! Each one is more capable than the other!”

Jia Yuanchun smiled angrily and said: "You are not used to ordinary things, so we will help you. If you can't do big things, you have to do your best to do small things like this."。”

“Those provisions in Hujiang have now been approved, and several companies in the government will be able to issue them to Ping'er in the next few days. When we get there, you can be busy.。”

Jia Hong rubbed his head against Jia Yuanchun, looking intoxicated, and kept saying yes。

This made Jia Yuanchun laugh, and he said angrily: "Where's my sister-in-law? She has come to the house recently, right? She teaches the eldest sister and the second sister's poems and calligraphy.。”

Jia Hong was stunned for a while, then raised his head and said, "What about this? Occasionally, I bumped into my head. I just called her twice, and she ran away in a hurry."。”

“To be honest, I'm helpless——”

Jia Yuanchun pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Okay! As for my sister-in-law, I still can't get over that hurdle in my heart, but I am always thinking about you. You'd better take the initiative.。”

“Of course, it's impossible for her to remarry. You two - well, that's how bad fate is!”

Jia Hong glanced at Jia Yuanchun and said strangely: "You two often chat?”

Jia Yuanchun said with a playful smile: "Then if she doesn't talk to me, who can she talk to? But she was also rude when talking about you, but I can't stop her complaining.。”

“Do you think you need to go and comfort me?”

Jia Hong blinked his eyes and asked tentatively: "Then - will I pass by now?”

“ah? Going to Rongfu? "Jia Yuanchun said strangely。

“yes! Jia Hong nodded and said with a smile: "That's how I got there."。”

Jia Yuanchun was slightly stunned. He wanted to say how dare he go there openly.……

But when she thought about Jia Hong's ability to fly over walls and walls, her toothache suddenly started to hurt, and she said with a smile: "You! You are really a sneaky little thief!”

“Tell me about a flower-picking thief who caused a stir in the capital a few years ago! Our Rong Mansion discovered it, was it you? !”

When Jia Hong heard this, he laughed awkwardly and said: "Haha - my sister is still smart, the old almanac from hundreds of years ago can actually dig out old accounts!”

“You don’t know how worried I was about my family at that time! "Jia Yuanchun said with a helpless smile.。

She waved her hand and said: "Okay, okay. It's early now. I'll call her over."。”

Jia Hong felt excited when he heard this, "Can it be done?"”

“Why not? Jia Yuanchun pointed a little, "We all know what happened to you two, and the palace judge also knows what happened to us at that time. If we open up, it will be much better than you stealing blindly. How many times better!"”

“You are such an infatuated person, you even have a son, how can you forget her!”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and hugged Jia Yuanchun into his arms again.。

He joked: "Sister is good at everything, but she is very knowledgeable. She always looks after me, what should we do?”

Jia Yuanchun's face was slightly red, he rolled his eyes at Jia Hong and said, "Brother, I miss you, what's wrong? You're even making fun of me!"”

“I don’t know the general idea! Jia Yuanchun stood up and said with a smile: "I'm just tired!" It’s been a very busy two days! I can't stand your trouble!”

“OK OK! I'll come back as soon as I go。”

After that, Jia Yuanchun left Huxin Tower in a flash.。

Jia Hong looked up from upstairs and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.。


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