Dead of night。

Jia Hong is alone in front of the lamp on the floor in the middle of the lake。

And Jia Yuanchun, who had just left, slowly walked out of the house.。

After entering through the small gate of Rong Mansion, he arrived at Li Wan's wing after a while.。

“Sister-in-law," Jia Yuanchun lightly knocked on the door, "are you sleeping?”

At this time, Li Wan came out and asked strangely: "Girl, what's wrong at such a late night?”

Jia Yuanchun smiled brightly, took Li Wan and said, "Just follow me and you'll know."。”

“ah? Li Wan looked strange and said, "Wait a minute, I'll cover Lan'er with a quilt and come back."。”

After a while, Li Wan came out again, and Jia Yuanchun led her towards the palace.。

“Big girl, why don't you tell me something first so that I can be prepared? "Li Wandao。

Jia Yuanchun turned around and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, come to our place to meet someone!”

Li Wan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Could it be that——”

Jia Yuanchun covered his face and said with a smile: "Yes, yes! It's just what you thought!”

“No, no! Li Wan hurriedly opened his hands and said, "How can this be done, young lady!" Could it be that you saved your life with him and lost all your shame?。”

“How could you bring me here and go find him? I asked you how you behaved so flirtatiously today! How could such nonsense be possible!”

Jia Yuanchun smiled but said nothing。

She was also curious about why she was like this。

However, it becomes clear once I think about the circumstances of my acquaintance with Jia Hong.。

She fell in love with Jia Hong when she was still a female official。

He even slept in Emperor Daxing’s Zi Palace。

Or sleep outdoors in Changchun Garden……

Jia Yuanchun's face turned red and he said, "My dear sister-in-law! Don't tell me that you weren't happy when I bumped into you two in Changchun Garden?"”

“I'm so generous, why are you being so coy? I'm just helping you two miserable couple。”

“You think I don’t know, but you will be extremely envious of me when I get married that day. But it just so happens that you have lost your courage again. He came to the palace to teach the eldest and second sisters, and you still avoided him!”

“I——”Li Wan was speechless for a moment。

Then he said: "But you have to choose the time! How long does it take now!”

Jia Yuanchun gave her a gentle push, "Okay! If you keep doing this, I'll get angry, and I won't care what happens to you in the future! If you want to envy me, then go ahead and envy me, I won't help you!”

“If anyone from Rong Mansion asks, just say you came to see me. I still have a bit of a reputation in the house, and no one can mess with you!”

Li Wan shrank, naturally he was willing in his heart。

But she really couldn't accept the fact that Jia Yuanchun came to help her like this.。

Thinking so, Li Wan still took his feet out without hesitation, slowly followed Jia Yuanchun into the palace, and came to the Yaoyue Lake in the back garden.。

Not long after, the two of them walked to the middle of the lake building。

Jia Yuanchun gently pushed Li Wan upstairs and said with a smile: "Okay, if you miss him in the future, don't hide it. If you really can't save your face, just ask me to give you a push."。”

“To put it another way, this has become my dissolute and frivolous nature, and how does it have anything to do with you?”

Li Wan swallowed his saliva, pursed his lips and said, "Girl, don't you regret it?”

“Regret! Jia Yuanchun smiled brightly and said: "If I had known this, I shouldn't have bumped into you two that day!" How can I not care about you now?”

“OK OK! Let’s meet and chat!”

Not long after, Jia Hong saw Li Wan coming up and couldn't help but grinned: "I didn't expect that I actually invited him here. Sit down."。”

“oh——”Li Wan sat aside。

“Sister," Jia Hong turned around and said with a smile: "Come up here, have a drink and just chat.。”

Jia Yuanchun saw that he seemed to be telling the truth and saw that the moon was in the sky. The moonlight was very beautiful. He smiled and then walked up to the roof.。


a few days later。

Jia Hong woke up early in the morning and went to Qing'an Hall. He saw that the hall was quite lively.。

Li Wan and his son, Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong, and the Sanchun sisters were chatting with Jia Yuanchun and Ping'er.。

“Quite lively? What are you going to do today? "Jia Hong walked in and said with a smile.。

“Mr. Hong。”

“Brother Hong!”

“Hello Brother Hong!”

Jia Hong and Li Wan looked at each other. After the three people in Huxinlou had a chat, Li Wan became much more relaxed in the palace.。

Ping'er then said: "Today, Mrs. Wang called her mother and said she would go to Shuiyue Temple to pay her respects. After all, such a big thing happened in the front line, so we just want to ask God to bless us.。”

“You won't go after all, right? I didn’t tell you。”

Jia Hong thought about it, but there was nothing important today, so he simply said: "We all went together. I just have nothing to do today."。”

“good! ! "The sisters and ladies shouted happily。

Several people sat in the hall and chatted for a long time.。

Jia Hong grabbed Jia Baoyu and scolded him: "Good boy, let me ask you, have you written your book a long time ago? How come it has spread to Jiangnan?”

“Jiangnan! "Jia Baoyu touched his head and laughed: "Brother Hong, I don't know about this.。”

“I originally made two volumes, and my classmates liked it and passed it on to each other! How can it be spread to Jiangnan!”

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed. He actually read it once and said, "That's it! If I write well, I won't care about you anymore!"”

“Next time it's done, show it to me first. If you dare to write romantic gossip about your sister-in-law, am I not allowed to hang you up and beat you?”

“Good brother! Of course I don’t dare! Jia Baoyu said hurriedly: "Jing Qing helped me look at it, and he polished many of them!"”

“There happens to be a manuscript in the west front yard right now! Let me show you!”

Not long after, the two boys went to the house and brought the manuscript over.。

Jia Hong looked carefully and found that the "Red Mansions" written by Jia Baoyu was naturally very different from Cao Gong's.。

The story begins with Jia Hong and Jia Baoyu chatting about their daily lives, telling the trivial matters of An Ning Rong San Mansion, and later includes the foreshadowing of the Western Expedition, or the Zichen Rebellion in Jia Baoyu's eyes.……

Jia Hong watched with interest, picked up a red pen and wrote comments from time to time, and wrote clues and annotations for various plots.。

Either delete some plots that are too glamorous, or point out which paragraphs Jia Baoyu has hidden foreshadowing, where the head is hidden, where the homophony is, and where the words need to be separated.……

When Wang Xifeng ordered a play during one of the Lantern Festivals, Jia Hong remembered that he had written the play title that day because Wang Xifeng was illiterate at that time!

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile and wrote the comment "Sister Feng orders the play, Zhi Yan writes the script"。

Jia Baoyu leaned on the armrest and said: "Good brother! With your comments like this, I will understand more clearly what I wrote later! Wonderful, wonderful!"”

Qin Zhong said from behind: "The name 'Zhi Inkstone' is also wonderful! The rouge inkstone is a charming talker!”

“alright! you——”Li Wan waved and said, "It's time to worship Buddha!”

“Let's go! Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "I will approve it for you two another day!"”


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