
In An Ning Rong San Mansion, a group of masters, ladies, young ladies and maids went to Shuiyue Temple in a huddle.。

This formation immediately made the old nun of Shuiyue Temple happy.。

One or two heads and incense money!

Still a big patron!

Jia Hong didn't have time to pay attention to the monks and nuns' reactions.。

Speaking of which, he was not very interested in burning incense and worshiping Buddha.。

But the world is like this。

Although the Wu Dynasty had a prosperous national destiny, the world was at peace。

But life is not easy for the people down there。

Even in affluent places such as Jiangnan Water Town, people often starve to death.。

It's the maid in the palace, or Su'e Chanjuan. Back then, her family didn't have enough food to eat, so she sold her daughter as a slave.。

Now their life is better, but unfortunately their family members have disappeared.。

It's hard to say that he died of starvation in a farm in Gusu.。

As Jia Hong walked, he raised his eyes and saw the attacker. The two looked at each other. The girl shyly hid next to Ping'er.。

“Oh - her parents are still alive。”

Jia Hong made a note of this in his mind, and when he wanted to get married in the future, he had to go to her home for a visit.。

He looked around Shuiyue An。

It occupies a large area, and pilgrims come and go constantly.。

Among them, there are countless wealthy merchants, princes, ministers, and ordinary people.。

Jia Hong was also curious。

If it's a temple or something like doing good deeds——

But once a war breaks out, the door will be closed faster than anyone else's。

Putting away the money for incense is even more greedy than a believer.。

The Buddha is also blinded by money?


until the sun sets。

Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun were sitting in the temple courtyard chatting。

Because of Mrs. Wang's suggestion, today I will spend one night in the nunnery.。

After a while, Jia Yuanchun asked Ping'er to leave. Jia Hong was bored and wandered around Shuiyue Temple.。

He only took two steps, and there would often be nuns secretly looking at him, laughing so hard from time to time, with expressions on their faces... It really made Jia Hong feel a little innocent.。

He really had no intention of blaspheming the gods and Buddhas in the nunnery.。

If anyone wants to believe it, then believe it!

But many of these nuns’ daughters are just like the maids at home.。

But he was too poor to eat, so he sent his daughter to a temple for adoption。

In times of peace and stability, the temple may still be merciful。

If there is a war, I'm afraid most of the mountains will have to be closed.。

“Alas - cute is cute, and pitiful! "Jia Hong waved to the nuns and smiled, and couldn't help but think of。

Thinking like this, Jia Hong can't help but think of Miaoyu.。

This poor little nun was taken away by Zheng Sanniang. I wonder where she will be now.

At this time, Jia Hong suddenly saw a fool hiding in a dark corner. He looked closely and saw that it was Jia Baoyu!

He laughed evilly in his heart, walked over and patted Jia Baoyu and said: "You are such a naughty boy, which nun are you peeking at?”

“elder brother! Shhh——”Jia Baoyu also smiled evilly, "Look, it's Qing Jing!”

At this time, Jia Hong saw a handsome nun washing tea bowls outside the back room. Jia Baoyu murmured in a low voice: "This is Jing Qing's good friend, called Zhi'er."。”

Jia Hong suddenly realized it and squatted next to Jia Baoyu.。

Suddenly, Qin Zhong sneaked out from around the corner。

He hugged Zhi'er and started to kiss her. Xiao Ni was so frightened that she stamped her feet and said, "What are you doing!"”

Qin Zhong said hurriedly: "Good sister, I'm going to die! We've known each other for so long, and if you don't obey me now, I'll die here!"”

Zhi'er said: "What do you want, unless I get out of this prison and get away from these people?"。”

The two flirted and flirted for a while, and the little nun suddenly stopped struggling and screaming. Qin Zhong directly carried Zhi'er to the kang in the back room.。

Outside, Jia Hong saw the lights in the room turned off and said with a smile: "That's all, it's your wish. What are you looking at?"”

“That won't work! "Jia Baoyu said straightly。

After saying that, Jia Baoyu turned over and entered the back room, tiptoed and patted Qin Zhong.。

Suddenly someone came out, and the disheveled Qin Zhong and Zhi'er were frightened out of their wits!

Qin Zhong complained hurriedly: "What do you think this is?”

Jia Baoyu said with a smile: "What is this? If you don't leave, I will yell."。”

When Zhi'er heard this, she was so shy that she ran out secretly in the dark.。

Jia Baoyu grabbed Qin Zhong who was about to chase him. Qin Zhong hurriedly said: "Good brother, you can do whatever you want! Stop yelling and let people know."。”

“hey-hey! Brother Hong is still watching a show outside! Jia Baoyu said with a bad smile: "Forget it, I won't say anything for now. Let's settle the accounts slowly after we fall asleep!"”

After that, the two of them left the back room。

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed when he saw it, "You two are ridiculous."。”

“hey-hey! Nothing beats Brother Hong! Jia Baoyu said with a smile: "I'm going to the Panxiang Temple in Suzhou. There is a wonderful jade of national beauty and heavenly fragrance!"”

“She is actually the romantic daughter of Brother Hong, who lives all the way away! Right, Mr. Whale?。”

Jia Hong smiled awkwardly when he heard this, waved his hand and said, "Okay! Don't get involved with me because you two are talking nonsense."。”

He took two Qi-nourishing pills and handed them to Qin Zhong, saying: "Okay, I won't say anything to you. You are not very strong either. Take one later and keep one."。”

“It's better to be more affectionate with your nun.。”

“……”Qin Zhong hurriedly took the Yangqi Pill and said: "Brother Xie Hong。”

Jia Baoyu laughed loudly after hearing this, making fun of Qin Zhong, hugging him and going back to the house to sleep.。


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