to the next month。

Jia Hong led his army, Jia Zheng, a group of craftsmen, servants, etc. to the south.。

Because now he has been granted the title of King Zhongshun, Jia Hong simply changed the name of the army back to "Anguo Army".”。

Now, Jia Changzhu, Jia Changping and others have been transferred to Ganzhou and Suzhou to garrison any fifth-level garrison.。

The two immediately went to the northwest, preparing to accompany them to conquer Moxi。

Jia Changlu and Jia Changwei stayed in the capital and served as the seventh-rank commander-in-chief in the Jingwei camp.。

The two of them directly obeyed Jia He's orders, which also saved the old man from being too busy.。

Jia Hong then promoted two adjutants from the Anguo Army, Jia Changfu and Jia Changling.。

When he arrived in Jinling, Jia Hong left the Anguo Army at the Jinling campus, leaving only more than a hundred with him to protect his family on a daily basis.。

Since most of the soldiers in the army live in Suzhou, we might as well give each hundred of them one month's leave in turn so that they can go back to Suzhou to visit their relatives.。

After settling in Jinling, Jia Hong met with the local admiral and governor of Jinling.。

Since the Governor of Liangjiang wanted to interfere in local government affairs, the other party naturally didn't have a good look on his face. He was just being polite.。

Jia Hong didn't have much trouble to pick on them for the time being, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention.。

After resting in Jinling for a few days, Jia Hong and Jia Zheng set out for Suzhou。


A few days later, we came down the river to Liujiagang in Taicang.。

This is one of the largest ports in Jiangnan today.。

It was once a port where all nations came to pay tribute during the previous Zhou Dynasty.。

Although it is far less prosperous than it was back then, it is still the most important port in the Jiangnan region.。

Of course, due to the ban on Southeast Asia, Liujiagang now mainly relies on river transportation.。

According to Jia Hong's idea, after the construction of the Shanghai River, there will actually be nothing to do with Liujiagang.。

To the city of Suzhou。

Jia Hong followed his memory and came to his ancestor's Anguo Mansion.。

Decades ago, my ancestor was granted the title of Duke and took over the mansion in Tianjing. The house in Gusu has been upgraded.。

Similar to Anguo Mansion in Tianjing, it is a three-entry mansion.。

However, because it is located in the south of the Yangtze River, the standard structure is not strict, so the actual scale is larger than that of Tianjing's mansion.。

For example, among the wealthy businessmen's mansions in the city, some are even bigger than this Anguo Mansion.。

“Master Hong!”

“Master Hong is here!”

“Hello Uncle Hong!”

“Hello, Your Majesty!”

“Hello, Mr. Zheng!”

Jia Hong walked into the south hall and saw Yinshuang walking towards him.。

“Sister Shuang! Jia Hong shouted: "Is everyone at home here?"”

Yin Shuang smiled and said: "They are all here. They came back from Hujiang the day before yesterday.。”

“Grandma also said that I happened to be tired some time ago, so I could rest for a while. Now that the farming season is busy, it’s really hard to recruit workers everywhere.。”

“Except for the weaving factory, which is fully staffed, other factories and ports are full of people.。”

“Oh—ok! Jia Hong nodded and said with a smile: "I'll have a chat with your grandma later."。”

“Mr. Zheng, please come in! Let's rest for a few days and then come back and plan slowly!”

“well! "Jia Zheng cupped his hands and said with a smile.。

After that, Yinshuang led Jia Zheng to the east courtyard.。

Jia Hong walked into Anqing Hall by himself.。

It is naturally much older than Tianjing, but the advantage is that Yinshuang's parents take care of it and occasionally repair and fix leaks.。

And when it comes to calligraphy, painting and antiques, this ancestral home has more Anguofu, and it seems to have quite a lot of heritage.。

After all, it is also the accumulation of several generations.。

“Your Majesty!”

“Hello, Your Majesty!”

Walking into the hall, there are many new faces。

But I also met Madam and Bao Dai’s maids.。

Jia Hong nodded and smiled.。

But it also made the unfamiliar maid suddenly blush on her face.。

Now that there are many people in the house, Jia Hong really doesn’t recognize them all, so he walks into the main room without saying much.。

At this time, Wang Xifeng, Qin Keqing, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu were sitting together, having a rather lively discussion.。

“Quite busy? "Jia Hong said funnyly。

When everyone saw it, they hurriedly stood up to greet him. Wang Xifeng said: "Why didn't Little Hooves come to shout? It's time to go out to greet him!”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Come on, I guess you guys are just busy, so you just came in by yourself."。”

“what's the topic?”

Qin Keqing smiled and said: "Isn't that what Mr. Hong said about the Hujiang Bank!”

“But he said that this silver village is indeed different from other stores! The sisters are all thinking about it!”

Xue Baochai said: "That's right. Compared with the Xue family's bank pawnshop, my brother's bank actually has to pay interest to others.。”

Seeing that Lin Daiyu was silent, Jia Hong asked, "Sister Fang, you have nothing to say?"”

“It's not there. You just came in for a moment and didn't see it! Lin Daiyu frowned and smiled.。

Wang Xifeng blinked and said: "Zhou'er is smart and clever. He can also help with some accounts, and his opinions are sharp and to the point."。”

“She has that narrow and picky mouth! "Jia Hong joked。

“you! Lin Daiyu raised her hand and hit Jia Hong, causing Qin Keqing to laugh and say: "Okay, our lady is not flirting, so you'd better do it first!"”

Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this, making Lin Daiyu blush immediately.。

Jia Hong waved his hand and said: "Okay! Don't talk too much for this moment! Set a table for me to welcome the wind first!"”

“I deposited 500,000 taels of money for this trip. Now that I have to spend money everywhere, I spent part of the money from the Qiongjiang Tower.。”

Qin Keqing said: "Okay! Master Hong is here, so we don't have to guess! Just follow his orders."。”

After that, everyone put away the things on the table. Wang Xifeng went to call the maid to prepare dinner, and the rest went to rest.。


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