
After dinner, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai left Anqing Hall and went to live in the east courtyard.。

Jia Hong sat on the recliner drinking tea and taking a rest while listening to Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing talking.。

Wang Xifeng chatted for a while, lowered her head and said: "Oh, yes - Mr. Hong, a woman came over yesterday.。”

“It's a message from Miaoyu from Panxiang Temple in Xuan Tomb Mountain. It just says that she is back safely, so you don't have to worry about it.。”

Jia Hong lay on Wang Xifeng's knees, raised his eyes and said: "Miaoyu? Is it called Miaoyu?"”

Wang Xifeng said: "That's right. Familiar? I remember that Panxiang Temple is a nunnery?"”

Seeing her suspicion, Jia Hong said angrily: "We are acquaintances. Her father is Mr. Lin's subordinate. He passed away last year."。”

“A few years ago, my mother and I went to Chang'an and met her and her master. Later, my mother returned to Suzhou and I must have visited her several times.。”

Qin Keqing hammered Jia Hong's legs, stopped and said with a smile: "Okay sister! What do you want to do? He is greedy, and there are two sisters at home who are like gods, so where can he find a nun?”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows and joked: "No, it's really hard to say... The person who practices cultivation with his hair looks like a water spirit."……”

Wang Xifeng spat angrily: "Bah! Amitabha!! I've never seen a man as shameless as you! I'm a member of the Buddhist sect!"”

Jia Hong chuckled, remembering the incident between Qin Zhong and Zhi'er in Shuiyue Temple, and said: "What's wrong with Buddhism? Miaoyu only goes there to treat illnesses."。”

“The tea we drank and the cups we used were much more expensive than ours. How could we look like a practicing nun?。”

Qin Keqing smiled angrily and said: "Sister, don't tease him! He's just talking nonsense. That's what he is! Have you ever seen him enthusiastic about worshiping Buddha and burning incense at home? He has no faith at all.。”

“Hahaha - you don't understand this," Jia Hong stretched his legs and said, "I believe in science.。”

The two of them shook their heads after hearing this, not knowing what it meant.。

Jia Hong turned around and asked Qin Keqing to beat his legs again, while his mind was thinking about things randomly.。

“You guys think, if I inspect the temples in Jiangnan, how much money can I get?”

Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing were stunned when they heard this, and they all stopped what they were doing.。

Wang Xifeng said angrily: "Amitabha! You are so obsessed! You are just a little nun. Why are you inspecting the temple?"……”

Qin Keqing also felt that the matter was ridiculous and said: "Master Hong, we'd better pay attention to this matter. Where is the lack of money in the family now?"。”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't need any money. My family is so luxurious that I have fields and land everywhere, and I can't spend all the flowers. I just thought that there is a shortage of people in Hujiang. I just heard Sister Yinshuang mention it."。”

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said: "Yes, that's the truth... Should we ask monks and nuns to return to secular life... It's still too ridiculous, Mr. Hong!”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Where does this absurdity come from? Isn't history just like 'Three martial arts destroyed the Buddha'?"’?”

“Buddhist temples seek to escape from the world, cut off the world of mortals, and cut off social ties such as parents and children. They also hope to remain unmarried and have no children.。”

“No production, no taxes, no service, but a large amount of believers' incense money. 'Buddha accounts for seventy-eight percent of the world's wealth’。”

“It would be true if the age was prosperous and peaceful, but if the country is as wealthy as Jiangnan, people selling their sons and daughters for food can be found everywhere.……”

The two ladies naturally looked at each other.。

Jia Hong thought about it and said no more. He stood up and said, "That's fine. You don't have to worry about it. I'll write a memorial to the emperor."。”


Jia Hong came to the study to write the memorial and added a few more ideas of his own.。

First, they investigated the situation of temples in various places, looked for crimes and raided the bank vaults, and refined Buddha statues into copper coins.。

Furthermore, temples were requisitioned to build free schools, and wealthy gentry from all over the country donated money to the free schools to help poor families.。

Even if you are willing to donate, you can build roads and bridges……

The third one dismissed the monks and nuns and provided money to return to their hometowns. Anyone who is willing to return to Hujiang will set aside wasteland in the suburbs and distribute land per capita.。

Let Jia Zheng build three- to five-story apartment buildings in the city to accommodate these new people.。

After jotting down a few benefits, Jia Hong let out a long sigh.。

Naturally, he doesn't care about so many things and focuses on the construction of Hujiang River.。

Migrating people from other places may not be as convenient as moving from temples。

After all, these people have already cut off the world of mortals, and most of them have no destination.。

Later, Jia Hong wrote to Hujiang Bank, Hujiang Cement Factory, Weaving Factory, and Steel Factory.。

Since the weaving factory was now officially in operation, Jia Hong simply proposed to abolish the three weaving factories in Jiangnan to avoid a deficit of millions of taels every year.。

a few days later。

When the memorial was presented to Emperor Hongchang's desk, the emperor was completely shocked!

“This loyal and submissive king is too courageous! Vicious, Vicious。”

But in the memorials that were sent back for several days, Jia Hong repeatedly mentioned that the amount of inspections was so huge that even the emperor had to be tempted.。

Coupled with the special nature of the temple monks, and the Hujiang River provided a place to stay - Emperor Hongchang was so cruel that he directly approved the extermination of Buddhism in Jiangnan!


and the following month。

The new governor of Liangjiang exterminated Buddhism in the Jiangnan and Jianghuai areas, which completely shocked the whole country!

During this period, 480 temples were inspected, and the amount of silver obtained amounted to 60 million yuan, which was equivalent to the annual fiscal revenue of the Wu Dynasty!

Unlike Sanwu's extermination of Buddhism, because Hujiang Prefecture provided land and residence, and dismissed the monks and got money from it, Wu Dynasty's extermination of Buddhism this time was much gentler.。

The income was 60 million taels, and each local government kept 20 million taels. Confucianism and Taoism got the land for the school, and the Ministry of Household Affairs got 40 million taels!

The Ministry of War is overjoyed to launch an expedition to the west, and the Ministry of Industry is overjoyed to launch construction projects!

Hujiang gained a population of more than 100,000, and monks and nuns returned to the mortal world and acquired fields and houses.……

Jia Hong destroyed the Buddha with this hand, and everyone was happy!

Only Buddhism is not welcome。


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