Vegeta just stayed where he was, looking helpless.。

Then Vegeta glanced at Trunks not far away。

Fortunately, my son is really good.。

Of all the people fighting, except for that robot, Trunks was not as powerful as himself。

Everyone has surpassed him. Fortunately, Trunks has not surpassed him. If Trunks had surpassed himself,。

Then I really won’t be able to stand it.……

At this time, on the other side, Trunks was fighting with Haz。

“Damn it, this guy is just a little too strong!”

“And he can control gravity, which completely affects my speed。”

“If this continues, I probably won't win this battle.。”

Trunks frowned tightly, thinking secretly in his heart。

The Haz in front of me is indeed very strong.。

If he wants to defeat her, he must transform into the God of Destruction.。

But if that happens, dad will definitely not be able to accept it.。

Because it seems that everyone's power surpasses him!

He is the prince of the Saiyans. If all the Saiyans surpass him, it will be a huge blow to his self-esteem.。

“snort! Get down on the ground properly, you brat.。”

Haz raised the corner of his mouth, then pressed it with one hand。

A very huge gravity instantly hit Trunks' body, and Trunks suddenly felt like a mountain weighing on top of him.。

The body subconsciously flexed downwards……

This gravity is even greater than before!

After being subjected to this kind of gravity, it is difficult for me to even move.。

“Although it may be a big blow to dad's self-esteem。”

“But if you don't do this, you won't be able to defeat this guy in front of you.。”

Trunks glanced at Vegeta, who was a little dazed at this moment, and then glanced at Hatz.。

He decided to...transform。

Because this battle is related to the life and death of all time and space, and all universes!

What if all time, space and universe were destroyed!

What is the purpose of this so-called self-esteem?

“How can it be a little bug?”

“From the look of you, are you ready to give up?”

“But that’s okay, because the more you resist, the more miserable your death will be!”

Haz looked at Trunks's ferocious look and said with a cold smile.。

In his opinion, this guy has no hope of winning at all。

If he gave up earlier now, he might let him die a little more comfortably!

“I will never give up!”

“I will defeat you with my new form。”

Trunks's eyes suddenly became determined.。

“oh? are you joking?”

“If you want to defeat me, stop daydreaming, little bug.。”

Hearing Trunks' words, Haz sneered.。

He simply didn't believe that Trunks had any new form. If he had a new form, he wouldn't have been suppressed so miserably by him.。

“Dad, for the sake of the entire universe, I'm sorry!”

Trunks frowned.。


Then a low roar came out from Trunks' throat.。

At that moment, blue flames burst out, and streaks of blue lightning circled around Trunks' body.。

At this time, Trunks' form looks a bit like Super Saiyan Blue.。

But his energy far exceeds Super Saiyan Blue。

Because his eyes became hollow。

“Wha...what? This guy really has a stronger form。”

Seeing Trunks suddenly transform, a look of surprise appeared on Hatz's face!

I didn't expect this guy to actually have a new form。

And this breath is the breath of the God of Destruction.。

“Look! What a powerful force。”

“What you are about to face is Trunks, the most powerful God of Destruction in history.。”

Trunks looked at Haz with cold eyes.。

Then his body flashed and he rushed directly towards Haz。

At this time, Vegeta on the other side suddenly trembled。

Vegeta: Is there anyone better than me? My fucking mentality is broken!

“This is...this is Trunks's breath。”

“What a joke, he actually surpassed me, even my own son, even my own son surpassed me!”

Vegeta's body is trembling。

Just now, he added that all his hopes were placed on Trunks. He also thought that as long as Trunks did not surpass himself,。

I am not at the bottom……

but now……

“It's impossible. Besides Kakarot, how many people are better than me?”

“Kakarot's son surpassed me, and now even my own son has surpassed me.。”

The craziest roar in Vegeta's heart。

At this time, his facial features were completely ferocious, and he almost cried out of grievance.。


Then he clenched his fists tightly。

At this moment, Vegeta suddenly remembered what his father, King Vegeta, had said before.。

The reason why their Saiyan nation is called a fighting nation。

It's not because they can turn into giant apes, nor is it because of how powerful they are in combat!

It's because their bodies have the blood of the true original Super Saiyan God flowing through them.……

“Yes! The blood of the original Super Saiyan God flows in my body. I am the most authentic descendant of the Saiyan God.。”

“But why would I become the most useless Saiyan?。”

Vegeta felt like he was outside the universe at this time。




Suddenly, the grievance that had been accumulated for a long time at that moment roared out in anger.。

Suddenly, streaks of white energy suddenly appeared from around Vegeta's body.。


The next second, Vegeta's hair suddenly turned white。


“This it Vegeta?”

Suddenly, Sun Wukong and others turned back and looked at Vegeta。

Because at that moment, he felt a very, very familiar energy, Super Saiyan White。

Has Vegeta reached this level?

“What did that bastard do?”

“Why did the anger suddenly change drastically!”

At this time, Dark Blue Vegeta, who was fighting with Reg, also had a look of shock on his face.。

This energy is simply too powerful...

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