
Vegeta's energy continues to rise, and the entire space and time seems to be trembling with his breath.。

“Be... Vegeta?”

Sun Wukong was also very surprised and looked towards Vegeta.。

That guy Vegeta's energy increased countless times in an instant.。

It felt like his aura at this moment completely surpassed mine.。

In fact, he understands Vegeta very well, and it is estimated that everyone will surpass him, which will hit him very hard.。

Therefore, in this kind of blow, he awakened his potential and completely exploded!

“Well done, Vegeta, you are indeed ahead of me this time.。”

Son Goku is not as envious or jealous as Vegeta。

Instead, a knowing smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly。

Vegeta actually wants to surpass himself, not just for a day or two, but from the time he met him。

He has always tried every means to surpass himself。

Being ahead of him for so many years, he must be holding a lot of grievances in his heart. Only when he releases them at this time can he create such huge energy.。

“ this Vegeta's aura? I started to tremble with fear because of this breath.。”

“I can't even imagine that he raised his energy to such a terrifying level in an instant。”

Piccolo, who had just transformed, was filled with turmoil in his heart!

You must know that Vegeta has always been ahead of Sun Wukong and has never surpassed him.。

It suddenly broke out today. Since there is such a huge energy,。

At this time, Vegeta has probably surpassed Goku.。

No, it seems much stronger than him……

“Dad, Dad。”

“This energy belongs to Dad. Has Dad finally made a breakthrough? Awesome!”

Trunks also quickly looked at Vegeta, the shock in his eyes not being concealed at all.。

Just now, he was thinking about taking into account his father's feelings, so he never turned into the God of Destruction form.。

Unexpectedly, after I transformed, my father also transformed!

And the power becomes so terrifying……

It seems that his transformation completely stimulated his father, so he exploded in an instant。

“oh? Sure enough, as written, Vegeta really became a full Saiyan God!”

“And his strength far exceeds that of the White God Sun Wukong。”

Qin Yu also cast curious eyes over。

At this time, Vegeta's energy was very powerful. After all, Vegeta had completely transformed into a true All Sai God!

At this time, Vegeta, after becoming a full Saiyan God, only has one limiter……

Although Sun Wukong has become a complete god, he still has two limiters that have not been opened.。

So there is still a big gap between the two.。

“What? What's going on with this anger?”

After feeling Vegeta's aura, Dragon God Salama showed a panicked look on his face.。

Because this breath is beyond my imagination。

Strictly speaking, the power of this aura far exceeds my own。

If this is the case, the situation will be quite bad!

The Qin Yu in front of him is already very strong, and there is absolutely no way he can get rid of him in a short time!

Now that Vegeta has made another breakthrough, and his power has become so powerful。

If the two of them join forces, their chances of winning are slim.。

And more importantly, Qin Yu knows that he has the ability to siphon。

So from the beginning of the battle to now, he has never used the energy of God to launch Qigong waves to attack.。


The entire space and time trembled for nearly a minute.。

And within this minute, everyone stopped, continued fighting, and looked at Vegeta。


With the last roar, Vegeta's hair turned completely white!

His eyes turned blood red and his pupils turned pure white.。

Two lines of blood-red tears appeared in the corners of the eyes.。

The most obvious thing is that there is an inverted A symbol between Vegeta's eyebrows.。

This means that he has unlocked a limiter。

“I finally did it...this is the real Super Saiyan God!”

Vegeta clenched his fists and said calmly.。


“How could a loser like Beiji become so strong?”

“I had a fighting power of fifty thousand when I was born. I am the top genius among Saiyans. Vegeta is just trash. Why is his energy so huge?”

This is, Reg has started to panic。

Because Vegeta's anger caused him a lot of pressure。

That kind of pressure is like suppression from the bloodline。

“Am I a waste? In this case, let me kill you, this so-called genius。”

“I am the purest descendant of the Super Saiyan God.。”

Vegeta pointed at Reg and said in a cold tone.。

What a genius, now I want to make him lie on the ground。

Let him see who is the genius with noble Saiyan blood?

“Damn it, they are obviously the same person。”

“How could that bastard become so powerful in an instant like he was cheating?。”

At this time, Vegeta came over, but his expression was quite ugly.。

Just now, my power was still higher than his. How could he become so powerful in an instant?。

With the same blood and the same person, is there such a huge gap between reporters?

“Bastard, don't think that an elevated aura makes you arrogant!”

“I'm here to kill you now……”

Reg suddenly roared, obviously he couldn't stand Vegeta becoming so strong.。

call out……

The next second, Reg's body flashed out.。

In almost a second, Reg appeared in front of Vegeta and punched Vegeta directly.。

The fist is pointed directly at Vegeta's eyebrows……


But his fist was easily blocked by Vegeta。

“snort! Do you see, this is the difference between genius and waste。”

“Do you still think you are a so-called genius?”

Vegeta caught Reg's fist lightly and then humiliated him lightly.。

He is very confident now. No one present can be his opponent.。


Just after Vegeta's voice fell, his fist flew out directly。


Rego didn't even have time to react. Vegeta and the others had already penetrated his chest with their fists.。

Then he took it back, and a bloody hole appeared in his chest, and blood kept coming out of it.。


“Vegeta, this loser, how could he kill me? No...this is absolutely impossible!”

Even though there were sharp pains in his chest, Reg still didn't believe that what was happening in front of him was real.。

In his eyes, Vegeta has always been a waste.。

How could a waste be married to a peerless genius?

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