“snort! This is the gap between us。”

“Go to hell well! Evil guys like you shouldn't exist at all。”

After Vegeta's voice fell, Reg's body suddenly exploded and disappeared without a trace in an instant.。

Not even a trace of residue was left behind.。

“Tsk, the guy that we couldn't defeat just now with our combined efforts was actually killed by him in an instant.。”

“Although it is a good thing for us that this guy has improved his strength, it is really uncomfortable!”

Dark Blue Vegeta clenched his fists, frowned, and said。

At this moment, Vegeta easily eliminated Reg, and then looked at the Dragon God Salama.。

Because he can clearly feel that this guy is the strongest among all enemies.。

With your current strength, you no longer bother to fight against those other weak guys!

Since he is the strongest one now, he naturally has to fight with the strongest one。

call out……

Vegeta's body instantly appeared in front of Qin Yu。

“Hey, this guy has become my prey now!”

Vegeta glanced at Qin Yu and said calmly。

It feels like I'm the only one。

At this time, the eyes of the Dragon God Salama opposite him were cloudy and uncertain.。

“you sure?”

“This guy can absorb the power of God. Although you are very strong now, you may not be able to deal with him.。”

Qin Yu said to Vegeta calmly。

Vegeta's biggest characteristic is that he can follow the wind and waves, but he has gained unparalleled power. He will never be able to defeat the Dragon God Salama so easily!

He will definitely make another wave, and maybe he will lose in the end.。

“Of course sure……”

“I think you should feel my power. My power is definitely not something you can compare to!”

“As for this guy, Vegeta can do it easily!”

Vegeta first raised his lips arrogantly, then pointed at Dragon God Salama and said。

After hearing Vegeta's words, Dragon God Salama seemed to start to make plans in his mind.。

If this guy is so arrogant, then even if he has such powerful power, he will not be afraid of him at all.。

Maybe in the end, I can absorb all his divine power and then transform into the strongest form.。

“All right! Then I will do as you wish。”

“I leave him to you!”

“I just hope you won’t be tortured too badly by him for a while!”

Qin Yu shrugged and said with an indifferent expression.。

Anyway, the current Dragon God Salama is too weak for him.。

I only need to become Super Saiyan 2 to be able to tie with him.。

If you become Super Saiyan 4, you can easily erase him。

But Vegeta is different. Although his current power is indeed much stronger than Dragon God Salama。

But this guy was obviously very arrogant after gaining huge power. He felt that he could deal with the dragon god Salama.。

This kind of arrogance will eventually become a key factor in his losing the game.。

If the Dragon God Salama is taken over by then, Vegeta's full power as a Sailor God seems to be pretty good too.。

In this case, I can have a good fight with him。

Perhaps in this level of competition, your strength will become stronger and you will have a higher breakthrough.。

Since Son Goku and Vegeta can become full Sai gods, why can't they do it themselves?

With his own strength, if he becomes a God of All Sai, he will definitely become invincible!

Therefore, I don’t want to easily deal with this good opponent now.。

“snort! I bet you still know the truth。”

“Watch carefully, my current power is definitely beyond what you can imagine!”

Vegeta said with a proud look on his face。

Then his body flashed and he rushed directly towards Dragon God Salama.。

“So fast……”

The moment Vegeta's body flashed out, Dragon God Salama's expression suddenly changed.。

Because Vegeta is much faster than him, and Qin Yu can't keep up with his speed at all.。


While Dragon God Salama was still surprised, Vegeta's fist had already fallen heavily on his face.。

After being hit by Vegeta's punch, Dragon God Salama's body immediately flew backwards.。

Fly thousands of miles in an instant。

Half of his face collapsed。

But he recovered quickly。

The blood stain on the corner of her mouth was also wiped away by Salama。

“That's interesting. Doesn't it hurt?”

“But that's right, it would be a bit boring if I killed you so easily!”

Vegeta glanced at Dragon God Salama, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer.。

“This bastard, his power is so terrifying。”

“Far stronger than I imagined。”

“In this case, if I don't absorb God's Land, I will not be his opponent at all.。”

“If there is really no other way, it seems that the only option is to merge with other evil gods!”

Dragon God Salama’s eyes were very solemn。

In fact, his final trump card is not his peak strength, nor his siphoning ability.。

But in the end, the final union of the five evil gods。

After they finally merge, they will become full demons, and their strength will definitely increase hundreds of millions of times!

It is simply not comparable to what I am now.……

It's just that I don't want to get together so quickly now!

Because in that case, without absorbing more God's power, the effect of the combination will be much worse.。

When that guy Quan Wang fused his God's Hand and became a real God, his strength was unparalleled.。

If he becomes a full demon now, he is not 100% sure that he can kill him!

By then, all your efforts will be in vain!

“snort! It seems that your power is only this much. Is there any stronger attack? Vegeta。”

Dragon God Salama had a thought in his mind and coldly challenged Vegeta.。

He just wants to anger Vegeta now. In this case, maybe that guy will use different attacks。

“oh? A stronger attack?”

“Then I will make it happen for you……”

Vegeta's right hand formed into a palm, aiming directly at the Dragon God Salama。

A white energy ball condenses instantly。

call out……

He blasted towards Dragon God Salama.。


The energy ball exploded instantly when it came into contact with Dragon God Salama, directly blowing Dragon God Salama several hundred feet away.。

There are some embarrassing scars on the body!

“I just want to see how much more you can withstand such an attack!”

“Aren't you able to absorb the power of God? I just want to see if you can suck all my power away?”

Vegeta sneered again and said disapprovingly.。

Boo hoo hoo……

Then, one energy ball after another continued to blast towards Dragon God Salama.。

Boom boom boom!

The energy balls continued to explode, and Salama's body continued to explode, with many scars appearing on her body.。

But there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

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