“Bastard...you bastard, don't think that you can defeat me just because you absorb my power.。”

“Stop joking。”

Vegeta clenched his fists tightly。

Although his words were still unforgiving at this time, Vegeta also knew that with his current strength, he simply could not defeat the Dragon God Salama!

Because this guy was walking towards me at this time, and it actually brought him a lot of pressure.。


“Whether I can defeat you now doesn't matter if you say it?”

“Well, I'd better let you see my current power before I die!”

Dragon God Salama walked until he was only ten meters away from Vegeta.。

In this case, let them feel the true despair。


The next second, Dragon God Salama roared angrily。


With the roar of Dragon God Salama, the entire space and time began to tremble violently.。

A terrifying pressure is released directly to everyone。

“So...so strong。”

“I just felt a pressure. I felt like I could hardly breathe!”

Piccolo and Son Gohan, who are relatively weak, are now finding it difficult to breathe under the huge pressure of Dragon God Salama.。

They have never felt this pressure before。

“It's really over now, what on earth is that bastard doing?”

Even Deep Blue Vegeta said he didn't understand what All-Game God Vegeta was doing.。

This guy can obviously easily deal with the Dragon God Salama.。

It has to take so long……

At this time, Broly and Gabby didn't seem to be greatly affected.。

Although they were also under strong pressure。

But I feel quite relaxed, unlike Sun Wuhan, Piccolo and others.。

Because they believed from beginning to end that as long as Master was by their side, they would not be in any danger.。

Although the Dragon God Salama is indeed very powerful, they believe in the master's strength even more!


Accompanied by bursts of roars, Salama's body expanded rapidly, and white halos suddenly shot up into the sky.。

The long black hair also turned white instantly。

After absorbing Vegeta's full Saigon power, he can also have this power。

Now its own power, coupled with the power of all Sai gods absorbed by Vegeta, is extremely terrifying at this time.。

Even Qin Yu thinks so。

However, if he becomes Super Saiyan 3, he still has hope of defeating the current Dragon God Salama.。

“No...impossible. After that bastard absorbed my power, he can transform into the same form as me!”

Vegeta's head shook like a rattle。

But there was nothing he could do at this time, because his previous stupid decision and his arrogant self-confidence determined his current situation!

“How about it? Vegeta。”

“Are you satisfied with what I look like now?”

After the transformation, the body of Dragon God Salama was surrounded by white flames.。


“Don't get too carried away!”

Vegeta's voice came out from his throat, and then his body exploded out.。

Almost in an instant, he arrived in front of the Dragon God Salama.。

Then he punched him directly!


“You are really overestimating your abilities, Vegeta.。”

“There is a big gap between my current strength and my ability just now!”

Dragon God Salama stretched out his hand and easily caught Vegeta's fist.。

almost an understatement。

“What? This is impossible!”

Vegeta looked surprised, obviously in disbelief。

It only took ten minutes for me to transform into my strongest form.。

It was clear that he could suppress Dragon God Salama before, why did his role suddenly change?

This made him unbelievable and very uncomfortable at the same time。

Just when Vegeta was surprised, Dragon God Salama punched out。

The fist instantly sank into Vegeta's lower abdomen.。


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth, and Vegeta's pupils shrank tightly.。

Then the body instantly arched into a prawn。

“It seems that your strength is average! Vegeta。”

“Where did your confidence go?”

Dragon God Salama grabbed Vegeta's hair. At this time, Vegeta was seriously injured due to the heavy blow.。

There is no way to fight back at this point.。

After the Dragon God Salama absorbed most of his divine power, his strength was beyond what he could have imagined.。

“Let me go, let me go quickly!”

Vegeta looked in pain and roared crazily.。

“Do you want me to let you go?”

“You made me feel some pain before, so now, I want to give it back twice as much。”

After the voice of Dragon God Salama fell,。

Another punch hit Vegeta hard in the abdomen.。


A mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth again。

Bang bang bang!

Salama punched dozens of times. Vegeta was very weak at this time and could no longer maintain his full Saiyan form.。

He could only return to his normal state, his eyes were dull, and he could no longer even move!

“It's so boring, so careless!”

“In this case, it seems that I can only change my opponent!”

Dragon God Salama punched Vegeta directly in the face, and Vegeta fell unconscious the moment he flew backwards.。


Sun Wukong quickly dodged his body, hugged Vegeta, and then placed him on the ground.。

In fact, he had already expected such a result。

Vegeta, this guy, swells up as soon as he gains strength.。

This is Sun Wukong. The faces of Sun Wuhan, Piccolo and others became very ugly.。

I originally thought that Vegeta's appearance would end this fight, but now, the fight has not been ended, but I feel more and more anxious.。

Dragon God Sasalama's power is unprecedentedly powerful. If this continues, even if they defeat other evil gods, they will never be able to deal with Dragon God Sasalama!

At this moment, Dragon God Salama glanced at Qin Yu。

This guy was his target from the beginning, but Vegeta suddenly appeared in the middle。

Let your abilities be greatly improved……

I really need to take good care of myself, thank this guy。

Because now, the power he possesses has far exceeded Qin Yu, and it is very easy to kill him.。

“Have you set your mind on me?”

“In this case, it seems that I have to release some power in advance!”

Qin Yu looked at Salama. If he were still fighting in the form of Super Saiyan 2, he would probably not be the opponent of Dragon God Salama.

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