“It's your turn. You were a bit difficult to deal with just now, but now, I will beat you down soon.。”

Dragon God Salama pointed at Qin Yu and said with a sneer.。

Just now, when I didn't absorb the power of God Vegeta, this guy did pose a slight threat to me.。

But now, that threat has long disappeared.……

With my current strength, it would be easy to kill this guy。

“Do you want to strip me down?”

“I think you are a little too inflated? Don't think you can defeat me by absorbing some of Vegeta's power。”

Looking at Dragon God Salama with a strategizing look on his face, Qin Yu also sneered and said。

Salama is indeed very powerful now, but is it not that easy to defeat herself?


“It seems that you don't realize how powerful I am now, okay! Then I will reluctantly show it to you!”

After Dragon God Salama's voice fell, his body flashed out instantly。

This time, his speed is indeed amazing。

He arrived in front of Qin Yu almost instantly, and then punched out。

Facing such a fierce attack, Qin Yu had no choice but to raise his arms and block him in front of him.。


Dragon God Salama's fist hit Qin Yu's arms heavily.。

At that moment, the terrifying power was directly vented like the vast universe.。


Almost when Dragon God Salama's fist hit Qin Yu's arms, Qin Yu's body flew out.。

Fly directly tens of thousands of feet……

My arms instantly lost consciousness。

It's just that Qin Yu has an immortal body and has the power of rules to protect his body.。

Therefore, no matter how powerful the Dragon God's mounted attack is, it cannot cause much damage to Qin Yu.。

And just when Qin Yu's body had not yet stood firm, the body of Dragon God Salama appeared in front of Qin Yu again.。

A faint voice then sounded from behind。

“snort! Now you should have some idea, my speed and strength have long reached a level that is difficult for you to reach.。”

“With your current strength, you are not even qualified to evade。”

After Dragon God Salama's cold voice fell, this time he punched Qin Yu hard on the back!


Indeed, Qin Yu did not react to Dragon God Salama’s attack just now.。

Before turning into a stronger form, Salama's current power indeed far surpassed Qin Yu's。

“This guy is really powerful。”

After Qin Yu was knocked away again, he wiped the corners of his mouth and said lightly。

In his Super Saiyan 2 form, there is indeed a big gap between him and him.。

If that's the case, then just become Super Saiyan 3!


Qin Yu clenched his arms tightly, and a low roar roared out from his throat.。

Immediately afterwards, terrifying golden flames spurted out from Qin Yu's body in an instant.。


At that moment, the entire space and time trembled again。

And it's very violent. The aura is even more terrifying than when Vegeta turned into a full Saiyan God.。


“what's the situation? How could such a powerful aura suddenly appear?”

“it's that guy……”

After feeling this breath, everyone was shocked again and again, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.。

Then he quickly looked at Qin Yu。

“So strong!”

“That guy's power completely surpassed Vegeta's in an instant。”

Sun Wukong was even more shocked。

But while she was shocked, she seemed to have thought of something!

Just before, when Black Wukong appeared, this guy easily killed him with just two words.。

In other words, he possesses unfathomable strength。

Maybe even possess super powers!

It can become stronger at this time. Although it is shocking, it seems to be expected.。

Because when Vegeta's energy was absorbed, he kept observing him。

Only his expression didn't change at all, and the people around him didn't seem worried at all.。

This can only show that they knew from the beginning that they had the strength to deal with that evil spirit。

“That bastard, what happened?”

“Why did he raise his energy to such a powerful level? Damn it, his strength has surpassed mine。”

At this time, White God Vegeta had already woken up.。

After feeling Qin Yu's breath, his face turned as ugly as pig liver。

He was obviously weaker than him, but when that guy was humiliating him, he actually remained indifferent.。

Moreover, he took the initiative to give up the evil spirit to himself. The damn bastard definitely did it on purpose!

“Has Master Qin Yu finally transformed?”

“Judging from the looks of each of you who have never seen the world, Master Qin Yu's current transformation is not his strongest strength!”

Broly glanced at the shocked Sun Wukong and others, raised the corner of his mouth and said coldly。

It's just that the voice was very low and no one else could hear it.。

Since Brother Qin Yu has not used his own power, it means that he has his own plans.。

So I can't mess up his plan.。

“Impossible, that bastard took my two punches and acted as if nothing happened。”

“And since his power has been greatly improved, what is going on?”

The most shocking thing is Dragon God Salama。

Originally, he thought that after absorbing Vegeta's divine power, he would be able to kill everyone easily.。

But I didn't expect that this guy's strength would actually improve again!

And you can feel it from his breath, he is very powerful now。

It is very likely that he already has the strength to compete with himself.。

“Damn it, how could something like this happen?”

Dragon God Salama clenched his fists tightly. In fact, he knew very well in his heart。

The guy in front of me is different from the arrogant Vegeta。

He would never give himself the chance to absorb so much divine power. This could be seen in his previous battle with him.。

If this happens, this battle will probably become a protracted one。

Of course, the final victory must belong to you!

Because all the evil gods have absorbed enough divine power now, as long as they carry out the final merger, no one can stop them.。

Not even the king can do it。

At this time, Qin Yu's form had undergone great changes.。

Her hair is still golden, but now it has hung down to her waist, her eyebrows have disappeared, and her eyebrow bones are raised high.。

The pupils are still silver-grey, and the whole body is shining with golden light. The eyes are narrow and long, and the gaze looks very sharp.。

“The power of Super Saiyan 3 is truly extraordinary。”

“It is simply not comparable to Super Saiyan II. "

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