“I understand that Dragon God Salama, although he has turned into a full demon, his siphon energy still exists!”

“And it seems to be more powerful than before!”

Vegeta suddenly said。

The reason why I lost to Dragon God Salama before was because that guy's siphoning ability was too strong.。

That's why I was defeated by him。

If it weren't for his siphon ability, there would be no way he would be defeated by him.。

But now, everyone's divine energy is weakening unconsciously.。

It must be this guy’s fault!

“Come on, everyone turns into normal form。”

After hearing Vegeta's words, Beerus quickly spoke:。

At this time, Quan Wang has no way to deal with this guy. If he absorbs too much divine power,。

The situation will be quite serious。

After hearing what Vegeta and Beerus said, everyone quickly exited the god form.。

Then it became the norm。

“snort! Did you finally find the problem?”

“But now I realize it's a bit too late。”

“Most of your divine power has been absorbed by me。”

It seems that Quanmo Salama no longer cares whether they have discovered the problem or not.。

Because now he has absorbed enough divine power。

In other words, he is now able to deal with all kings!


“I didn't find this problem。”

King Quan frowned and said in a solemn tone.。

Although he really didn't want to believe it, this guy's power was indeed greater than his own!

If you want to kill him, it's really impossible!

The dragon god Salama has the ability to surpass the creator god, which is indeed a bit beyond his imagination.。

“What's wrong? aloof god。”

“Judging from your appearance, you seem to be afraid of me. How can you be my opponent like this?”

As if he could see the fear of the king, Dragon God Salama said proudly.。

There is no suspense in the battle at this point。

The final victory will belong to you, and you will become the new God of all things.。

“Don't be too proud!”

“The ability of the God of Creation is beyond your imagination. He disappears.。”

King Quan's body exploded out instantly。

Once again, he came in front of the all-demon Salama, and punched him out。

All Demon Salama also punched out。


Countless fists met together again。

The entire space and time is already on the verge of collapse.。

The moment the two fists collided, Quan Wang's body flew out upside down.。

Obviously, he did not take any advantage in this collision!

call out……

The next second, Quan Mo Salama's body followed directly and appeared above Quan Wang's head.。

Then he punched him directly。


Quan Mo Salama’s fist landed heavily on Quan Wang’s abdomen。


A mouthful of acidic water spurted out directly from Quan Wang's mouth.。

His body was hit and fell down, and his spiritual energy shrank a little.。

“Ahem, what should I do?”

“If this continues, I will not be his opponent at all, and it is very likely that I will be completely eliminated by him!”

“But apart from me, no one is likely to be his opponent, not even Qin Yu.。”

King Quan looked at Qin Yuzai, frowning tightly and thinking。

As a human being, it is undeniable that Qin Yu's power is indeed very powerful.。

Even before he absorbed his own guards and became a complete body, he might not be as powerful as Qin Yu!

But now, he is completely unable to defeat the demon Salama, so it becomes even more impossible for Qin Yu!


King Quan frowned tightly, and now he wanted to completely kill Dragon God Salama!

Then there is only one way, which is how to use the power of himself and Qin Yu?

But if you want to merge with that guy, he probably won’t agree with it.。


And just when Quan Wang was thinking, the body of Quan Demon Salama appeared in front of him again.。

Then he opened his bow from left to right, beating the whole king non-stop.。

Originally, Quanwang's energy was constantly declining, and now he was so ravaged by Quanmo Salama.。

The breath has withered to the extreme。

“It's over, Quan Wang is no longer a match for that guy!”

“If this continues, the whole king might be killed.。”

Beerus's face is quite ugly.。

In his mind, King Quan is the supreme god。

Can never be defeated!

But now, he really can't stand it when the god he admires the most is beaten so violently.。

“ah! But it is so。”

“Mr. Quan Wang, the current situation is very bad. We may need to help him.。”

Sun Wukong also said with very solemn eyes。

“Stop joking, Kakarot。”

“Before that guy merged with other evil gods, we were no match for him.。”

“Now that guy has become more powerful and terrifying. With our current strength, we can't help at all!”

Vegeta said coldly。

Although Vegeta was indeed scared, what he said was true.。

The power of the demon Salama is beyond their imagination.。

Even after he became a full Sai God, that guy would probably be able to kill him in an instant.。

Therefore, even if they come to help, they will not have any effect.。

Instead, he will be killed together。

“Of course I know about Vegeta, but what other options do we have now?”

“If we don't come together to help Mr. Quan Wang, we will all be killed.。”

Sun Wukong's eyes were equally solemn. How could he not know the power of the Demon Salama?

But even so, there is still a fight to be had。

If they don't fight, they can only wait to die!

“I agree with what he said. Although there is no chance of winning, we must fight.。”

At this time, One Punch Man Saitama stood up and said very seriously。

He has never faced such a powerful enemy before.。

So this time, he will fight to the end no matter what!

Protect the earth and protect mankind, this is what a hero should do。


Vegeta curled his lips and stopped talking.。

Naturally, he also understood Sun Wukong and what they were thinking.。

“Okay, don’t argue anymore!”

“You really are not qualified to fight him。”

“Unless the two of you can fuse and become Gogeta, the All-Game God。”

“But the strengths of you and Sun Wukong are not the same, unless Sun Wukong turns on a limiter。”

“You two should discuss it carefully. During this period, I will temporarily fight for you two.。”

Just when people are extremely desperate and don’t know what to do!

Qin Yu suddenly stepped forward and said calmly to Sun Wukong and Vegeta.。

The strength of the all-demon Salama is very, very terrifying.。

Although Sun Wukong and Vegeta have become the All Sai Gods, they must fuse to defeat the All Demon Salama.。

But now the problem is that Son Goku and Vegeta are not equal in strength。

Vegeta is far more powerful than Sun Wukong。

Unless Sun Wukong also unlocks a limiter, there's nothing the two of them can do, how about that?

Even Vegeta, who forcibly suppressed his aura and fused, probably wouldn't be a match for the all-demon Salama in the end.

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