“You are indeed very powerful, I know this。”

“But if you want to deal with the full demon Salama, IMHO, it should be impossible。”

At this time Vegeta shook his head and said to Qin Yu。

Before, Qin Yu was evenly matched with the Dragon God Salama who had absorbed his own energy, which really made him admire Qin Yu.。

But the guy in front of me is a complete monster. He is no longer as strong as before.。

So even the Saiyan in front of him is probably not his opponent.。

“You just need to find a way to fuse it together. If you resist for half an hour, I'll still be fine.。”

Qin Yu smiled, and after saying that, he flashed his body and appeared in front of Quan Mo Salama.。

“Next, let me fight with you。”

Qin Yu looked at Quanmo Salama and said calmly.。

“oh? Is it really a thing that doesn’t know whether to live or die?”

“Do you think you can compete with me now with your own strength? You take yourself too seriously!”

“With your power, I can kill you in minutes。”

Quanmo Salama looked at Qin Yu with disdain and teased coldly.。

This guy did make me feel a little bit troublesome before, but that was just before.。

I don’t know how many times stronger I am now than before.。

So this guy is completely vulnerable in front of him now.。

“Qin Yu, I know you are stronger, but this guy is outrageous. You are no match for him.。”

At this moment, King Quan also spoke:。

Although he knew that Qin Yu was very strong and had high expectations for him。

But this guy, Quanmo Salama, is really ridiculously strong.。

Even he is not his opponent. This is far beyond his imagination, so Qin Yu will not be his opponent at all.。

“Let me give it a try!”

“Apart from this, are there any other ways we can do it?”

Qin Yu looked at Quan Wang, smiled, and asked。

Apart from him, there is no one who can check and balance the evil Salama.。

“You're right, then be careful yourself。”

“When necessary, I will pour all my energy into you。”

“In this case, I will disappear completely, but I think with my power, you should be able to completely destroy the evil Salama?”

King Quan could only nod his head and said truthfully to Qin Yu。

This is the method he just said, integrating his power into another person's body。

In this case, that person's power will increase dramatically。

At this time, the strongest one is Qin Yu. As long as he integrates his power into his body, he can definitely defeat the all-demon Salama!


“You mean pouring your energy into me。”

“How can this be? If this happens, won't I be controlled by you?”

Qin Yu said calmly。

What Quan Wang said just now really shocked him.。

He can actually transfer all his energy into his own body。

But you have to know that this guy is the king of all. Although I am very confident, what if this guy takes my body?

“Don't worry, nothing like that will happen.。”

“I'm just a ball now, a body of pure energy.。”

“After being fused with you, I will only become your energy and will not have any thoughts.。”

“You can rest assured about this。”

King Quan smiled bitterly and said。

Judging from the current situation, I must disappear today。

“Hey, what on earth are you two discussing?”

“Even if I give you more time, you will never be able to defeat me!”

“Accept your fate as soon as possible!”

All Demon Salama crossed her arms over her chest。

He spoke coldly to Qin Yu and Quan Wang.。

“Okay, let’s talk about this later!”

“I think with my current strength, I shouldn't be much weaker than him.。”

Qin Yu did not immediately accept Quan Wang’s suggestion.。

I would definitely not do such a dangerous thing unless I had to.。

In this world, especially in front of these big people, I would not believe a word!

There must be a reason why they have been able to rule the world for so long!

“All right!”

King Quan could only nod his head.。

He knew that Qin Yu still didn't trust him yet?

This is also expected. Although I was very optimistic about Qin Yu before, this time I asked him to deal with Dragon God Salama, and there was indeed some element of taking advantage of him.。

This guy is so smart, he must have figured this out a long time ago。

“What? You actually said that your current strength can compete with me。”

“Are you dreaming, Saiyan?”

“I can crush you to death with just one little finger now. Why do you say that your current strength can compete with me?”

Quanmo Salama felt that this matter was very incredible.。

What on earth gave this guy so much confidence!

There has been a huge change in myself now compared to before.。

“Stop talking nonsense, I want to see how you can crush me to death with your little finger?”

Qin Yu smiled coldly。

Then suddenly he shook his arms。


A low roar came out from his throat, and then a terrifying golden enterprise erupted from his body in an instant。

At that moment, the entire space and time was illuminated golden。

At this time, Qin Yu's form was changing little by little.。

The original waist-length hair was shortened a little bit, and now golden hair began to appear on the body.。

Bah la la!

Rays of golden lightning fell from the sky like giant pythons。

Everyone felt a sense of threat of death. Just a breath of breath made their fearful bodies unable to move.。


“What is going on? Can that Saiyan become stronger? This aura is really huge!”

“I feel that he is on par with the All-Demon Salama, no, maybe even stronger than him.。”

This is Vegeta's pupils constricted and his eyes widened!

Shock! Unparalleled shock fills everyone's heart。

None of them expected that Qin Yu was so powerful。

The strength is much stronger than they imagined.……

“That's really awesome, Vegeta。”

“I really didn't expect Saiyans to be able to reach this level.。”

Sun Wukong also looked dull and looked at Qin Yu in disbelief!

As for the others, their mouths were trembling, but they couldn't say a word.。

Because Qin Yu at this time was so powerful that they could not imagine。

At this time, Qin Yu's transformation has been completed。

The whole body is covered with golden hair, and the hair and pupils have also turned golden.。

A golden tail swings flexibly behind her, and her hair looks thicker.。

This is Qin Yu’s Super Saiyan Four……

The strongest form.

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