“What the hell is going on? Is there no limit to this bastard?”

At this time, no one else was mentioned, even the whole demon Salama was very, very shocked.。

He didn't expect that this guy could improve his strength over and over again.。

After this transformation, his strength seemed to have been greatly improved.。

Although he is not as strong as himself, he is still quite difficult to deal with.。

“Qin Yu, this guy, is really amazing.。”

“His current power is stronger than I imagined. I always thought that was all his power just now!”

“But I didn’t expect that this guy actually had something to hide, not bad。”

“If this happens, it is indeed possible for him to defeat Salama。”

At this time, King Quan also looked at Qin Yu with a shocked face, thinking in his heart。

Indeed, Qin Yu was able to become so powerful in just one year.。

Although he spent several years in the place on Earth called the Spiritual Time Room, his talent cannot be ignored!

It's really too strong。

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong even if I transfer all my energy to him.。

Maybe he can take good care of the universe on his behalf。

“After becoming Super Saiyan 4, the feeling is indeed completely different!”

“It's like a qualitative sublimation, and the strength is not comparable to that of Super Saiyan III.。”

Qin Yu clenched his fists and said calmly。

At this time, in his body, a very, very huge force was flowing in every corner of his body.。

Then I guess you need to make him very comfortable, as if he can completely destroy the entire world in an instant!

I've never felt so powerful。

Although he also transformed into Super Saiyan IV in the Spiritual Time Room last time, his basic combat power was not very high at that time.。

So after becoming Super Saiyan IV, there is still a huge upper limit.。

But now it's completely different. The battle between Quan Wang and Quan Demon just now produced a very huge amount of divine power.。

And after absorbing the power of those gods, his strength has been greatly improved.。

So now that I have become Super Saiyan IV, my power naturally has a completely different feeling.。

“Dad, you have become so strong now!”

“Even when I stand next to you, I feel a little scared!”

At this time, Qin Sili blinked her big watery eyes and said to Qin Yu。

This is indeed her true feeling, although she knows very well that her father will not hurt her!

But the very fearful feeling in his heart made him unable to ignore it。

“What are you afraid of? Dad won't hurt you.。”

Qin Yu rubbed Qin Sili's little head. He smiled and said。

He knew very well that after his strength had been greatly improved,。

My own bloodline has also been improved and evolved to a certain extent!

Therefore, as Saiyans, they will naturally be a little afraid of themselves.。

“Yeah, yeah, I know it!”

“Has dad beaten that bad guy now?”

Qin Sili asked curiously。

Dad has become so strong now, he should be able to defeat that bad guy, right?

“Pretty much, anyway, I must be the one who wins in the end!”

Please smile with confidence。

Maybe Super Saiyan Four can't help but completely kill All Demon Salama!

But King Quan has just said that he will channel all his energy to himself when necessary.。

If that happens, this person can definitely kill the entire demon Salama easily!


“I believe Dad!”

Qin Sili nodded, with an innocent look on her face。

“Okay, Saiyan.。”

“I'm surprised and happy to see you become so strong。”

“That boy Quan Wang is no longer worthy of being my opponent!”

“Now that you have become stronger again, it seems that this battle will be interesting again!”

Quanmo Salama shook his fist and said excitedly。

He didn't think that this Saiyan would be able to become his opponent after his improved strength.。

He will just help himself deliver more energy。


“I also think it will be a very interesting battle next。”

Qin Yu smiled, then turned to Broly, Carface and others and said: "You guys will take No. 18 and Sili and leave this time and space first."。”

“Because soon, this time and space will be completely destroyed!”

“I'll find you again then。”

He said it very seriously!

So even though Broly and the others wanted to help Qin Yu, no one dared to refuse him when they looked at his serious expression.。

“OK, Master。”

“Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of my wife and Xiao Sili!”

Broly nodded very seriously and said。

This is the only thing I can do。


“Then No. 18 and Sili will be left to you.。”

Qin Yu nodded and said。

At this time, after hearing Qin Yu's words, Kafisi's face looked much uglier.。

“Brother Qin Yu, actually I really don’t want to be separated from you!”

“I really don’t want to be separated from you again, I would rather stay with you, even if... I am killed。”

Kafisi's expression was very solemn and he said to Qin Yu。

After the last reunion, she swore that she would never leave Qin Yu University again.���of。

“You have to go, you all have to go。”

“Kafis, I know what you're thinking, but don't worry, after this thing is over, you will be my woman.。”

Qin Yu walked up to Kafis, gently stroked Kafis' hair, and said softly。

In fact, he has always known what Kafis was thinking.。

They have known each other for more than ten years, and Carface has already fallen in love with him!

How could I not know this?

However, she always felt that the two of them were too familiar, so it was not easy to start.。

But now, she has really liked him for so many years?

If I can't give her a title, that would be a bit too cruel.。

If you say you don't have feelings for Kafis, that would be a lie.。

There must be some!

So now, take advantage of today’s opportunity to accept Kafis!

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