Return to the courtyard next door。

As soon as Jia Hong walked into the courtyard gate, he saw Ruizhu coming to greet him.。

“Your Majesty! Ruizhu shouted timidly。

Jia Hong hugged her, kissed her and said with a smile: "Little maid! You should change your name to 'Prince'."’。”

Ruizhu smiled and said: "It's okay to call me something else. If you want me to call you something else, just mention it."。”

Jia Hong raised his eyes and smiled: "No need, my concubine's 'Prince' is quite nice."。”

The two chatted and laughed, walked into the hall and sat down, Ruizhu said again: "I will tell you something today. Now Anguo Wine, Ganzhou and Huozhou have planted new varieties in the vineyards. The prince only has to name them. How many more kinds of wine can our house produce for the Mid-Autumn Festival this year?。”

Jia Hong nodded and said: "Oh, that's it. It turns out that I gave my good daughter the 'Seven Skills'. This can be used now."。”

“Well! Ruizhu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, just look at the list."。”

“I listened to your wishes before, and the treasury has enough money, so I simply bought some more wineries in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang.。”

Jia Hong took the list, nodded and said, "Very good."。”

Ruizhu introduced: "The yellow wine produced in Shaoxing Prefecture is also called 'Zhuangyuanhong'.’、‘The daughter is red, and the government has two wineries.。”

“Guangfu is a place rich in southern melons and fruits, which is very suitable for making special fruit wines, such as lychee wine, milk melon wine, etc.……”

Jia Hong simply said: "Well - register a company at the Hujiang Commercial Office and record it in the name of the eldest sister and the second sister. My ex-son Xiaofeng and Ping'er always mentioned that I won't be here when my daughter turns one year old, so let's treat it as a replacement gift.。”

“This Shaoxing winery will be brewing 'Ner'er Hong' and using it as the brand of 'Qiqiao'。”

Hearing this, Ruizhu smiled and said: "That prince is very generous. I am afraid that the little princess will not have to worry about food, clothing and private money in the future."。”

“Although there were two grand ceremonies this year, the treasury of the Winery Tower was still full. The prince only cares about flowers!”

“Nana often said that if you pile up that money and don’t use it, you don’t know what you are going to do with it.。”

Jia Hong smiled and said: "Knowing your ability, I will keep those who should be kept in Qiongjiang Tower. Now each factory does not need to make up any more money and can just run its own operations."。”

“What can I do! Ruizhu smiled timidly and said, "Without any other queen, how could I do such a thing? I'm just a little maid!"”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile when he heard this, shaved her nose, and said: "Guangfu's wine. The lychee one is called 'Guifei', the papaya one is 'Yuanchun'"’。”

“There are several types of wines in Ganzhou and Huozhou, 'Mermaid'’、‘Ehuang’、‘Diao Chan’。”

Ruizhu smiled and said: "I have heard of the allusion to lychee. It was taught by Empress Yuanchun. It's called 'The concubine in the red world laughs, and no one knows it's lychee.'"’!”

“‘Are Ehuang' and Diaochan the sisters of Su'echanjuan? Your Majesty, you dare to take it too!”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "What's not to dare to take? Aren't they all married and brought home?"。”

Ruizhu laughed for a while after hearing this, got off Jia Hong's lap, and said: "Okay, I won't tell you, now that I have chosen a name, there is nothing left to do with the prince, just leave it to me."。”

“Yes," Jia Hong pulled her away and said, "You mean what you say, but you dislike me as a hands-off shopkeeper.。”

Ruizhu was tickled so much that she giggled and said: "Where! Okay, okay. I'm really busy today! It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival.。”

“If the prince is really bored, he might as well send me to the city. I haven’t ridden a snowshoe rabbit yet, and I heard from my sisters that it’s very fast!”

Hearing this, Jia Hong let go and smiled: "Okay, you said I won't tease you anymore."。”

After that, the two came to the courtyard。

Jia Hong called the Yushuang Snow Rabbit, asked Ruizhu to get on the horse, and said: "Okay, little maid, please sit still. The car is going too fast and it will fall. It's hard for me to handle it."。”

Ruizhu said with a smile: "I am sitting in front of the horse. If I fall, I will blame the prince for not catching it properly!”

The two were chatting and laughing, and Jia Hong sent the maid to Hujiang City.。

While galloping all the way, Ruizhu exclaimed, "The horse is going too fast!"


Not long after, after sending Ruizhu into the city, Jia Hong rode back to the suburbs.。

Passing by the farmland on the property, I saw a luxurious carriage parked by the roadside, and a middle-aged man was standing on the edge of the field, bending down and looking at it.。

“Is it possible for someone to steal food? The clothes don't look like it either.……”Jia Hong thought。

He simply dismounted and asked, "Master, what are you looking at?”

The other party stood up straight and looked at Jia Hong, cupped his hands and said: "Oh! Hello, hello! I am the newly transferred magistrate of Taicang!”

“I heard that Prince Zhongshun’s farmland in Hujiang Mansion has an yield of more than ten dan per mu! I came here to ask for a visit!”

Jia Hong was not surprised when he heard this and said with a smile: "I am Jia Hong. I wonder what I call you?”

“this! I’ve met the prince! The other party hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I hope the prince will be magnanimous. Forgive me for my blindness!"”

“The next official is Li Shouzheng. Because my niece was married in Rongguo Mansion, I originally planned to take this opportunity to visit the prince in Grand View Garden!”


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