“You're a smug bastard, you'll do this kind of sneak attack from behind.。”

“But I have to say, you are really good at irritating me. Next, I will let you experience my anger.。”

All Demon Salama was suddenly furious, with blazing anger shooting out of his eyes.。

call out……

The next second, the body disappeared directly。

When he reappeared, he was behind Qin Yu, and then punched out!

This time, the full demon Salama used all his power。

Because from the previous contest, he had realized that if he didn't try his best now, there would be no way he could be this guy's opponent!

Therefore, he plans to end this battle as soon as possible。

It has to be said that the full strength of the full demon Salama is indeed very terrifying, and the speed is also quite astonishing.。

Even Qin Yu didn't react in time at this time.。

Quanmo Salama punched out, and thousands of fist marks suddenly hit Qin Yu.。

A huge energy barrier condensed directly around Qin Yu's body。

Bang bang!

When the fist hit the energy barrier, it made a low collision sound。

Soon clear cracks appeared on the energy barrier.。


The next second, the energy barrier shattered, and Qin Yu's body was hit by countless punches and flew backwards.。

“Go to hell!”

Quanmo Salama obviously wanted to end the battle quickly and did not give Qin Yu any chance to react!

The moment the voice fell, he punched out again!

Suddenly a white energy beam shot towards Qin Yu。


When Qin Yu saw this, he naturally didn't dare to take a direct hit, so he quickly used it and teleported。

Dodge the energy beam。

“This guy seems to have used all his power, his speed and strength have been greatly improved。”

“In this case, it might be a little difficult for me to defeat him。”

At this time, Qin Yu frowned slightly and whispered to himself。

The full power of the full demon Salama is still very terrifying.。

After all, this guy is no exaggeration to say that he is now a strong man standing at the top of the pyramid of the universe.。

“Qin Yu, if you continue like this, you will definitely be killed. We have no chance of winning!”

“The only way to defeat the evil Salama now is for you to absorb my power, so that you can kill him.。”

Seeing that Qin Yu was at a disadvantage, King Quan quickly spoke.。

Judging from the current situation, this should be the only way!

“All right! I agreed!”

Qin Yu nodded and accepted King Quan's proposal.。

With my current strength, it is really difficult to kill the all-demon Salama.。

Moreover, there is no other god's power for him to absorb now!

If the battle lasts too long, you will definitely lose.。

But if you absorb the power of the King, your own power will definitely be qualitatively improved!

When the time comes, it will be very simple to kill the whole demon Salama!

“Very good, since you agree, then I will entrust the fate of all time, space and the universe to you!”

“From now on, you will be the new creator and the new king of this world.。”

A relieved smile appeared on Quan Wang's face。

Qin Yu should be able to properly manage the universe on his behalf.。

After saying that, Quan Wang's body directly turned into a ball of white energy, which filled Qin Yu's body.。

Almost at the moment when the energy penetrated into the body, Qin Yu felt that his body had undergone tremendous changes.。

Strength surges instantly……

“This power is simply too huge!”

“I really didn’t expect that after absorbing the power of the King, my strength would grow to such an extent.。”

“The current level is such that I don’t need to transform, and I can probably defeat the all-demon Salama easily.。”

Qin Yu clenched his fist, extremely excited。

Indeed, although he had thought about countless possibilities and ways to defeat all demons before,。

But the only thing he didn't expect was that Quan Wang would take the initiative to provide himself for his own absorption.。

Although his energy is not as strong as the all-demon Salama, after being absorbed by him, the energy is no longer as simple as adding up!

“What? That guy Qin Yu actually absorbed the whole king。”

“Impossible. King Quan is the biggest god in the world. How could he take the initiative to let a human absorb his energy?。”

Beerus was shaking his head like a rattle at this time.。

He couldn't believe it at all, King Quan actually made such a choice。

Not only him, Sun Wukong and others also couldn't believe it.

Because Quanwang is an invincible existence in their hearts。

Now they actually choose to take the initiative to become a Saiyan energy to deal with an all-demon. This is a bit beyond their imagination.。

“It's so powerful, I feel like I have mastered all the rules of this world now。”

“In an instant, this world can be wiped out。”

Qin Yu clenched his fist and said with great excitement。

After absorbing all the energy of the King, he gained more than just an increase in strength.。

And the power of rules is more perfect。

If I only had the power of my own rules before, now, the superposition of myself and the King's rules has formed a more perfect rule.。

“Damn it, that bastard actually chose to let someone absorb it!”

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”

All Demon Salama was also dumbfounded at this time!

He never thought that Quan Wang, a bastard, would actually do such a thing!

In order to kill himself, could he even abandon his identity as a creator god?

“Salama, all the kings have sacrificed their lives to destroy you, so now, it's your turn!”

After absorbing the whole king, Qin Yu calmed down his excitement.。

Then he looked at Quan Mo Salama and said calmly.。

“You bastard!”

“Don't be too proud and get carried away。”

“Do you think that little bastard you absorbed can become my opponent?”

At this time, Quanmo Salama gritted her teeth tightly, even though she was still saying such strong words.。

But I was already starting to feel scared!

Just having Quan Wang and Qin Yu already made him feel in trouble.。

Now that guy has absorbed all the king's energy. In this way,。

He is powerless. Is it not just as simple as 1+1=2?

Instead, it will show an infinite skyrocketing trend.。

So I can't even imagine how strong this guy in front of me is now.。

The only thing that is certain is that he should now have the ability to kill himself。

“It seems that you are very scared, you have already started to sweat, and you are still saying such things.。”

“I really admire your calmness and calmness.。”

“But even so, you must die today!”

Qin Yu smiled coldly and said to Salama.

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