“Yeah? I admit that you have indeed become stronger after gaining the power of the King.。”

“But now I have also become a full demon. No matter how powerful you become, you can't kill me!”

Although Quanmo Salama was very scared in her heart, she was still very firm on her lips.。

He didn't want to admit that after these two people combined, they would become even more powerful than himself.。

“Yeah? It seems you are quite confident。”

“In this case, I might as well let you feel the true despair first!”

Qin Yu raised the corner of his mouth, then clenched his fists tightly。


Along with the deep roar, the golden aura around Qin Yu instantly turned into white.。

At that moment, the entire sky began to tremble, and wisps of white light directly illuminated the entire time and space.。

At this time, Qin Yu's hair turned white directly, and his whole body was filled with silver-white arrogance.。

A blood-red V symbol appears above the head。

“That guy actually turned into a full god form。”

Dragon God Salama on the side was quite surprised。

“Maybe he is the real Super Saiyan God。”

At this time, watching Qin Yu's transformation, Sun Wukong and Vegeta were also very surprised and said。

Although their strength has been greatly improved after becoming Super Saiyan White.。

But that kind of improvement pales in comparison to the Qin Yu in front of him!

There is no comparability at all。

“It's so strong. I never imagined that Saiyans could reach this level.。”

Sun Wufan was also very, very shocked.。

It can be said that he should be considered very talented among Saiyans.。

But I can't imagine that one day my strength will reach such a level.。

“He is indeed very powerful. Now he can probably kill the entire demon Salama easily.。”

Piccolo also said in a very shocked tone.。

At this time, the face of Quan Mo Salama was very, very ugly.。

Because after Qin Yu absorbed the power of the king, his strength was greatly improved.。

Although I really don't want to admit it, this is a fact, that is, I can't be Qin Yu's opponent now!

“It seems that I can only absorb all the other guys. Maybe this way I can have a chance of survival.。”

Quanmo Salama looked at Fu and Yamosi’s people.。

Although their power is not too strong, after absorbing them, they can always provide themselves with a lot of strength.。

“You guys, come here quickly!”

After thinking about it, Dragon God Salama shouted directly to Yamosi and others.。

Although those people were a little reluctant, there was nothing they could do。

Because the current full demon Salama is simply not something they can compete with or resist.。

Afterwards, only this kind of all-demon Salama can appear in front of him.。

Then a very terrifying suction force suddenly appeared in Salama's body, sucking Fu and Yamosi in directly.。

Because their bodies are already imbued with the power of Dragon God Salama.。

Therefore, it is impossible for them to control their bodies by themselves.。

It is too easy for Salama to absorb them。

Gu Gu……

After absorbing Yamosi, Haz and the others, the power of All Demon Salama increased again.。

“Although it has not reached the ideal state, such power should be enough to compete with him!”

After the whole demon Salama absorbed Yamoxi and Haz, he clenched his fist and said。

My strength has grown a lot now。

Even if he can't kill Qin Yu, he should at least not be much weaker than him, right?

“Are you ready?”

“If you're ready, I'm going to attack。”

Qin Yu didn't stop the whole demon Salama from absorbing Yamosi and the others at all.。

Because in his opinion, there is no need at all!

There is no way that Salama can be his opponent now. After absorbing those stinky tomatoes and rotten bird eggs, how can he take it to heart?

“bring it on! Now we can have a good time and compete with each other。”

“Let me see what power you two have when combined!”

Salama clenched her fist tightly。

What follows will definitely be a very, very fierce battle!

call out……

The moment Salama's voice fell。

Qin Yu's body flashed out。

It's almost like using the Flash Time Kung Fu, jumping, time is just as fast。

In an instant, he was in front of the all-demon Salama.。

“So fast. What's this guy's speed?”

The whole demon Salamas was shocked instantly。

Although he was very fast, Qin Yu was so fast just now that he didn't even react.。


Quanmo Salama was still in shock and had been hit hard by Qin Yu's kick on the face.。

The body flew out instantly。

call out……

And the next second, Qin Yu's body once again reached behind Quanmo Salama, and kicked out again,

At this time, the whole demon Salama was like a football, being kicked around in the huge space and time.。

There was absolutely no chance of parrying, and no strength to fight back.。

“Damn it, you damn bastard, I will never let you go!”

“I am a demon, do you deserve to humiliate me?”

The whole demon Salama was completely furious at this time。

The moment his body flew out upside down, his arms suddenly twitched。

The terrifying black demonic energy burst out from the body in an instant。

“dark seal……”

A low voice roared from his throat。

In the next second, the black flames instantly enveloped Qin Yu like a huge cage.。

“Dark Light……”

At the moment when Qin Yu's body was controlled, Quan Mo Salama roared again。

Suddenly, a terrifying evil energy fell from the sky and struck directly towards the black cage.。

“Darkness can never defeat me。”

“Because from just now, I have represented light, the laws of this world and all things in the universe.。”


Qin Yu suddenly opened his arms, and two terrifying energies suddenly emitted from the palms of his hands.。

The dark energy of All Demon Salama was directly dispersed。

Like snowflakes falling on red-hot iron。

Suddenly disappeared without a trace。

“did you see it? this is the difference between us。”

“Now, what qualifications do you have to fight me?”

After easily destroying the attack of All Demon Salama, Qin Yu said calmly.

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