Indeed, Qin Yu's current power has far surpassed that of Quanmo Salama.。

No matter how hard she struggled or resisted, she could never turn defeat into victory.。

Qin Yu is very clear about this, and Quanmo Salama is also very aware of this.。

“Although I really don’t want to admit it, you are indeed very strong。”

“But even if you kill me, you will probably shed a layer of skin yourself.。”

“Why don't we join forces and dominate this world?”

Quanmo Salama looked solemnly and spoke to Qin Yu again.。

This is his last hope。

In fact, I was just talking big words just now.。

Because from the previous battles, he already knew very well that his own strength could not be Qin Yu's opponent!

If this continues, I will only be killed.。

If the two of them can join forces, it doesn't matter if you don't become the boss?

After all, saving his life is the most important thing to him now.。

“I'm really sorry. I told you a long time ago that I don't need to join forces with you at all.。”

“Now I just need to kill you, and the world will naturally fall into my hands。”

Qin Yu shrugged and said calmly.。

With my current strength, even if King Quan comes, I can easily press him to the ground and rub him。

The whole demon Salama is even more impossible to be his opponent!

In this case, wouldn't it be stupid to join forces with him?

“I can be your little brother。”

“With my strength, although I am not as good as you, but except you, no one wants more than me。”

“Where can you find such a young man?”

Quanmo Salama narrowed his eyes and said in a very solemn tone.。

As the previous great priest, and one whose strength surpassed that of the entire king, he would actually say such a thing?

Even he feels ashamed。

But there is no other way. If you want to survive, you have to live in an ignoble way.。

As long as I can survive today, I will have plenty of opportunities in the future to turn defeat into victory and make a comeback.。

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Since I can live in the darkness for billions of years, what does this humiliation mean now?

“You are indeed very strong。”

“But I don’t need subordinates like you. Keeping you by my side is indeed a time bomb.。”

“I don't know when he's going to explode。”

“So I think it would make me feel more at ease if you died!”

Qin Yu said calmly。

No one is more reliable than a dead human being。

“If you say that, it seems that you are determined to fight.。”

“Let me tell you, even if you kill me, you won't be much better?”

Seeing that Qin Yu was completely unmoved, Quanmo Salama threatened him again.。

He is indeed weaker than him, but if he wants to kill him, he probably won't feel comfortable either.。

“If you are so young, I am overestimating you.。”

“In my eyes now, you are just a bigger mosquito.。”

“I can kill you with one slap!”

Qin Yu smiled jokingly。

He wasn't exaggerating。

After absorbing the power of the king, these few people have indeed become very, very powerful.。

In his own eyes, the whole demon Salama is simply vulnerable and not worth mentioning.。

“Asshole, don't be so self-righteous.。”

Quan Mo Salama gritted her teeth tightly。

The next second, his body suddenly rushed towards Qin Yu。

Since there is no way to reach consensus, the only option is to fight。

Strike first to gain the upper hand。

Looking at the demon Salama rushing towards him, Qin Yu punched out。


The moment the two fists collided, a low collision sound instantly sounded.。

Then, the body of Quanmo Salama flew out directly.。

The entire arm completely disappeared without a trace。

This time, there was no way he could recover again。

Because every estimate made by Qin Yu contains the power of two rules。

The power of Quanwang's rules really can't do anything to Quanmo Salama。

But with the addition of Qin Yu's power of rules, the whole demon Salama is naturally unable to cope with it?

“Are you about to win?”

“Great, Qin Yu is too powerful! If this continues, Demon Salama will have no chance of winning!”

Sun Wukong and others were very shocked。

They didn't expect that the all-demon Salama, who was like a demon in their eyes, would be so vulnerable in Qin Yu's hands.。

“It looks like the battle will be over soon。”

“That guy is so strong!”

Beerus also looked fearful。

That guy absorbed all the king's power。

That means that he has now become the new king of the universe。

As the God of Destruction, he naturally exerts great pressure on himself。

“In any case, after Qin Yu won the battle, at least our time and space should be saved!”

“I just don’t know if the Super Dragon Balls have been destroyed!”

“If it is destroyed, even if time and space are preserved, our universe and planet will still not be able to recover.。”

There was a hint of excitement on Bick's face first.。

Then the excitement slowly dimmed.。


“But I heard that the Super Dragon Balls were created by the Dragon God Salama!”

“His estimate can definitely destroy the Super Grand Ceremony. In this case, it will not be easy to restore our universe and the earth!”

Sun Wuhan also frowned tightly and said。

“Okay, we'll talk about this kind of thing later.。”

“Now let’s see how Qin Yu decides!”

Vegeta looked at the battle in front of him and signaled to the others to stop talking!

Qin Yu turned out to be the King of Quan. In addition to the ability to erase, he should also have the ability to create.。

After all, King Quan is also called the God of Creation.。

After hearing Vegeta's words, everyone stopped talking.。

And at this time。

The whole demon Salama on the other side is in very, very pain。

He felt that after his arm was broken by a punch, his strength drained away at the fastest speed.。

It's like Qin Yu's power of rules has blessed his body。

“I no longer have the desire to fight with you, All Demon Salama。”

“Now you can go die!”

Qin Yu's cold voice fell.。

Then raise your right palm flat。

A silver-white energy ball condensed from the palm of the hand。

When that energy ball condensed, everyone's expressions changed.。

Because that energy ball contains the danger of complete destruction!

Just like that thing can completely destroy the whole world。

“No no, you can't kill me。”

“Please don't kill me, I can do anything for you!”

All Demon Salama also felt a sense of danger!

I just quickly ignored my face and begged for mercy.。

His intuition told him that begging for mercy was now her only chance and hope.。

The battle is simply unwinnable!

“It's too late, you don't even need to exist。”

After Qin Yu's calm voice fell, the energy ball in his palm blasted out directly。

Almost instantly, Quanmo Salama's body was completely swallowed by the energy ball!


Accompanied by heart-rending howls mixed with fear, the body of All Demon Salama began to disappear bit by bit.。

Moreover, his anger also weakened rapidly.

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