“So...then what should we do now?”

“If those guys feel something is wrong, or they find stronger Saiyans, we will definitely not be able to deal with it then.。”

After hearing what Bados said, Kafisi said with a very ugly expression.。

If it had been before, I wouldn't have been afraid of death!

But it's different now. Brother Qin Yu has promised himself that she will become his woman when they meet next time.。

Thinking of this, he will feel very happy。

I have been waiting for more than ten years。

I finally waited for this sentence, so I didn’t want to die like this before I saw Brother Qin Yu.。

“I don't know what to do either?”

“The current situation is far beyond my ability or predictability。”

Bados shook his head。

If it were their time and space, angels would be supreme beings。

But this place。

Even Saiyans are so powerful。

Then the gods in this place will probably be even more terrifying.。

So they are in a very dangerous place now。

“I think we should find a place to hide now!”

“After Master Qin Yu arrives, we will make plans。”

At this time, Weiss suggested。

It's exactly what Bados said。

This place is full of unknown dangers。

If they act rashly, it will definitely be very dangerous!

If they wait until Qin Yu comes back, they will have spiritual support。

There will also be a leader by then。

And with Qin Yu's current strength, he can probably compete with those Saiyans.。

“Well, I agree with Weiss。”

No. 18 nodded.。

This is probably the best way now。

And if Qin Yu is not here, she will always feel very uneasy.。

“Okay, in that case, let's find a place to hide first。”

“But this planet is obviously no longer safe。”

“We set off immediately to other planets。”

“There should be other places in this world to go to。”

Bados immediately spoke and said。

“Want to leave now? It's not that easy。”

“You can't go anywhere now?”

“Just stay here forever for me!”

Just when Bados and the people on No. 18 were about to leave,。

A deep voice suddenly sounded。

The moment the sound sounded。

Everyone's body trembled。

Then a solemn look appeared in his eyes。

“It's over, I didn't expect them to come so quickly。”

The expressions of Weiss and Bardos both changed.。

Then he showed a very solemn expression。

This breath that suddenly appeared was very, very powerful.。

Even more powerful than the previous breath。

The strong sense of oppression made them feel very uncomfortable.。

It's like everyone has a mountain behind them。

call out……

Almost as soon as the sound fell, several figures appeared again。

The four people just now are still among them。

But next to them, two more Saiyans appeared. Their appearance did not change much, and a tail swung flexibly behind them.。

“This is really bad。”

“I can feel that these two guys suddenly appeared, they are more powerful than the previous Saiyans.。”

“In this case, do we really have no chance of survival?”

Broly is also quite ugly.。

You know, with his current strength, he can't even defeat one of the Saiyans.。

Now suddenly there are two more powerful Saiyans. If this happens, they really have no chance of winning.。

And now, Sili, the only one who can threaten them, has no power anymore.。

“Is it just a few of them?”

“It feels like there is no power in this body, it is as weak as an insect。”

“How could it be possible to kill our people?”

It was an unfamiliar face that spoke。

Looking at Broly and the others with disdain。

The most powerful among them in front of him is Broly, but in his eyes, Broly is still very weak.。

It can be said that he is almost like a small insect, and can crush him to death in an instant!

“That's right, Brother SEG。”

“It was the little one who killed her. Her body seemed to contain very strong power.。”

“It seems to be called the power of rules. Obviously that little thing is very weak, but that energy can kill us in an instant.。”

Another Saiyan next to him said tremblingly.。

You must know that they are the noble fighting nation Saiyans.。

To be killed by such a group of little bugs。

What a huge humiliation!

They were very lucky not to be killed by Brother SEG.。

“It's really embarrassing for you to be killed by a kid.。”

“But since they have offended us, then send them to hell!”

Saige's tone was cold and condescending.。

Then, he suddenly lifted up。

call out……

An energy beam suddenly shot out。

No one had time to react。


Bados's chest was directly penetrated by the energy beam.。

The blood is flowing straight。

And Bados' body also flew out upside down.。

“elder sister……?”



Everyone looked at Bados in horror。

Especially on the 18th, Gabe, Kafis and others。

It is simply unimaginable for them to know that Bados is an angel。

He was killed instantly。

And there was no reaction at all。

Are those guys really that strong?

“elder sister……”

Weiss quickly ran to Bados。

Then he quickly used his angel staff to treat Bados。

But he discovered that his staff could not heal Bados at all.。

“what happened?”

“My recovery ability is actually useless at all。”

Weiss's brows furrowed even more.。

If even the healing power of angels cannot help。

That means that if they are killed now, they are killed。

There is no chance of resurrection at all。


“It turns out that the unfortunate person is you!”

“I think everyone's heart is full of fear now.。”

“But don’t worry, we are all kind.。”

“Next, soon you will no longer feel this despair and fear!”

The Saiyan who just made a move spoke again。

“is it you?”

The Saiyan pointed at Broly。

“still you? Or that kid。”

Then he looked at No. 18 and Qin Sili.

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