“Yeah? I can't believe that these words came out of the mouth of a little insect.。”

“I can tell you clearly, little bug, although you aroused my desire to fight。”

“But that doesn't mean you have the strength to fight with me。”

“If I want to kill you, it's as easy as sticking an ant to death!”

Saiyan Sage spoke with a cold tone and spoke condescendingly to Qin Yu.。

I wonder where these little bugs come from?

They actually have such courage, I have to say, they are really good。


If you dare to scream in front of yourself, there will only be one ending, which is death!

“Then you can try it。”

“I can also tell you clearly that I will break your legs and crush your head later.。”

Qin Yu's eyes were also spraying cold flames。

Said to Sage word for word。

It is absolutely unacceptable for this bastard to bully No. 18 and Sili.���Forgive!

Therefore, I have to kill him no matter what!

“Yep, this is the first time I've seen such an arrogant and ignorant little bug.。”

“Don't you want to break my legs? Then come over quickly!”

Saige gritted his teeth and smiled angrily.。

He has not heard such arrogant words for a long time.。


The next second, a faint voice came out from Qin Yu's mouth。

He wanted to give it a try to see if his erasure ability was still effective in this time and space.。

The sound fell for two seconds。

The few people in front of me were still standing there peacefully.。

“Sure enough, erasure is not feasible in this time and space?”

Qin Yu frowned slightly。

Although he may have realized it a long time ago, he still felt a little uncomfortable。

If you can't use your erasure ability in this time and space, it's not a good thing for you.。

He felt that the Saiyans in front of him should all be ordinary Saiyans.。

He cannot be regarded as the leader of the Saiyans。

But even so, their strength is ridiculously strong。

You must know that Broly and Sili are definitely the best in their time and space!

The strength even surpasses the existence of angels!

But even so, he can't even beat an ordinary Saiyan here.。

This is enough to show that the Saiyans in this time and space are very strong.。

It's probably not just Saiyans, but other powerful characters as well.。

If I want to survive here, I'm afraid it will be a new challenge.。

“What? Are you scared to death? small bug。”

“What was murmuring in your mouth? You don’t think you can clear me out by just saying two words, do you?”

“If you think so, then I feel really sad for you!”

Saiyan Seg shook his head and looked at Qin Yu with sympathy.。

It seems that this guy has been frightened by himself.。

That's why you do such a stupid thing。

“You don't have to feel sorry for me yet。”

“Soon you will know that you are the one who really deserves to be miserable!”

Qin Yu said lightly。

Since the purging ability cannot be used, then forget it, right?

Anyway, with your own strength, it is easy to deal with these guys in front of you.。

“act recklessly!”

“Brother SEG, let me deal with that little bug.。”

“Hehe, it’s not easy to meet such a strong little insect, I also want to use my fists a little bit。”

At this moment, another Saiyan next to Saige spoke.。

he has been silent。

After seeing Qin Yu at this time, if he felt that this guy had very powerful power in his body,。

Therefore, the Saiyan blood in his body began to boil。

“Well, since you want to stretch your muscles, go for it!”

“If he can't even defeat you, then fighting with me will only make my hands dirty.。”

Saige thought for a moment, then nodded and said。

Anyway, Mona is very strong and should be able to deal with this arrogant thing!

“Hehe, thank you, Brother SEG.。”

Mona bared her teeth and smiled.。

Face full of ferociousness。

Seems very excited。

Then he looked at Qin Yu。

That look in his eyes seemed as if Qin Yu had become his prey.。

He wanted to have a good time with this prey。

“Don't be careless, this guy seems to have some strength。”

Sage reminded lightly.。

Can make him feel a little bit of strength。

That is definitely an unusual opponent!

So, if Mona doesn't handle it well, it will probably be a bit difficult.。

“Don't worry, Brother Seg, I can kill such a little bug easily.。”

Mona clenched her fist confidently。

In his eyes, these people in front of him are just little bugs。

It's not too easy to kill them!


However, he still chose to transform。

If Brother SEG hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have wanted to transform at all.。

But now that he has said so, let’s transform and have fun!

With a low roar。

Silver flames suddenly appeared around Mona's body。

Then, the black hair turned directly into silver white。

“Is this the transformation of these Saiyans?”

“It is indeed ridiculously strong, comparable to or even surpassing Vegeta's full Saiyan God form!”

Looking at Mona's transformation in front of him, Qin Yu thought in his heart。

You must know that Vegeta's full Saiyan God form is already the top transformation of the Saiyans!

As long as he turns on the last limiter, not even the King of Quan will be able to kill him.。

But here, an ordinary Saiyan can reach this level after transforming。

No wonder Broly and the others are no match at all。

“Dad, those guys are very powerful, you have to be careful!”

Qin Sili whispered to Qin Yu。

“Don't worry, in Dad's opinion, they are just a few rotten bird eggs。”

Qin Yu turned his head and smiled, and said confidently。

It is undeniable that the former Saiyan was so powerful。

If he were an ordinary person, he would really not be his opponent.。

He happens to be not an ordinary person。

So today, I can only blame them for their bad luck!

After Qin Yu's voice fell, he walked towards Mona step by step.。

“Are you still pretending to be calm?”

Looking at Qin Yu who looked calm, Mona's eyes became even colder.

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