“Then go to hell, you arrogant and ignorant little bug!”

Mona's cold voice fell, containing fierce murderous intent.。

Then the body flashed out。

The speed was quite astonishing, and he was in front of Qin Yu almost in an instant.。

Then he punched out directly。

In his opinion, this punch is enough to kill Qin Yu。

After all, in his eyes, Qin Yu is just a little insect。

In other words, he is more insignificant than a small insect。

“Even this soft fist wants to defeat me。”

“Are you afraid that you think too highly of yourself?”

Qin Yu glanced at Mona coldly, and then punched him with the same punch.。

This place is not suitable for the time being, please continue to stay。

Because he doesn’t understand this time and space now。

An ordinary Saiyan has such great power。

Then, it is estimated that there is a stronger existence。

It’s best not to stay until you figure things out!


The next moment, the two fists collided instantly.。

Almost at the moment when fists collide。

Mona's body flew out directly。


Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking。

Mona's entire arm was completely deformed.。

And Qin Yu's body is like a rock, motionless.。

“Good, so strong。”

“The master is the master, he is too strong, that guy’s strength is unfathomable, but he can’t beat the master at all。”

Broly, Gabe and others looked excited.。

Just now they were still in melancholy。

But now, I am extremely excited and excited。

Because they know that Master can definitely defeat these guys in front of them!

“Great, Dad。”

“As expected of my man。”

Qin Sili and No. 18 were also very happy。

“Although the power of rules cannot harm people in this time and space。”

“But Mr. Qin Yu's power is still strong. If this continues, Mr. Qin Yu will definitely win!”

Weiss and Bardos, who had just recovered, also looked excited.。

You know, they were the ones who were almost killed just now.。

That's why I'm so excited。

“No...impossible, impossible。”

“How could a small insect be so powerful?”

“This is absolutely impossible!”

Mona had an incredible look on her face!

You must know that in his opinion, these people in front of him are just little bugs.。

It's too easy to kill them。

But why, this guy just defeated him in an instant?。

And he broke his own arm directly.。

“Sorry, Brother SEG。”

“I'm embarrassing you, but that guy is a bit weird, and his power seems to be very strong。”

Mona could only say with an embarrassed look on her face.。

Originally he thought he could defeat Qin Yu easily。

But I didn’t expect that after a punch exchange, nothing happened to him at all.。

But his arm was broken by the shock。

This is enough to show that there is a huge gap between them。

And this gap is not so easy to make up for.。

“snort! interesting。”

“I've told you not to underestimate the enemy, but a guy like this makes me even more excited。”

Sage pursed his lips, an excited smile appeared on his face。

“Sorry, Brother SEG。”

Mona looked at Seg again and said sorry。

He was indeed a little embarrassed this time。

“Forget it, let me teach him a lesson!”

Sage raised the corner of his mouth and revealed an evil smile.。

Then his body suddenly flashed and he was directly in front of Qin Yu.。

Then he said in a cold voice: "You seem to have some strength, and you have successfully aroused my interest in you.。”

“So next, I will let you feel the torture of hell。”

There are very few people who let themselves feel this way!

Especially this lowly race。


“I think you should not speak too early. I think it is you who really wants to experience the pain of hell.。”

Qin Yu gently moved his fists and said to Sage calmly.。

It is undeniable that the SEG in front of you is very powerful.。

Definitely possess the strength of Dragon God Salama who has absorbed the power of all Sai gods!

However, now that the Dragon God Salama is in front of him, he can crush him to death with just a move of his fingers!

Even after he absorbed the evil god, Salama, the all-demon。

He is absolutely no match for me either.。

The guy in front of me is only as strong as the ultimate Dragon God Salama!

Dare to speak loudly in front of yourself。

What Qin Yu is most worried about now is not the Saiyans in front of him.。

But in this world, even an ordinary Saiyan is so powerful。

Then, this time and space is definitely very dangerous。

“What a smug bastard!”

“You don't naively think that if you defeat that guy Mona, you have the right to challenge me, right?”

After hearing Qin Yu's confident voice, Saige's face changed.。

Obviously quite annoyed。

“Now, I'll let you feel the pain of hell。”

“I'll tear you apart, little bug。”

After Saige's voice fell,。

Fists suddenly clenched。

A vast breath burst out from the body in an instant。


At that moment, golden flames burst out directly from Saige's body。

At the same time, golden hair appeared on Seg's body。

Hair becomes thicker。

At this time, Saige looks like Super Saiyan IV.。

However, his whole body is covered with golden hair, golden aura, and lightning。

This is definitely not Super Saiyan Four, because the aura is completely incomparable.。

“What's going on?”

“Is that the transformation of Super Saiyan 4? No, completely different。”

“How could his anger become so strong?”

Shock, unparalleled shock。

Angel Weiss, Bados, Broly, and Carface all opened their mouths in surprise.。

This energy is really too powerful。

And streaks of golden lightning fell from the sky。


“It seems like this should be the form of Super Saiyan Six, right?”

Qin Yu glanced at Seg lightly, smiled, and said。

Although I have never actually seen the transformation of Super Saiyan Six!

But this guy seems to be the boss of the Saiyan just now。

Therefore, his strength at least surpasses Super Saiyan Five!

“What's wrong? Weak little insects。”

“After seeing my strength, were you so frightened that you didn't even have the strength to resist?”

“But don't worry, I'm a very kind person.。”

“Soon I will put an end to this fear of yours。”

After turning into Super Saiyan Six, Saige looked even more evil.。

He smiled coldly and said to Qin Yu and others.。

“Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly and let me see your power!”

Qin Yu waved to SEG。

To be honest, even though I know he can't beat me。

But Qin Yu wanted to see how powerful Super Saiyan Six was?

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