At this time, Qin Yu also wanted to know what kind of war happened that year.。

It actually required the sacrifice of half of the king's body and the collective sacrifice of twelve Gods of Destruction in order to rejuvenate the current time and space.。

It can be seen that the war that year was extremely fierce.……… should be described as tragic.。

“So may I ask, what kind of war happened that year? Who started this war?”

After all, Qin Yu didn't understand the world here at all, and he didn't know what happened back then, so he wanted to ask clearly.。

A helpless smile appeared on Sakana's face at this time. He looked at Qin Yu in front of him and said: "Dear Quan Wang of another time and space, we have all been given an order by Quan Wang. The events of that year must never be mentioned again. , those secrets I just told you are already very difficult. A total of 1.1 billion have passed. Let the years let that period of history completely disappear in the long flow of time.。”

�� Qin Yu did not expect that the angel in front of him would not answer his question.。

“Ding, the god-level selection system is activated. It is detected that the angel Sakana in front of you knows the secret of the year. Please choose the host.。”

“Choice 1: Use your strength to force him to tell the secret of the year and reward him with Super Saiyan Five.。”

“Option 2: Don’t press for the time being, wait for yourself to discover slowly, enjoy the fun of excavation, reward the original power of time and space, and allow your body to have a certain tacit understanding with the universe here, and the suppression of the power of law will be weakened by 100%. of twenty。”

“Choice 3: Use the majesty of the king to force the angel in front of you to answer your questions, make him truthfully confess what happened a billion years ago, and reward him with a trace of ancient Saiyan blood.。”

At this moment, the rewards and multiple-choice questions sent from the system appeared in Qin Yu's mind.。

Qin Yu looked at the tasks posted in the system and shook his head slightly.。

Qin Yu gave up the first option. The aura coming from the angel Sakana in front of him was particularly strong. His Freedom and Bliss Gong had reached a perfect state.。

And he has also mastered the power of rules, and it is still a very powerful power of rules.。

After all, Qin Yu, who is now the king, can feel how powerful the angel in front of him is.。

Qin Yu is not very sure that he can defeat him for the time being.。

But I'm not in a hurry to defeat him right now. I still have a lot of things to think about.。

The world here gradually aroused his interest.。

When he was in other time and space, he had become the strongest being in the Eternal Immortal Class.。

A feeling of loneliness that the strong man is invincible slowly arises in his heart。

Now that he has reached his level, he no longer has any passion for improving his strength.。

But after coming to this world, he realized that this was his paradise.。

There were so many strong people that he gradually ignited a long-lost passion.。

Although he is quite interested in things in the world here, he might as well just choose the second option.。

Moreover, the power of the origin of this world is exactly what Qin Yu needs most at the moment.。

As long as the power of the origin of the world is integrated, it means that the current self can resist the power of rules here and reduce it by 30%.。

Don’t underestimate this 30%。

This 30% will increase Qin Yu's combat effectiveness a lot.。

Even if we face that Super Saiyan Six Saiyan again this time,。

With the 30% reduced power of the rules, even if there is no way to kill him indirectly, he can still be seriously injured.。

This is the power of rules。

“I choose second!”

Qin Yu directly chose the second option at this time.。

The system's response is also quite timely.。

And at this time, Qin Yu. He felt a dark golden light appear in his body, and the moment the light entered his body, it turned into countless particles, penetrated into his body, and spread throughout his body.。

These lights were like the fluorescence of fireflies, gradually sinking into Qin Yu. Among all the cells, he felt at this time that the power of rules in the world here had slowly weakened.。

The pressure on myself has become much less intense, and it is not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.。

Qin Yu felt like he was completely reborn at this moment, which made him want to scream with joy.。

But there were two people in front of him, so he didn't plan to do that. After all, the posture was a bit ugly.。

“Forget it, then you can go, but please keep it a secret for me and don’t tell the rest of the people.。”

Qin Yu planned to let the two of them leave at this time.。

I have chosen the second option, so I have to start a new journey.。

At this time, both Sakana and Knoya looked at Qin Yu in front of them in surprise.。

They didn't expect that Qin Yu would let them leave, and what made them even more unexpected was that he would ask them to keep a secret.。

Knoah with evil intentions. Naturally, I won’t give in obediently.。

Just now he heard that Qin Yu was not the king of this void, so naturally he would not take Qin Yu seriously.。

He is the one who obeys, that is, he is the king at this time.。

As for the others, he didn't bother to care.。

“Then I'd like to thank Quan Wang. Let's go, Sakana.。”

When Kenoa finished saying this, he turned around and left.。

It's just that Qin Yu couldn't see what was in Kenoa's mind!

After all, in Qin Yu's original time and space, their Qi could sense the quality of people.。

Kenoa exudes a strong aura of evil. This guy is the veritable God of Destruction.。

He didn't listen at all to what he just said. It's very likely that he would report other sounds of destruction, or the king of this world.。

Qin Yu is not yet sure how to deal with this king in time and space.。

As for other people, he is also incapable of dealing with them.。

So... when Kenoa just turned around to leave, Qin Yu suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed it on the door of his heart.。

“Rules: Stone Breaking Star!”

The power of the rules instantly entered Kenoa's heart, and then left an indelible mark on his heart.。

“What? What did you do to me?”

Knoya was shocked. Even Sakana next to him did not expect that Qin Yu would make a secret move at this time.。

“Don't worry, this thing won't do you any harm, but if you tell me what happened to me, your heart will be eliminated instantly. This is just for conservative reasons. As long as you don't tell me, you will have no problem! "Qin Yu smiled lightly.

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