If it weren't for the fact that the evil aura exuded by Kenoa in front of him was too strong, Qin Yu would not be able to do the following:。

After all, this Knoah is someone who doesn’t keep his word at first glance.。

If Qin Yu wanted to kill him and silence him now, it would be absolutely impossible for the angel next to him. After all, angels are also responsible for the life safety of the God of Destruction.。

Instead of doing that, it's better to use this method to make him have some scruples and not dare to speak out.。

Qin Yu is not planning to reveal his identity in front of the gods so soon.。

After all, how much strength the strong men here have and how they are is a complete mystery.。

Some Saiyans are so strong, not to mention those gods.。

Although the God of Destruction in front of us is not very powerful, he is still stronger than the seventh stage of Super Saiyan.。

Infinitely close to the eighth stage of Super Saiyan。

Knoah's expression at this time is quite wonderful.。

Various complex expressions flashed across his face。

But Yan Yan is also a cruel person after all. He knows that if he dares to disobey Qin Yu's arrangement, he will only die.。

“Mr. Quan Wang, I understand. I will never tell anyone about this matter. I will use my head as a guarantee.。”

After Kenoa's eyes changed several times, he then changed into a smiling face and said this sentence very sincerely.。

Qin Yu saw this guy's expression changing so quickly, and a sneer appeared on his lips and feet.。

This guy must be planning some scheme in his mind, or he is scolding himself like a bitch right now.。

But Qin Yu doesn't care now, because this guy's life is already in his hands. If this guy really doesn't open his eyes, he will die in a moment's notice.。

“Okay, you can go back!”

After Qin Yu said this, he immediately took a step forward and disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.。

After Qin Yu disappeared for about a while, Knoya looked up to the sky and roared.。

“Damn bastard………A mere foreign King of the Universe, a weak King of the Universe... actually dares to stand on top of my head and shit. I am the God of Destruction of the third universe. When have I ever suffered such humiliation!”

Kenoa now looks like a demon. The terrifying aura exuding from his body is like a volcano erupting, and the dark red energy instantly blows up a space storm.。

The moment a dozen planets within three light years came into contact with this space storm, they were instantly shattered into powder.。

The angel next to him shook his head slightly when he saw the insane God of Destruction.。

“Lord Kenoa, why are you so angry? After all, he is also a king, but his strength is weaker, but his power of law is quite perfect. If you lose in his hands, you will not lose your reputation.。”

Sakana's chubby face trembled, comforting Knoya next to him。

“You bastard, you eat me, live in me, and use me. You saw me being tortured by it just now, and you didn't help!”

At this time, Knoah was very angry and shouted loudly at the angel Sakana next to him.。

The tone is full of endless evil spirit。

If it weren't for his own strength, he couldn't beat Sakana in front of him, he would definitely slap him into powder.。

Sakana. Seeing Knoya who was so aggressive and revealing that he was surrounded by waves of murderous aura, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lord Cronia, you also know that we angels cannot take action casually, and the opponent He is actually the King of Quan in another time and space, so I can't take action even more. After all, our missions are all issued by King Quan. Even if he is the King of Quan in another time and space, he will still be respected by us. The relationship between you We have no right to interfere in the fight。”

Sakana showed a helpless look. After all, these things were beyond his ability to bear, so he said this at this time.。

After all, angels have too many rules that cannot be easily touched。

What's more, although he is an angel of Knoah, he has no good impressions of this God of Destruction who has turned into an evil tyrant.。

So he actually doesn't want to take action in his heart.。

“This is such a crooked truth again. You really should have died in the war that year.。”

When Kenoa finished saying this, he took a step, turned around, opened the void in front of him, and then walked directly in.。


Qin Yu has returned to this planet at this time。

“How about Lord Qin Yu? Is there anything gained? "Weiss saw Qin Yu coming back at this time, so he quickly walked towards him and asked.。

He could also feel that this time and space was very different from the time they were in. It was almost like a super time and space.。

Just now, across a long distance, he tried his best to sense the angel in the sky.。

He discovered that the other party's strength was quite powerful, even surpassing his father.。

This was the first time for Weiss to see such a terrifying angel, and his heart was filled with all kinds of strange feelings.。

At this time, Qin Yu also consciously told Weiss what had just happened.。

After hearing this, Weiss was filled with various shocks.。

This was the first time he heard that a side in time and space had experienced such a tragic war, and actually needed half the body of a king and twelve gods of destruction to stabilize the world.。

.Such a price is simply exaggerated. Ordinary people simply cannot bear it. Even a galaxy may not be able to bear it.。

“Lord Qin Yu, do you know what happened back then? "Wes asked curiously at this time。

After all, everyone will be very interested in the war that year. After all, they actually fought to this point. Obviously, that war was extremely terrifying.。

It can even be said that this time and space was almost completely destroyed.。

Qin Yu smiled meaningfully at this time, looked at Weiss and said: "Nothing was asked. It seems that they can't ask about what happened that year. After all, this thing happened a billion years ago. It seems that they I want to let time erase that unbearable thing.。”

Weiss was a little puzzled after hearing this, but since things were already like this, he didn't ask any more questions.。

“Okay, you'd better go and practice. We don't have much time. How about practicing well?”

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he turned and left.

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