"Teresa!" Ziggy found Delisa who had fallen to the ground and immediately rushed over.

"She was seriously injured, you take her out of here first

" "No, I can't leave you here alone!"

Ziegfried picked up Teresa.

"There is no time, if you don't want him to die, take her to treatment quickly."

Walter turned around and urged.

Zig Fei gritted his teeth and turned away

, "I owe you another favor!"

Celine was not happy, and gathered a sub-empty spear and shot it at Zigfei.

"Touch!" Walter instantly came behind Siegfried and blocked the shot for her.

"How is it possible, you can block my Arkon Spear?"

Celine's face was solemn, and the one who could block the Yakong Spear was definitely not an ordinary person.

"I'm just like you, a lawyer,"

Walter explained.

"I'm Walter Young First Lawyer, and I want to have a good talk with you."

"Like me?" Celine was stunned, and then looked behind her

, "God, what do you want to tell me."

Walter was shocked, could the true lawyer talk to the Honkai God?

"So it is, you are just a traitor who turned away from the gods, or a copy of that traitor, and also tried to stop me! Celine looked at Walter with disdain.

"Your god is just using you."

The Star of Eden reappeared in Walter's hands.

"It seems that I can only talk to you by defeating you first."

Countless black lights shot out from Walter's hands and rushed towards the Void Lawyer.

But all the light was blocked by the imaginary barrier beside Celine.

Walter flashed and came behind Celine, counteracting Celine's imaginary barrier with his own imaginary barrier.

"Hehe, it's a trick." Celine glanced back at Walter.

A white dragon suddenly appeared and swallowed Walter in one gulp.

"Let's be her food with peace of mind."

Celine glanced at Benares and prepared to go find Teressa, who had escaped.

Walter Young, a long time ago, was just an ordinary man named Joachim.

When Walter Joyce uses the Avalanche Energy beyond the limit in order to save New York, causing the wound to worsen and dying.

He passed on his core of lawyer to Joachim.

Joachim also received from him the name of Walter, as well as the will to save the world against Honkai.

The name Walter is the core of the Law of Reason.

There is so much to carry....

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

"Let's go, Bella, there's more food for you in the Tower of Babylon." Celine greeted Benares.

But Benares's expression was a little painful,

"Bella?" Celine glanced at Benares suspiciously.

Suddenly, its mouth was torn open.

Walter pressed one hand against Benares' upper jaw and stomped on its jaw, forcibly tearing its mouth open.

"I'm sorry, you can't leave here."

Walter brushed his hair up.

"And, the second round, only starts now!"

As if insulted by something, Benares roared angrily, and it was a dragon claw hand at Walter.

But just as the dragon claw hand was about to touch Walter, a black titan suddenly appeared, grabbed Benares's neck with one hand, and pinched it to the ground.

Countless titans appeared behind

Walter, "Second Lawyer, are you ready to face the First Lawyer and face Walter's power!"

Walter levitated in the air, looking up at Celine.

Ambushed? But so what, it's just a human weapon!

Celine unfolded her shield to fend off the attacks of these weapons.

"These weapons actually shake my shield! No, it's your ability! "As soon as Celine fended off a rocket, she noticed the problem.

Her shield shook violently from the attacks of those mechs, as if it was about to shatter in the next second.

"What a joke, how can human weapons harm God!" Countless white arms appeared out of thin air, tearing Walter's mech to pieces.

"See, how fragile human technology is!"

But still the mech kept appearing, and Celine glanced at Walter and found that the mech was walking out of him.

The process of a mecha from illusory silhouette to entity was undoubtedly revealed in front of Celine.

"You made these mechs?" Celine's pupils contracted, she initially thought that Walter's ability was to give these mechs some buff, but she didn't expect him to be able to directly...

"Finally found out? This is the ability of the first lawyer. "Walter is not converging, he is fully constructed.

"As long as I know how to construct an object, I can construct it with collapse energy."

Countless planes and mechs were constructed, and the sky thought that the huge collapse energy converged and changed color.

"As long as I live, this army will not fall!"

Celine turned her head sharply, and huge warships appeared behind Celine, with huge barrels pointed at Celine.

"Abominable." Celine roared angrily, this person actually used human technology to hurt himself again!

"I, Walter, challenge you on behalf of all mankind!"

The missiles behind Walter were also aimed at Celine.

"God! Let's test whether humans are qualified to live!

"All troops, fire!"


Einstein stood on the Tower of Babylon, looking at the black smoke in the distance.

Because of the snowy mountains blocking it, she couldn't see the situation over there, but she could guess it.

The battle, has begun.

Einstein turned on a floating screen.

"Help me contact Dr. Tesla and prepare to use the silver bullet."

"Received, Chicken Nest Head, why do you even have to learn from him at this point, is it fun to hunt for death? Big fool.

Tesla received Einstein's instructions, as if remembering something sad, and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

She wiped her nose and said viciously.

"Abominable second lawyer, let Dr. Tesla teach you."

"What is the true power of mankind!"

On the other side, Celine faced the vitality cover of Walter's bombardment, and it seemed a little difficult.

The mini Breakthrough Grade Avalanche Beast whispered a few words in Celine's ear.

"I'm not going to run away!" Celine's gaze was firm.

She used the power of the lawyer, created countless spatial pathways, and absorbed Walter's artillery fire.

And then on top of its army, the space access was again sanctioned, the artillery fire was directed back, and Walter hit himself himself.

Walter's army immediately suffered heavy losses.

"Space transfer ... Finally willing to give his all, Second Lawyer.

Walter looked at the disappearing army and clenched his fists.

"Human beings are a race that is not afraid of defeat, and our war has just begun!"

Walter constructed the machinery again.

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