"Positioning complete, ready to fire the silver bullet Ver0314."

A stiff mechanical sound rises.

Tesla's tears can't stop flowing

, the silver bullet is a god-class missile developed by Einstein, and even the lawyer cannot survive after the explosion.

That is to say, Walter at the center of the explosion was not spared, and even Einstein in the Tower of Babylon could be affected.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." The

mechanical tone began to count, and Tesla felt an urge in his heart.

Stop the firing of the silver bullet so that Walter does not die.

They have already lost one Walter and cannot afford to lose a second....

But as the countdown ended, she didn't move.

"If I can't convince her, and I can't defeat her... For the sake of this world, use the silver bullet, I will do my best to drag her down.

"Please, Tesla..."

"You should know that this is useless work." Celine looked indifferently at Walter, who was still constantly constructing titans and weapons.

"Forget it, let you die under your own firepower."

Countless flames fell from the sky, and blood suddenly overflowed in Walter's air.

"Gotta, hold on a little longer... Just hold her down,"

Walter raised his right hand, ready to continue constructing.

Three white arms appeared out of thin air and imprisoned Walter.

"Too much time wasted here." Celine glanced at Walter.

But I saw a relieved smile on his face.

"That's not right!" Celine looked sharply at the sky, and a black cone-shaped object was rushing towards this side at high speed.

Although Celine didn't know what it was, her body's instincts told her that this thing was dangerous.

But with only three seconds before the weapon hit her

, she couldn't teleport herself to safety, let alone anywhere else.

An idea popped into Celine's mind

, "Use the earth as a shield."

A terrible explosion appeared.

Even if some of the power was offset by the earth, the remaining power still turned the place where they fought into a sea of fire.

The aftermath reached the Babylonian laboratory

, and Einstein clearly felt the shaking of the earth.

Even Li Heng, who was making up for sleep, frowned.

Then rolled over and sat up.

"Ah~Shutan..." On

the battlefield

, Celine was lying on the ground, and her strength had been exhausted.

"You're not dead yet..." Walter came to Celine,

who thought that Celine had turned the silver bullet into the ground and constructed a mechanical arm at the moment of the explosion to protect herself so that she did not die.

"Sorry, I had to kill you in order to protect this world."

Walter took out

the Star of Eden again, "I only have the power of this blow left..."

[Ninth God Key-Star of Eden Zero Rated Power]

Celine, who struggled to get up, suddenly felt a suction force that attracted her to the sky.

She looked back and saw that a pitch-black black hole was devouring the objects around her.


clenched her teeth and tried to break free

, but her strength had just been exhausted in order to teleport the silver bullet, and she could only watch as she was slowly sucked into the black hole.

"It's just a little bit close, my body you hold on for me..." Walter

desperately squeezed his limits.

However, when the golden feather fell, Walter noticed it, and he had already been punched.

Without warning, even the enemy had no way of knowing where it was.

But with just one punch, Walter lost his combat effectiveness, he knelt on the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"What a pity..." a man in a white suit and a clown mask appeared in front of Walter.

He held Walter's Star of Eden, and his tone seemed to be regretful.

"This is just an imitation fake..." With

a hard grip on his hand, the Star of Eden became a shard.

Without the Star of Eden, the quasi-black hole naturally could not continue to exist, and Celine fell out of it.

Benares suddenly swooped out, caught Celine, and flew high into the air.

"Not allowed... Walter activated his power again and constructed several missiles.

"I'm sorry, please don't disturb any young lady, her awakening is a very important part of the contemptible plan."

A bayonet sticks out of his cuff, and the clown holds it in his hand.

"And I see that Your Excellency is already in a half-dead state, and I don't want to help you get free."

He raised his bayonet high.


On the other side, inside the Babylonian Experimental Tower.

Li Heng tidied up his clothes and got out of bed.

He came all the way to the command room and found Einstein staring at the screen with a somewhat ugly face.

"Hi Ain, Crusade West... What happened to the actions of the Second Lawyer? Li Heng came to Einstein and asked.

Although he has long known the result.

Einstein sighed, "We fired the silver bullet and didn't kill her, we just hit her hard."

"Originally, the Lord of the Walter Alliance could take advantage of the weakness of the Second Law to eliminate it in one fell swoop, but a very strange clown suddenly appeared and attacked the Lord of the Walter Alliance."

"Joker?" Li Heng was stunned for a moment, and then searched in his memory.

Oh yes, it's Otto that guy, he came to Siberia in strange clothes to do something.

"If Mr. Siegfried hadn't arrived in time to save the Walter Alliance, I'm afraid the Lords would have died..."

Einstein clenched his fists.

"Moreover, that judgment-level Collapse Beast has escaped outside the atmosphere with the Second Lawyer, and we have no ability to attack objects outside the atmosphere for the time being."

Li Heng looked at the screen, it was the satellite that captured the picture of Beibeiron staring at Celine staying in the atmosphere.

"Is it so bad?" Li Heng frowned, looking a little 'anxious'.

"Where are they now?" Since Celine is almost on the moon, it's time to start preparing herself.

"Mr. Siegfried is returning here, and he has been picked up by Tesla to treat his body."

Einstein pointed to a red dot on the radar.

Li Heng nodded, found a place to sit down on his own, and waited for Zi Gefei.

Einstein looked at Li Heng, and she always felt that this guy didn't seem surprised by what she said.

Should it be said that this is the nature or is there something else...

After a while, Ziggy returned to the Tower of Babylon.

Li Heng glanced at the wound on Zigfei's stomach.

Well, it was Otto who did it.

"Ahem, Zige Fei, take it from the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor." Li Heng stretched out his hand and begged.

"First of all, you want to borrow for a few days?" Zigfei pulled out the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor.

Li Heng thought for a while and said

, "Fast is one day, slow is two days."

Zigfei thought for a while, two days, just so he can also use these two days to check the clown.

What exactly is his ability to come and go without a trace....

Zigfei threw the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor to Li Heng.

Li Heng smiled as a token of gratitude, put the Heavenly Fire Saint Cut into his pocket, and left the command room.

Zigfei looked at Li Heng's figure leaving and asked Einstein.

"Dr. Einstein, can you..."

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