Li Heng retrieved the spaceship he had been using to transport before.

Then drive the spaceship all the way to Moscow.

He did not fly directly into the Mandate of Heaven branch in the city, but parked the spaceship outside the city and disembarked.

Just in case, Li Heng took off the mask that had been hanging around his waist and put it on his face.

If Xi Lin found out that he was still alive now, it would be difficult for

Li Heng to walk into the city and find that there were many people in the city wearing strange costumes, some with various "machinery", some holding shields and spears, just like heroes in fairy tales, and some people who painted themselves as cracked mouths....

"Is there a comic convention today? Or what cosplay event? Fortunately, it doesn't look bumpy to me.

Li Heng didn't care, he continued to move forward, he wanted a higher place so that he could observe the situation.

"Young man, are you wearing a noodle here?" A voice sounded behind Li Heng, and he looked back and saw a middle-aged man standing there.

Li Heng subconsciously touched the mask on his face

, and when he used power to construct, he borrowed the mask image from the ancient sacrifice, but he didn't expect it to be a face.

Li Heng nodded: "Are you from Kyushu?"

"Yes, it was popular to go abroad at that time, so I followed it." Middle-aged humane.

"But compared with home, it's still better to be home..."

"Return? I want to too... As a prodigal son who is away from home, if he doesn't break out of the world, how can he have the face to go back..." The middle-aged man shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Hey, Mom, how strange is the mask that man is wearing?" A childish voice sounded, and the two saw that it was a woman with her daughter walking towards this side.

When the woman saw the middle-aged man, a relaxed smile appeared on her face, but she saw the mask worn by Li Hengdai and was slightly stunned.

"Meng'er, that's called Qiu Mian ." The woman smiled and led her daughter over.

The woman is the wife of a middle-aged man, and she is also a Kyushu native.

"Oh noodles? What is a noodle noodles? The girl looked a little confused. She looked at Li Hengshang's face seriously.

"Mom, the face is so scary..." I

don't know if it was because of the hideous face or because of the power of the law of knowledge attached to it, the little girl felt very frightened and shrunk into the woman's arms.

"Don't be afraid, little friend." Li Heng squatted down and touched the little girl's head.

"The reason why the noodles are so scary is to scare the ghosts and monsters and keep them away from the dream."

"Wow, is that so, thank you big brother."

Meng'er laughed happily.

"Big brother wearing this mask, is he also a hero?"

In the eyes of the little girl, the person who can drive away the monster and hide his identity with a mask is not much different from the hero in the cartoon.

Looking at the innocent little girl, Li Heng smiled,

"Hero? Perhaps..."

Heroes, who really will save everyone; And he, on the contrary, harmed Celine.

If he really is a hero, why is there no way to save Celine....

The woman and the middle-aged man hugged, apparently the two had a good relationship.

"Speaking of fellow countrymen, what are you doing here?"

"Come here and solve some small things by the way."

Well, that's just saving 30 million people.

"Tourist? Come, I'll show you a few good places..." Li

Heng smiled, "You're welcome."

"What's polite, it's all a family, and you naturally have to take care of it outside." The middle-aged man smiled.

After the middle-aged man pointed out several places to Li Heng, Li Heng looked at the sun that was about to set.

"Two, Li still has things, don't pass it by."

He didn't know exactly when Celine threw the meteorite, so he had to prepare early, just in case.

"Big brother wants to help Meng'er scare away the monster."

Meng'er smiled and waved goodbye to Li Heng.


Looking at Li Heng's distant figure, the middle-aged man had some regrets.

"I originally wanted to drag him to the restaurant, Moscow wine is not an ordinary power."

"Come on, you, you will be like this as soon as you meet the old family."


Li Heng walked through the bustling crowd and came to a tall building.

Li Heng visually measured that this thing was at least 20 stories high.

"Well, the view on this should be very good."

Li Heng thought about it.

Although many people go out for the sake of the event, there are still some people who are not interested in the activity.

If they see it when they fly up, it won't be good.

Weigh the pros and cons....

Li Heng chose to fly up.

Anyway, for what he was going to do next, flying seemed insignificant.

Coming to the roof, Li Heng cut out the Heavenly Fire Saint and transformed it into the form of a great sword.

"It's just the big sword form, is it so hot?"

Li Heng held the hilt of the sword and felt the heat it transmitted.

It seems that you will have to suffer it later.

He sat on the edge of the rooftop, looking at the pedestrians below.

Everyone was smiling and enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Maybe tomorrow people will have to worry about life and run for life.

But now they just need to relax and release those usual stresses.


to what he learned, one of Celine's meteorites caused 30 million casualties in Moscow.

This number is so large that many people have no idea.

Li Heng sighed.

The only place he took care of was here, and the other three places were either unknown or too far away.

Li Heng inserted the Heavenly Fire Great Sword into the ground.

Wait quietly.


Above the Moon.

Celine had just received the power of the gods and obtained four Legalist Gems.

The King of Conquest, the King of Thunder Jewel

Longing, the King of Wind Law

Gem Disease, the King of Flame Law Gem Tranquility, and

the Complete Body of Death Law Gem

Celine, has been born.

"This is ... God's power is really powerful.

Celine smiled and looked around.

"These pillars are really annoying." With a casual wave of her hand, Celine broke it.

"Then, use you to sound the death knell of the end for mankind on earth!"

Four huge pillars were thrown towards the earth by Celine.


"Here it is." Li Heng suddenly opened his eyes.

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