"Mom, look, Sun!"

A boy pointed to the sky and said,

"Silly child, the sun is over there..." The

boy's mother looked up and choked.

"What is that!" The shouts of the boy's mother attracted others, and more and more people discovered meteorites in the sky.

"Shooting star?" There is a humane

: "It seems to have come straight to our side..."

The crowd suddenly became agitated

, people shoved each other, crowded, and even stampeded.


"Don't squeeze, the more I squeeze, the slower I go!"

"Ah, you stepped on my foot!"


Li Heng looked at the meteorite, he used the power of the law of knowledge to observe the meteorite, and then calculated the meteorite landing point through the ability of the law of reason.

"Dongcheng District?"

Li Heng muttered to himself, he came in from the Xicheng District.

He looked at the chaotic crowd below and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Forget it, unexpected, reasonable."

Li Heng pulled out the Heavenly Fire Great Sword and carried it behind him.

"Heavens... There are people in the sky!

One exclaimed, and everyone looked away.

I saw a person wearing a hideous mask and carrying a red giant sword behind his back, suspended in the air.

He raised his head, and although everyone could not see his eyes, they felt that he was looking directly at the meteorite.

This person was none other than Li Heng, who

took off the Heavenly Fire Great Sword and held it in his right hand.


"Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor - Zero Power Rating, Annihilation Form, Liberation!"

A strange pressure emanated from the Heavenly Fire Great Sword in Li Heng's hand, causing everyone's hearts to stun.

After the energy index of the Heavenly Fire Saint can exceed 150%, it will lift the boundary and change into a special-shaped great sword called the Annihilation Form.

Just like the incarnation of the God of Destruction descending into the world, the light that bursts out when the star enters the extinction can compete with it, which is the origin of the meaning of "catastrophe".

Only those who transcend the mortal body can withstand this endless destructive power.

"Ugh!" Li Heng felt that his right hand was like reaching into a blazing fire, and the terrible burning sensation made Li Heng's face pale.

In the eyes of the people below, Li Heng's entire right arm burned with the giant sword.

Hideous masks, flaming right hands, alien swords...

At this time, Li Heng was like a messenger of hell, and

the sense of oppression he produced was no less than that of a meteorite in the sky.

"Not enough!" Li Heng madly injected collapse energy into it.

Perhaps the power can split meteorites now, but two separate meteorites can cause even more damage.

He must destroy it with one blow, turning the meteorite into dust so that it does not affect the city below.

With the infusion of collapse energy, the fire emitted by the calamity became more and more terrifying, and even the space was distorted due to the scorching heat.

But what followed was an even more terrifying burning sensation.

Li Heng clenched his teeth and held the sword in both hands at the same time, reducing the burden on his right hand.

Ordinary people can't even look directly at that terrifying power, they seem to look at it more, and they will be crushed into slag by that extreme destructive power.

"Husband... That man in heaven is him, right? The woman who had talked to Li Heng before was holding Meng'er and looking at the middle-aged man.

"That mask... Is it really him, it turns out that what he said to solve some things is a meteorite? The man said in disbelief.

Meng'er raised her head and wanted to look at Li Heng, but her mother blocked her eyes.

Just kidding, adults do not dare to look directly, what do you look at as a child.

Meng'er could only shout, "Come on, big brother in the mask!" "


Looking at the meteorite getting closer and closer to the city, Li Heng took a deep breath.

He poured all his power into the calamity, if all his power could not stop the meteorite...

Li Heng shook off those thoughts and raised the calamity high.

He didn't know why he had to stop the meteorite.

He didn't know why he was working so hard.

Even if he pretended not to know, no one would accuse him, and no one except him knew that the meteorite would fall.


Maybe it's because it has always been hidden under the smile, because it failed to save Celine's sorrow.

Maybe it's because of the little girl's "hero"

or maybe it's because he wants to prove that he has the power to save people.


But, right now, the reasons are meaningless.

There is only one thing he wants to do now.

"Skyfire - out of the sheath!"

O gods on the moon, come and feel whether human beings can live or not.

If you zoom out, you can see when the flaming meteorite is about to fall.

The sky suddenly became like daylight

, and then, a fire rose from the ground, and in front of this fire, the meteorite appeared incomparably small.

"Boom-" A

huge voice sounded, as if heaven and earth were mourning.

Collision, it began.

Or rather, it's over in the first moment.


Manifest Destiny, Babylon

, Tower Einstein and Ziegfried, looked at the footage coming from the surveillance in Moscow, speechless.

Not long ago, Ziegfried couldn't find out the slightest bit of information about the clown no matter how he checked.

Frustrated in every way, he wanted to see what Li Heng was doing.

So he found Einstein and asked him to help check Li Heng's whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, Einstein directly projected the screen, she had long wanted to know what Li Heng was doing, so the first time Li Heng entered Moscow, she transferred the surveillance there.

"Bang!" Einstein's cup fell to the floor, but she didn't pick it up, she hadn't recovered from the scene just now.

"He borrowed the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor, was it originally for this..." Zigefei recalled Li Heng's hippie smiling face, and then looked at the person with the hideous mask in the video, which still felt a little unreal.

Einstein nodded, "It seems that there is still a power in his body that we don't know, and that power is even far beyond the Walter Alliance Lord."

"However, using that level of annihilation, he should..." As the flames dissipated, Li Heng's figure reappeared.

At this time, his hand was still holding the robbery, and he shook his head, seemingly unscathed.

"He he he ... Is it really a human..." Ziegy swallowed a mouthful of spit, that kind of power, even if ten of the current him came to use the calamity, it was impossible to send out.

And this guy, not only used it, but also survived, what kind of monster is this!

Einstein looked at the figure on the screen

, "Captain..."

she muttered, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Didi! Didi! Einstein's tablet suddenly rang, and she immediately picked it up.

"This reaction ... Not good..." Einstein's face changed dramatically.

"Quick, call him quickly! Let him evacuate the masses!

Einstein's face was solemn.

"What's wrong?!" Zigfei looked at her face and suddenly felt bad.

"There is more than one meteorite flying towards him!"

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