People looked at the man in the sky who was wearing a hideous mask and holding a robbery.


I don't know who shouted it.

"Hero! Hero! The

people below immediately shouted excitedly, and the feeling of walking through the ghost gate was really exciting.

"Hero!" Meng'er waved her little hand excitedly and looked at Li Heng with adoration.

The middle-aged man looked at her dotingly, and also followed

, "Yes, hero!"

Li Heng's state is not good, and now he is a little unstable in his suspended state.

In order to smash that meteorite, he exhausted all his Avalanche energy, and even the Lawyer Gem was a little dim.

"But at least it worked, didn't it..."

he smiled, looking at the shouting crowd below, listening to their shouts, even the burning sensation from the destruction seemed to have weakened a little.

"Ying..." a man shouted, suddenly stiffening his body.

His face gradually changed to a thick fear.

"What's wrong?" The person next to him looked at his change and wondered.

"You... You look there, and a meteorite! The

man pointed in horror in a direction where a meteorite was speeding in.

"What?!" The man's words caused a wave of panic.

Someone shouted.

"What are you afraid of, isn't the hero still here? Just let him smash it again.

"Yes, the hero is still here, what are we afraid of."

"Yes, yes, hero, save us again!"

When Li Heng heard their words, his face froze.

Jerk his gaze in that direction.

A meteorite no less than the previous one is galloping forward.

His brain went blank.

Butterfly effect? Mainline positive effect? Celine threw one more?

After Li Heng's brief stunned, many thoughts came to his heart.

"Don't, disperse quickly, run quickly..." Li Heng waved his hand desperately, wanting to let people scatter and escape, but his voice was instantly covered by the tide of the crowd.

People only saw him waving at them, and Li Heng was wearing a mask, and they couldn't see Li Heng's anxious expression.

"Look, heroes, let's not worry!"

"Yes, yes, it is safe to have heroes here."

"Haha, when this disaster is over, I will erect a statue for the hero!"

Let's go! Li

Meteorite, in the cheers of the people

, in Li Heng's desperate eyes,

quietly landed.


When the huge shock wave knocked Li Heng off, causing him to lose consciousness.

People finally understood that their heroes had already exhausted all their strength, and that comical wave of hands was to let them run away.

But under the huge shock wave, those who survive have the right to regret it.


"Heroes... Hero save me, ah-" Li

Heng woke up by people's cries for help, and he struggled to sit up.

The sharp pain once again attacked Li Heng's nerves, and his entire body seemed to fall apart.

Surrounded by dilapidated buildings, the originally noisy streets have been engulfed in flames, and death and wailing fill every corner.

"Save me, hero..." A hand grabbed Li Heng's foot, and he looked along and found that a person was being crushed into the ground by a collapsed building, only half of his body was exposed.

He painfully asked Li Heng for help.

Li Heng endured severe pain and came to his side, struggling to lift the ruins, but the ruins did not move.

His cries for help gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely.

"Why, my strength..." Li Heng looked at his hands.

He couldn't even feel the power of the gem at all.

"Save me, hero... Help me..." A woman covered in fire ran towards Li Heng.

But in the last few steps, it turned into a white bone.

"Save us, hero... Help us. Countless wails sounded in Li Heng's ears.

He closed his eyes in pain, not daring to look at the scene in front of him.

"Brother, save me..." A familiar voice sounded in Li Heng's ears, and Li Heng opened his eyes abruptly.

Meng'er was falling to the ground covered in blood, and there was already more air intake and less breath...

Li Heng came to her and picked her up tremblingly.

"Brother, didn't you say... Doesn't the noodle represent good luck..."

"Didn't you say... Do you want to protect Meng'er..."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Li Heng held Meng'er and felt her gradually cold body.

"Why, why!" Li Heng hammered the earth angrily,

why is there still a meteorite! Why!

"Because your strength is not enough." A voice that could not be heard whether it was a man or a woman sounded in Li Heng's ears.

"Strength, yes, power..." Li Heng muttered

, "If I had strength, the meteorite would not fall, and they would not have died..."

"Burned out... The human heart... Get...... Power..."

Li Heng's consciousness blurred, and he seemed to hear a voice ringing in his ears.

"Burn the human heart, and you will gain strength."

No, not this....

Li Heng's eyes gradually returned to Qingming, and he gradually heard the voice clearly.

"Wake up! Wake up! A

familiar voice was calling out to him anxiously.

Everything around him kept collapsing, and the voice hidden in the shadows seemed a little regretful.

"It's a pity."

Li Heng suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the bed, surrounded by strange scenes.

"You're awake." A familiar voice sounded, and Li Heng struggled to get up.

"Dr. Einstein? I am..." Li Heng looked at Einstein who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You fell into a coma in Moscow, Siegfried rescued you with the Destiny men, and you are now in a zero-hour camp built by anti-entropy."

Einstein simply answered Li Heng's doubts.

"Just now... Are you calling me?

"Well, when I came in, I found that the collapse energy index in your body was high, and I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I woke you up."

Li Heng was silent for a moment: "Doctor, you should be observing me, right, can you tell me which last meteorite came from there?"

Einstein brought up a window and played a video.

Inside, when a meteorite somewhere was about to land, it suddenly deflected at an unscientific angle and flew north.

"It seems that there is a force that forcibly distorts the direction of the meteorite, directing it to your position."

"Well, I see, Doctor, you go out first, I'll be alone and quiet."

Einstein looked at Li Heng, who was pensive

, and said, "Don't blame yourself too much, no one could have predicted which meteorite would suddenly turn around, and which meteorite was originally going to fall in Africa, you can be regarded as saving them in disguise."

"Hmm..." Li Heng waved his hand.

Einstein was not comforting him, and he had to solve this kind of thing himself.

After Einstein left, Li Heng sighed.

Combined with what Einstein said, plus what happened in the dream just now, he already had some guesses.

The meteorite is estimated to be distorted by collapse, and he wants to use the destruction of Moscow to break his will and make himself a lawyer.

But fortunately, Einstein discovered his abnormality, otherwise he would have been tricked again....

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