After Lei Li took Li Heng to the residence, he left.

Although he also wanted to take Li Heng to get better in this base, after all, there were not many opportunities for the two to meet, but Li Heng refused.

As for the reason for Li Heng's refusal, it is naturally very simple.

You know, since he entered the promised land until now he returned to reality, he has never reported the safety of a 145cm dwarf...

The news of his return from the World Snake, Otto must also know, in case this guy has nothing to talk to Teressa...

Then the next time I meet her, I guess I will have to laugh with Judas about life.

Therefore, after coming to the residence, Li Heng immediately connected the communicator to the communicator....


Destiny Headquarters - Teresa's residence.

Teresa looked at the dim name on the communicator, and there was a worried look in her blue eyes from time to time.

"Teresa, I know you're worried about him, but you have to know that with the boss's ability, he will definitely be fine."

Ai-chan, who lives in the communicator, looked at Teresa and said helplessly.

She listened to what Li Heng said, and after he left, she ran from Hyperion to Teresa and lived in her communicator.

But what made her a little helpless was that the Teresa guy could contact Li Heng at the beginning was relatively normal, but as soon as Li Heng lost contact, it was like losing his wife, and from time to time he turned on the communicator to look at the two eyes, and the love sauce in that look was straight.

"I... I wasn't worried about him, I just... I just want to use the communicator! "

Oh, look, she still doesn't admit it.

"Didi! Drip! Just

when Ai Yi was about to say a few words to Teresa, a series of urgent bells rang, and someone called Teresa's communication.

However, when Aiyi saw the caller's name, she was stunned, and Teresa, who was holding the communicator, was also stunned.

There is a string of words clearly written on the communicator.

│The captain invites you to communicate.

││【Accept】 【Rejection】│....

Inverse entropy among the South American bases.

Li Hengzheng took the communicator that had been charged with a lost power and dialed Teresa's communication.

"Huh? Didn't anyone pick up? Could it be that Teresa, this guy, is still sleeping?

Li Heng said suspiciously.



Just when Li Heng wondered why no one answered for a long time, the communication was connected, and two familiar voices came out from the communicator.

"Well, yes, it's me."

Hey, wait a minute, another voice, is it Aiyi?

Is she also at Teresa?

"Oh my God, it's really you, Captain! What's going on with you all these days? Why can't I or grandpa contact you, I thought you had..."

Teresa's aggrieved voice suddenly poured into Li Heng's ears, even if the two were far apart, Li Heng could still imagine Teresa's aggrieved little look.

"Duc... Teresa, you calm down first, I'm not good, you can't contact me because there is a signal blocking on the side of the world snake..." Li

Heng sweated coldly, I don't know why, after listening to Teresa's words, Li Heng had a strong sense of guilt, just like when he fooled little Xilin.

Teresa calmed her emotions for a moment, and then said,

"Then, Captain... You, where are you now? "

Inverse entropy."

Li Heng said truthfully

, "Reverse entropy?"

Teresa was stunned for a moment

: "So, Captain, when will you come back?"

Faced with Teresa's inquiry, Li Heng was silent for a moment and said.

"Sorry, Teresa, it's unlikely anytime soon, Dr. Einstein asked me something, I can't come back until it's over."

Teresa took a deep breath and said.

"Then say well, the captain has to come back after the matter is completed, and you are not allowed to break your word!"

"Oh? Are you in such a hurry to see me? Seeing

Teresa's serious tone, Li Heng couldn't help but quip.

"Who wants to see you anymore! I just want to tell you something about Saint Freya, after all, you are still a vice dean! "


Aiyi looked at the two who were chatting and fell into deep thought.

Teresa can't go directly to Li Heng, but she's different, she's an artificial intelligence.

A bold idea appeared in Aiyi's mind, and then she quietly disappeared from Teresa's mobile phone.

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