Li Heng didn't know at all what kind of brainstorming his arrival had brought to others, and now he was idly cooking dinner after chatting with Teresa.

Although Li Heng could rely on the core of the lawyer to reach the realm of opening the valley, he still chose to eat the whole thing.

Li Heng is not very good at cooking, in his previous life he was a house, although it was not a dead house, but it was also the kind of 'the sun is big today, so I don't go out.' ' type.

After casually finishing some noodles, Li Heng brushed the small video without nutrition while eating, but brushing and brushing, Li Heng felt that something was wrong.

Hiss, always feel yourself... It seems that I forgot something very important, what is it....

Suddenly, Li Heng froze, and he seemed to... I haven't reported to Otto yet....

Although he thought that the energy fluctuations in the forest had already let Otto know that he had returned, but...

Leadership, what you want, is a formality.

You can't stop reporting to the leader just because he knows you've done your job.

Thinking like this, Li Heng put down his chopsticks and picked up the communicator again.


Mandate Headquarters - Episcopal Office.

"Amber, how did I leave you with the business?"

Otto was still sitting on that dark red sofa, looking at Amber, who had just returned beside him.

"Report to Lord Bishop, when I went to Teresa's residence, she happened to be communicating with someone, and after listening to a few words, I found that the person who communicated was Lord Vice-Bishop."

Amber replied.

"Oh? This guy reacted quite quickly.

"Also, Lord Bishop."

"The dinner you want is ready, do you want to start eating now?"

Hearing this, Otto smiled slightly, and said in a slightly mysterious tone

: "No, Amber, let's wait."

"Yes, Lord Bishop."

Amber replied, although she was a little puzzled, she would not ask directly.

In her opinion, Otto must have some deep meaning in doing this.


After a while, the screen in front of Amber really changed, showing that there was a communication access, and she looked closely and was surprised to find that the visitor was the deputy bishop she had just mentioned.

Turning his head to look at Otto, he really looked like he had expected it.

"Communication connected."

"Lord Bishop, I am the captain, I have returned from the World Serpent and am now located in the South American Anti-Entropy Training Base."

"Welcome, my friend, it's a blessing that you can return intact from that Longtan Tiger's Den."

The corner of Li Heng's mouth on the other end of the communication twitched, and the god was in the tiger cave of Longtan...

"So, my friend, I'm curious what you plan to do next, and if you don't mind, I'd like to have a 'old friend' with the captain."

Otto said with a smile on his face, as if he had seen an old friend he hadn't seen in years.

But in fact, this guy is asking Li Heng where he wants to go next.

"Thank you Lord Bishop for your kindness, but I have been entrusted by my friends, and there are still some things that need to be dealt with in North America, so I will not be able to come back for a while."

Li Heng answered truthfully, but hid the names of Einstein and Pardo, only saying that they were friends.

"North America? My friend, I heard that it doesn't seem to be very peaceful there..." Otto

smiled slightly, when Li Heng mentioned North America, he thought that Li Heng really wanted to go to this troubled water.

"Thank you Bishop for your concern... Wait, does Lord Bishop also know that it is not peaceful there?

Li Henggang wanted to continue to be polite, but he suddenly found one thing halfway.

Why does Otto know that it is 'not very peaceful' there?

This is not right, you know, Otto can't pay attention to any disappearance for no reason, on the contrary, he may not even bother to look at it.

"Well, I think, the captain should have already had the answer, after all..."

"That's where you came back."

Then, in Li Heng's doubtful eyes, Otto cut off the communication, looked at Amber, and slowly spoke.

"Let's go, Amber, it's dinner time."

"Won't Lord Bishop have more words with the Vice-Bishop?"

Amber reminded.

"No, after all, this time, it's better for me to be a bystander."

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