"I'm sorry, Lord Queen, this is not my choice, but... Your choice. Saying

that, Li Heng looked into the distance, and with the help of the power of the core of the law, he could clearly perceive that there were several Valkyries who had fallen.

Judging from the clothing, they were the Valkyrie Stormtroopers where Ji Zi was located, and at this time, Li Heng could no longer feel their consciousness fluctuations.

On the other hand, the consciousness of these people has completely dissipated, and even Li Heng, who is the core of the Law of Knowledge, cannot collect those dissipated consciousnesses.

"Liar... Captain, a liar ... You are all liars! '

Kiana' muttered, and as soon as she raised her hand, an even sharper spear of Akhon appeared in her hand.

With a 'boom', she threw it at Li Heng.

The Yakong Spear almost grazed Li Heng's face and flew over, and its sharp edge easily left a red scratch on Li Heng's right face.

"Uh, Lord Queen, although I don't eat by my face, I can't do this..."

Li Henggang wanted to say something, but as soon as he raised his head, he was instantly stunned.

Greeting him were countless blades transformed from space and the Yakong Spear, and the space blade could cut Li Heng into square tofu pieces with just a few strokes, and then be threaded into strings by the Yakong Spear.

Li Heng:


No, I... Alas, forget it.

After all, I really lied to her, so let her vent.

Although this vent can cut yourself into pieces and then wear them in skewers... Ahem.

"What? This... That's impossible!

However, the next moment, the person who was shocked turned into a queen, whether it was the spear of the sky or the blade of space, all of them disappeared at the moment when they were about to touch Li Heng, without causing a single wave.

Although she knew that it was unlikely that this would hurt Li Heng, she didn't think that it was so outrageous, and her attack didn't have any effect on him?

"Whether it is the Spear of the Sky or the Blade of Space, they are both products that appear based on the power of the Law of Void, and they can naturally be leveled with the power of the Law of Void."

Li Heng said calmly, and then, under the gaze of Siegfei and the queen, he actually directly entered the state of lawyers, and his eyes turned the same orange as the queen.

"This is ... The power of the Law of Emptiness? No, it can't be! How could you possibly use the Law of Voidness power?!

The queen looked at Li Heng in disbelief.

As the queen of the true law of emptiness, she naturally recognized the ability used by Li Heng for the first time, but it was precisely because of this that she was so shocked.

Obviously he is the law of emptiness! Moreover, the core of the Void Law is indeed in the body of this girl named Kiana?!

Looking at the shocked queen, Li Heng smiled.

After communicating with Prometheus, Li Heng thought that he had the power of a lawyer, and for some people, there was no need to hide it, after all, with their wisdom, they could guess some more.

Telling them directly saves them a lot of unnecessary things.

Otherwise, when you need to use power, you will become restrained, it is better to confess directly, and with the wisdom of these people, you will find the most reasonable explanation, referred to as brain supplement.

"This is ... Lawyer power? Captain, you are?! "

However, Ziegfried is obviously not the kind of person who can explain to himself....

At this moment, he was looking at Li Heng, who was the incarnation of the lawyer, with a confused expression, and the whole person felt bad.

Li Heng made a gesture to Zigefei, indicating that he would explain this matter later, and then flickered and disappeared in place.

Seeing Li Heng disappear, the queen was shocked, and immediately retreated, as a void lawyer, she could feel Li Heng's landing point.

However, this did not help at all, Li Heng still appeared in front of the queen in an instant, holding the 'calamity' high.

The queen did not recover much energy, could not fully exert the power of the void law, naturally not Li Heng's opponent in a full state.


In the face of Li Heng's lofty 'calamity', the queen had no choice but to subconsciously close her eyes.

However, as time passed, the queen just felt that her shoulders were light, and the imaginary heavenly fire did not come, and as soon as she opened her eyes, Li Heng just took off the rabbit on her shoulder anyway, and the 'robbery' in her hand turned into a number and disappeared into Li Heng's hands.

"Hey, are you so afraid of me? Have you forgotten, I said I wouldn't hurt the Valkyries. Li

Heng looked at the surprised 'Kiana', and couldn't help but touch her head with his hand, ah... The feel is really good....

"Sorry, Queen, I had to cheat you on some things before because of some things..." Li

Heng held the rabbit and couldn't help sighing.

From now on, the second collapse ten years ago, it seems that I have many better options to make things more perfect...

However, it is useless to think about this now, the old choice has become a solid past, and no matter how you regret it, you can't change this indisputable fact.

Li Heng is a person, and when people make mistakes, the mistakes they make will be recorded in a book called 'past', so that they can read and reflect on themselves now.

"But now... Lord Queen, please take a long night's sleep..." After

saying this, Li Heng took the rabbit and disappeared in front of 'Kiana', and then 'Kiana' felt a terrible wave of collapse energy.

Question, if Li Heng didn't hold the Heavenly Fire Great Sword at the beginning, then who is holding it now?

'Kiana' turned her head sharply, and not far behind her, Ziggy Fei was holding the Heavenly Fire Great Sword, slowly activating its power rating.

The whole left arm also burned brightly, but Ziegfried did not stop because of this, and his face still did not change.

The people of the Kaslana family will protect their loved ones at all costs.

"Two... Hopeless fool..." '

Kiana' looked at Zigefei, as well as Li Heng, who was preparing a hard heavenly fire somewhere, and couldn't help but scold.

However, she didn't seem to have a problem with her, these two guys are indeed hopeless fools.

A Siegfried Kaslana who is willing to endure the sky fire for his daughter, and a 'captain' who took the rabbit on his shoulder away from being affected, both seem to be very 'stupid' in their behavior.

As the heavenly fire slowly formed, the Queen's last thought before she lost consciousness was...

That guy, how did you know... I love that rabbit....

"Skyfire... Unsheathed! "

As Ziegfried shouted, the sky fire fell, and on that day, the high temperature in Eastern Siberia reached a new high....

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