"Are you okay, Siegfried?"

Li Heng walked out of the bunker he had constructed and looked at Zi Gefei, who had lost his left arm because of the use of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor.

"It's okay, Captain, just a small injury, don't worry."

Zigfei's face was a little pale, and then, regardless of his injuries, he immediately looked for Kiana's traces.

Only after discovering that Kiana was sitting on the charred ground and had not yet woken up did he let go of his heart.

"By the way, Captain, you... Did you just use the power of the Lawyer? Zi

Gefei then remembered the situation when Li Heng had just flickered and moved and easily disintegrated the attack of the Second Lawyer, which was simply not too outrageous.

"Well, yes, that's right, I do have the power of the lawyer to a certain extent."

Li Heng said calmly.

"How is this possible, how did you do it? Could it be that you are actually a lawyer, Captain? Zi

Gefei felt that his world view was once again refreshed by Li Heng, and it was enough to use the Heavenly Fire Unsheath without injury, and now he could use the power of the Lawyer? Even those who use the power of the law of emptiness to counter the law of emptiness?

You are the Honkai God!

"No, I'm an ordinary person, this kind of thing is complicated to explain, but to put it simply..."

Li Heng smiled, and then four words popped out of his mouth coldly.


Zigfei: "..."

No, God is so gifted!

A person who can use the power of a lawyer and can use the Heavenly Fire Saint Judgment without injury, you tell me that he is 'gifted'?" Is it an ordinary person?

Paramecium will not believe this kind of thing!

"Ahem... In other words, Zigfei, how did you guy feed this thing to the Emperor-level Collapse Beast?

Li Heng coughed twice, and then lifted the rabbit in his arms.

Just now it was lying on Kiana's shoulder, and his perception was still a little unclear, but now after reaching his hand, he was shocked to find that this thing was already at the level of an emperor-level collapse beast...

It's not Zigfei, what the hell have you fed this thing over the years to make it grow into an emperor-level Collapse Beast...

However, this guy's figure and weight have not changed much, and the whole rabbit looks the same as a few years ago.

Li Heng once again recalled the scene when the rabbit hit the steel plate tirelessly with his head in the seat of his small spaceship... It seems that this guy's intelligence does not increase with the increase in rank.

"Well, that's because it's 'gifted.'"

Ziegfried said seriously.

Li Heng: "..."Le

, you especially learn to use it now, right?"

Then Li Heng put the rabbit in the arms of Kiana, who had not yet woken up, and he felt that the rabbit should not stay with him.

The rabbit is just a pet for herself, but for Kiana, who then falls into confusion from time to time, it is a partner who cannot speak and will always accompany her.

Subsequently, Li Heng came to the only place that was not affected because of his own shelter after the heavenly fire was unsheathed.

He picked up a weapon in the snow, shook off the ice and snow on it, and it was a giant sword.

"Ragnar Rodbrok, captain of the Valkyrie Stormtroopers, this... It's her weapon, the super heavy sword—the king snake..." Li

Heng muttered, and he tried to swing the giant sword, which was taller than a human as if it had no weight in his hand.

"Captain, do you know Ragnar?"

Hearing Li Heng's words, Zigefei said with some doubts.

"No, it's not an acquaintance, it's just a slight hearing of her."

Li Heng shook his head, stuck the back of this heavy sword on the ground, then patted the ice and snow on his hand, and then used the power of the Law of Reason to start the construction, constructing several wooden boxes.

"Captain, these behind you... What are wooden boxes for?

Zigfei noticed that Li Heng had conjured up several long wooden boxes out of thin air, so he asked.

"This... According to Shenzhou, it is called a coffin, which is used to hold the dead.

Li Heng placed it one by one, although it was a coffin, but there was not even a cloth cotton at the bottom, and it would definitely not be very comfortable to sleep.

"I want to bring back the remains of these Valkyries, after all, they are warriors who fought against Honkai, and they should not be lost in this snow."

Li Heng said calmly, this was his inner thought.

For the warriors who protect their homeland, Li Heng has respected them very much since he was a child, and in his opinion, those people are great and glorious, and the same is true for these Valkyries.

Although things are different from people, this great spirit deserves respect in any world.

In this regard, Ziegfried was silent, he opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but said nothing.

As a warrior, he naturally understood the meaning of what Li Heng was doing now, and he couldn't help but be in awe.

Although this Valkyrie force has been tracking the trail of herself and Kiana, but...

Every soldier, male or female, who died defending his homeland, should be respected.

And he clearly remembers that when he fought with Kiana, who was taken by the Void Law, Ragnar obviously had the ability to hurt the Void Law, but because he found out that the other party was a child, he hesitated, and finally was ...

So, together with Li Heng, Zigefei loaded the sacrificed Valkyries into the coffin made by Li Heng.

Li Heng looked at the coffin that had been sealed, and for no reason remembered a conversation in his heart.

"What is left behind after a person dies?"

"A corpse, and a tombstone engraved with great achievements."

"The body will eventually decompose, the tombstone will be shattered, what will be left behind?"

"Then this has to mention that, even time can not be indelible, belongs to the will of mankind."

The conversation was supposed to end this time, but the man asked anyway.

"What if, even the human will, entered the mausoleum?"

"Then it's a pity that at the moment when the human will also entered the mausoleum..." "

This civilization has also entered the mausoleum that belongs to it."

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