"Captain on the bridge"

Li Heng's eyes couldn't help but moisten, this ordinary, voice that can be heard every time you land, how warm

it is at this moment in this strange world, and only the familiar Hyperion can give him a sense of security The familiar

bridge appears, he greedily appreciates

the place where the Valkyrie should have stood, but it is empty

Li Heng raised a chair and leaned on it, quietly looking at the sky outside the window

: "The second collapse... Celine..." I don't know how long it took, he muttered that

the second collapse was a large-scale collapse event caused by Celine, in which Cecilia was killed, and the starting point was in the Babylon laboratory in Siberia

, which used humans to do artificial stigmata experiments, although it was for humans, but there was no humanity

, he thought, how to save Celeen and Cecilia

Cylin, Cylin, very eager for maternal love, But her mother died

of illness due to the collapse, and the sanctimonious researcher took Celine away at this time in the name of "hope", but pushed her to hell and met the fate of life is better than death.

The seeds of hatred have since been sown, leaving Celine no longer able to trust others. But in the Tower of Babylon, she also knew Aphrora, Agata, and Bella, and she never forgot them.

Collapse tore Celine's heart apart, but it could not erase their figures from hers. Whenever she recalled these names, Celine felt longing and sadness.

Until the end, she longed to reunite with everyone. These children all ended up falling victim to the Tower of Babylon. Celine, who had nothing left, was left with revenge, and she washed the hell in blood with the power of God, and gave the demons the punishment they deserved.

There were also innocent people in that tower, but Celine didn't care anymore. She inflicts her pain on another person without any worries, because she no longer wants to be with humans

"Ai-chan?" Li Heng shouted, but there was no response

Eh, forgot, Ai-chan hasn't been on the ship yet....

He pressed a button, and Hyperion's display screen lit up

, "How to check a personal information..." Li Heng was a little at a loss

, if only Bronia was there

, no, at this time Bronia was not yet born....

Speaking of which, Bronia's mother also broke down the second time....

It seems that after trying another task

for a while, Li Heng finally determined that he was not the material for hackers, took out the communicator, and dialed Otto's number

: "Oh, my dear captain, are you still satisfied with Hyperion?"

Otto obviously knew that Li Heng took over the Hyperion

"Of course, everything is fine" Li Heng was a little embarrassed, and just asked for a battleship from the other party when they met....

"I have something I want to ask you, Lord Bishop, I want to find someone," Li Heng said straight to the point

, "It must not be simple for the captain to ask me to find someone, right?" Otto

said that Li Heng was silent for a moment, and said

, "Her name is Celine, she is the Void Law of the Second Collapse, and she should be in Siberia now."

There was no need to hide this, Otto knew it all the same sooner or

later, "Okay, my captain, I'll ask Amber to send you the information later" Otto didn't ask more, "Don't you ask

me what I'm going to do?" Li Heng was a little hesitant, this guy didn't ask, it was very strange

: "I think, you know how to score, my captain" Otto


Please, I'm stressed out like this!

"I also need two tubes of potions to fight Avalanche

" "Yes, Amber will be sent to you

" "..." After

Li Heng was completely speechless

and hung up the communication, Otto looked at Amber next to him, yes, she never left, except for Teresa who avoided when she came to find Otto

: "Go, Amber, it was different before he came here." Otto smiled and Amber

looked at the man in front of him

, "Lord Bishop, even if he is like what you speculated, what about it?" Wouldn't it be better just to dig out everything in his head.

"What if I say that when he came here, the Void trembled a little?"

Otto smiled and waited for Amber's reaction

"You mean

, he has..." Otto nodded

"That power is far beyond the lawyer, and I don't know if I can touch the so-called end, but interestingly, he himself doesn't seem to know that power, so..." Otto's

eyes were deep

"At least until my plan succeeds, the power in his body must not burst out, moreover, I'd love to see what he will make of the world.

"I see, Lord Bishop."


After a while, Li Heng looked at the information in front of him and the two needles of the Collapse Disease Resistance Medicine, and fell into contemplation that the

efficiency of Heaven's Destiny is high...

"Captain, the contact number of the information department has been entered into your communicator, you can call them directly if you need it in the future, since the things have been delivered, then Amber has returned." Amber

was about to leave here "Wait..." Li Heng was about to say something, but Amber had already left "

Hey..." Li Heng sighed, he vaguely remembered that Amber seemed to be injured in the subsequent operation to find gems, or Otto saved

her and wanted to remind her, after all, as Otto's side, she must have noticed herself,

but she walked too fast...

Li Heng wiped away the amber matter, turned his head to think about Celine

, "It's not realistic to drive

Hyperion..." Li Heng thought about it, walked out of

Hyperion, saw Li Heng walk out, the surrounding staff were very excited, but no one went up to say hello

, after all, the identity gap was there

, "That, you, come here" Li Heng pointed to the staff member who introduced him to Hyperion at the beginning, "

Yes!" The man trotted all the way

to Li Heng's side, and then stood straight: "Don't be so restrained, what's your name" Li Heng saw that he was about to stand up as a telephone pole, and reminded "

Zhang Zhigang, Lord Vice-bishop" The man quickly said, "Okay Zhang Zhigang

, do you know where there are small planes?" It's the kind that can take off and land at any time.

Li Heng asked

, "Report the deputy bishop, I will immediately go to find it" Zhang Zhigang ran inside to look

for a while, a small spaceship appeared in front

of him, and the people around him exclaimed, it turned out to be the latest spacecraft developed by the Ministry of Scientific Research, this thing is not only fast, but also durable, and even can fly in space for a short time

, but when I thought that this thing was for the deputy bishop, everyone immediately felt reasonable" Report the deputy bishop

, Zhang Zhigang completed the task!

Li Heng patted Zhang Zhigang's shoulder

, although he didn't know the specific situation of the spacecraft, but looking at the reaction of the people around him, it must be good

, "Good job, I'm optimistic about you"

, and then Li Heng got on the small spaceship and closed the glass warehouse, Li

Heng suddenly remembered one thing, he won't drive....

Fortunately, he searched for a while and found the thing of

automatic driving, as long as the target is positioned, the spacecraft will automatically go to the destination "It seems that he will have to learn to drive the spacecraft in the future..." If

there is no automatic driving, then he is now....

After the spacecraft left, the people around immediately surrounded Zhang Zhigang

: "Lao Zhang, this is what I owe you a hundred yuan a long time ago, you don't want to be between ha

" "Lao Zhang, this is the foot therapy tube ticket I got, let's go together on Saturday" "Lao Zhang


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