Driving the spacecraft to Siberia, there was no obstruction on the way, I don't know if it was because of what Otto did or because this spacecraft had the symbol of destiny

, Li Heng was idle, took out Celine's

information and looked at it: "Well, both parents are dead, I am undergoing experiments in the Babylon laboratory..." Li Heng looked at the above information and couldn't help sighing:

"These two Collapse Disease Resistance Needles, but they are useless

"" At this time, Celine has already started human experiments, I won't just meet her to become a lawyer..." Li

Heng thought about it, contacted the Babylon laboratory, and asked them to take a picture of all the experimental subjects who were still alive, in order to hide their eyes, he asked all the tested children to see

these photos although they had heard about it in the game, which is another matter entirely....

Scrawny bodies, empty eyes, uniform white clothes, and pinholes in hands....

"They... Is it really a human..." Li Heng knew that studying stigmata was for human beings, but this group of science

flipped through, Li Heng finally turned to the one he wanted

, the person in the photo was no different from other people, but the iconic purple-haired orange pupil made him recognize

Li Heng at a glance Li Heng suddenly realized one thing, that is, how did he save Celine

and take it away directly with his identity? But then, it seems that Celine will not become a lawyer

, and there will be no Kiana, Bud Yi...

There will be irreversible changes in the future,

from all sides ... Celine... Must die....

"What if Celine's consciousness is cut?" Li Heng thought about

it, and then denied his own idea, not to mention how he can cut Celine's consciousness, accurately cut his personality and the personality of the lawyer, the key is that Kiana is the existence of Celine's good face, if he only leaves Celine's lawyer personality, then what Otto created, it is estimated that it is likely to be a pure second lawyer

, he thought of the memory again, and copied his consciousness

But neither Destiny nor Anti-Entropy have this technology, and the group of guys in the world snake don't know where to hide at this time....

Li Heng remembered the phrase

"The world allows consciousness to match new containers, but it does not allow containers to collect dissipated consciousness."

"Matching a new container is light... Not to mention that transferring Celine's consciousness into a new body will not affect Kiana, I can't do it just by transferring consciousness..." "

Otto's guy will change his body, and he probably knows how to transfer his consciousness, after all, he has done everything to resurrect Kalien...

Li Heng thought about it, and actually slept in a daze

, after all, thinking is to consume energy


Li Heng was still woken up by the prompt

, "I didn't expect to fall asleep..." Li Heng thought about it, but he felt that his right hand was tingling a little,

and a crimson gem was lying peacefully in his hand

, "What is this thing?!" Li Heng was clever, and the first reaction

was to throw away the things in his hand, he just raised his

left hand, and found that there was also a red gem on his left hand, which was different from the red red of his right hand, and this gemstone was a little


Li Heng took off

the gemstone and put it in the ashtray on the operating table, obviously it was a brand new ashtray, there was no dust in it

, but after the two gemstones were put on

, there was a crack, "What is this thing..." Li Heng was a little panicked, the gemstone that appeared in his hand for no reason, or the scary red gemstone Li Heng

took a deep breath, gradually calmed down and

stung, red gem... Wait, gems?

Li Heng suddenly had a very absurd idea

, he took out the collapse energy detection instrument, tested the collapse energy in the spacecraft, a string of green numbers appeared on the instrument

, although he did not know the meaning of the number, but also knew that green should represent safety

, Li Hengyi frowned, did he guess wrong?

He looked at the gem in front of him and pointed the gem directly into the test mouth,

"Didi Di!" A hurried alarm sounded, and the originally green number immediately turned red


turned out to be real....

Li Heng's tongue

broke such a high concentration of gemstones... Definitely the core of the lawyer.

"Crimson and dark red cores... Could it be? "In Li Heng's pupil earthquake

game, the red core is only the core of the Law of Reason and the core of the Law of Knowledge

" No, this is not right..." "How can the core of the law appear here, moreover, it is still the ability he just needs....


Li Heng looked at the core in front of him, as if he saw the throne of the ability and consciousness of constructing all things beckoning to him

, "No..." Li Heng tried to restrain himself

, the origin of the core is unknown, and he does not know, if he controls these abilities, what impact it will have

on the world, in case he dies on the spot, or the later lawyer is removed

, then it will be troublesome....

Li Heng used a box specially used to isolate the collapse energy items, and installed these

two cores, the two cores do not emit a lot of collapse energy, the box can barely close

Siberia, looking at the snowflakes, he suddenly found that there were many people standing outside the plane, they are all scientists in the Babylon laboratory

, but fortunately it is anti-peeping glass, otherwise he just acted...

Li Heng took a deep breath again and adjusted his mood


Although they saw that Li Heng in the spaceship had

not come out, their enthusiasm had not weakened in the slightest

, not long ago they received the matter that the deputy bishop of Heavenly Mandate wanted to come here to investigate

, they were extremely surprised, but they did not expect that there were still people who wanted to come to this kind of ghost

place, or the Lord Vice-bishop of Heaven's Destiny

, which made them excited, if they got the appreciation of this lord, would they be able to work in another place?

Most of the people who can go to Siberia to engage in scientific research are some stubborn but capable people who have made mistakes

, and they are very dissatisfied with the perpetrators of the destiny similar to "exile", so they vent their dissatisfaction on which children who accept the experiment

, Li Heng opened the cabin door, when he came here, it was almost dark, looking at the ice and snow outside, he suddenly shivered

and hateful, and he already knew a few more clothes....

"Welcome Lord Vice-Bishop of Destiny to the Babylon laboratory, I am the director of the Babylon laboratory,"

an old man with white hair came to Li Heng

, "OK... Okay, stop finishing those formalities, go back to the lab! Li Hengqiang endured it, said expressionlessly

, and then walked towards the moneyless Babylon Tower

, "Yes, Lord Vice-Bishop!" The peak season fart tossed and turned, but still half a step behind

Li Heng, for these little tricks of him, Li Heng did not care much, he wanted to find a place to warm

up and came to the room arranged for him in the peak season, his eyes suddenly lit up

: "I'm tired, go to rest first, what report will be said tomorrow" Li Heng is a little tired "

Xi Lin or something... Let's look for it tomorrow too....

Li Heng fell asleep with his head turned upside down, bringing the style of young people sleeping as soon as they dipped into bed to the extreme

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