When the first rays of sunlight in the morning shone on the earth, Li Heng woke up.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took out Celine's picture.

"It's time to find the 'pufferfish'..." Li Heng smiled and walked out of the room.

"Lord Lieutenant, hello," seeing Li Heng come out, someone immediately greeted

him, "What's your name?"


Chuan" "Mu Chuan, I have a task to give you, take me to the place where this child is kept" Li Heng didn't want to greet Mu Chuan

too much, was shocked in his heart, surprise inspection? Hmph, fortunately, I was prepared, "Please here, Lord Lieutenant"

Li Heng followed Mu Chuan to the place where Xi Lin was held

, but at this time they did not get up, covered with a small quilt, curled up on the bed

, Li Heng felt a pang of nausea for

this, the quilt they covered was completely new, this is understood.

"When she wakes up, send her to my room, I will measure her,"

Li Heng pointed to Celine and said

, "Yes, Lord Vice-Bishop!" Mu Chuan immediately responded

, isn't it just a sample survey... But you can really choose, that guy seems to be the one who survived the longest after injecting the medicine

, Li Heng did not care about Mu Chuan, but returned to his room, Mu Chuan

also left here, looking at the posture, it is estimated that he reported to the so-called director

, Li Heng sat by the window, looking at the sky outside in a daze

, he did not close the window too tightly, the piercing wind blowing outside could make him think calmly

for a while, and there was a knock outside the door

"Come in." Li Heng said

, however, there was still knocking outside the door

, "..." Li Heng was speechless, this sound insulation effect....

After closing the window, he opened

the door, and the people outside the door saw Li Heng open the door, and immediately greeted him with a smile

: "Lord Vice-Bishop, I sent it to you, I will go first."

Li Heng looked at the girl in front of him

, she was wearing white clothes, her hair was obviously combed, her big orange eyes were full of resentment

, Li Heng sighed

, "I'm sorry..."

Celine said angrily

, "Bella, they are all dead, all killed by your so-called hope!"

"Say save us and give us a better life, and then what! Tools, creatures, numbers, subjects... This is what you call the good life?! You are not worthy to live, human beings, you do not deserve to exist at all!

Celine vented madly

, for this situation, Li Heng had expected it, he quietly watched every catharsis of Celine

Silin, there would be collapse can enter the body.

Sure enough, if the chosen person is broken, it seems that if she comes a little late, Celine is estimated to be out of school....

Li Heng sighed and interrupted Celine's catharsis

: "If I can come here earlier, maybe not..."

What's the use! What's the use of you saying this now! Celine's eyes were full of hatred, clenched her fists

, Li Heng stepped forward, stretched out her hand

, Cyrin subconsciously retreated, but behind her is the gate, there is no way back

, Li Heng gently stroked Celine's head

, "I'll take you, get out of here..."

Cylin was stunned, she subconsciously thought it was impossible, in her subconscious, this is a hell that can only enter and not exit

, but she thought of the afternoon, Those demons actually gave them new clothes, and even washed them,

so the identity of the person in front of them must not be simple

, "You, you also have to take them with you" Xi Lin's tone softened a little

, "difficult" Li Heng frowned, "I want to take away you, the most adaptable person, it will take a lot of effort, let alone them"


Celine was silent, the opportunity to escape from hell was in front of her, but the price was to leave her friends here Celine

struggled for a while, and suddenly looked at Li Heng

, "Why, help me?"

"Because I think you shouldn't be in this dark place, you should have an ordinary life, and not be carried to the lab by those beasts."

Celine said firmly, "If they don't go, I won't go!" "

Sympathy? Commiseration? Guilty?

Celine didn't believe in that kind of thing for a long time, she thought that this person in front of her definitely needed something about

her, it would be better to take this opportunity and leave here with her friends

for "three days

" "What?"

"In three days, I will ask the headquarters for weapons on the grounds of strengthening security, and then I will create opportunities for you, you will take these weapons and leave, here

" Cylene was stunned, and subconsciously said,

"Then what should you do?"

Li Heng smiled and said, "Naturally, stay here and help you drag them down, otherwise, you won't be able to run far"

Cylin opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

"In the past few days, I will ask them to suspend the experiment, you guys prepare well" "In

order to pretend, you should follow me first in these days." Li Heng smiled and said,

"What should I call you?" Celine looked at Li Heng, she really couldn't figure out why this person in front of her wanted to help her


"Captain? Strange name..."


Looking at the back of Celine leaving, Li Heng smiled and

said that he couldn't take so many people, naturally he fooled Celine, he wanted to see, which one Celine would choose among friends and freedom

, sure enough, Celine did not give up her friends

as for the escape plan... Hehe

took out the communicator and called Otto

, "Oh? My good captain, is Siberia fun?

"It's fun, it's just a little cold." Li Heng looked at the old fox in front of him

: "I want a batch of weapons, and they will be sent to the Babylon laboratory in two and a half days, ordinary firearms and weapons will do."

"Oh? How, did someone mess with our captain?

"In three days, the law of emptiness will descend, and the second collapse will begin."

"Yes, my captain."

"Oh yes, send me a few more clothes, it's so cold here," Li Heng reminded that

the cold wind was really terrible.

Hanging up the communication and

looking at the heavy snow outside the window, Li Heng suddenly felt

like a big villain, who could prevent the disaster from falling but did not care, but pushed it to come.

"I'm sorry, Celine... I'm sorry..."

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