After entering Novosibirsk, Li Heng looked at the surrounding houses.

Pitch black, shrouded in everything.

"Hiss... There is a feeling of a horror movie.

Li Heng shrugged.

He came to an open-air table and chair and knocked on it with his hand.

The table instantly turned into slag.

It can be seen that its terrifying withering ability, ordinary people to be directly exposed to black fog, definitely do not live more than 10 seconds.

"If this withering ability is used to burn garbage, you must not die of laughter." Li Heng shook his hand and shook the powder clean.

"Yes, in the future, you can use the power of the Law of the Dead to clean up the garbage on Hyperion."


Li Heng held the Yan Law Core and came to the place where the dense fog gathered the deepest.

"Let's say here." Li Heng let the core of the law-liker enter the body and enter the state of the lawyer.

At the same time, he took down the hellish judgment with his right hand and felt the surroundings.

Although he knew that the Dead Mist could isolate the outside world, just in case, he only used the power of the core of the Analogue.

After all, it is just a quasi-death lawyer, and with half the strength of the hell judgment + law of flame, it is enough to deal with it.

After Li Heng entered this area, the dead fog immediately surged up, and a figure came behind Li Heng, reaching out to take off his mask.

"I'm sorry, miss, I can't take this off." The moment she stretched out her hand, Li Heng used hellish judgment against her brain.

Although Li Heng did not have the power to open the law of knowledge, his perception ability was still instinctively strong.

He turned his head and stared at the Death Law who wanted to sneak up on him

, "Yes... I'm sorry..." The Law of Death immediately turned pale with fright when he saw the muzzle of the black hole and Li Heng's hideous mask.

"Sure enough, it's the same as in the plot, very timid..." said Li Heng secretly.

"You're here to... Kill me? The Law of Death looked at Li Heng with a pitiful look.

"I'm sorry, because of what you did, I have to kill you." Li Heng sighed, although he knew that this was just a puppet created by Celine according to her already dead friend, neither a lawyer nor a human.

Li Heng carried the hellish judgment behind his back and put his left hand on the head of the Death Lawyer.

The withering power that surrounded the imitation of the law of death, Li Heng could easily dissolve.

The Law of Death also seemed to realize that he couldn't run away and closed his eyes.

"Rest in peace, maybe you shouldn't come to this world..." Li

Heng's collapse energy slowly condensed in Li Heng's left hand.

"Ugh——! The sound of something being cut off sounded.

Li Heng looked at his left arm that slowly fell to the ground in disbelief.

His left hand was cut off by the Law of Death in an instant.

The Law of Death slowly opened her eyes, her eyes did not have a trace of emotion, which was very different from the pitiful appearance just now.

"Ah..." Severe pain came from the wound, and Li Heng felt that he had blocked the pain with the power of law.

Just kidding, a person's arm is cut off alive, and it doesn't hurt you.

The aura of the Law of Death gradually climbed, far beyond the category of the Pseudo-Lawyer.

"What the hell... No, you are not a law of death! Li

Heng used some of his power to observe the state of the Law of Death, and he suddenly found that the original consciousness of the Law of Death had disappeared, replaced by an indescribable will manipulating his body.

His grandmother's, again Broken Consciousness, etc., how can it manipulate the lawyer?

Li Heng wondered if it was because he was a puppet when he looked at the 'Law of Death'?

The 'Law of Death' raised her hand, and the black mist gathered in her hand, like substance, towards Li Heng.

Li Heng held the Hell Trial with one hand, and the Convergence Collapse could defeat this blow.

Suddenly, Li Heng felt that something was wrong.

"The black fog around ... In reducing! Li Heng looked at the 'Law of Death' and was immediately shocked.

I saw a steady stream of black mist gathering from all directions and entering the body of the 'Law of Death'.

"Forcibly inject Honkai energy into the body to improve the ability? But with this method, even a true lawyer can't survive..." Li

Heng thought for a moment and judged the current situation.

MD, Honkai Consciousness This is intended to play Yin, and forcibly solve me with the puppet of the Law of Death created by Celine.

Black, how black!

The building continued to collapse as the 'Law of the Dead' absorbed the mist, turning into slag, and the city of Novosibirsk became the Novosibirsk Plain.

Li Heng held the barrel of the Hell Judgment, and the butt of the Hell Trial gradually changed, and the sharp blade appeared.

The barrel also becomes for better swinging.

The imitation Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor naturally copied its ability to change its form.

Although the Heavenly Fire Saint Judge usually appeared as a double gun to suppress the power of the core of the Yan Law, the Hell Trial did not have this need.

But, but what man doesn't want a sniper rifle that can transform?

The hellish trial turned into a long spear, and Li Hengshan held the handle of the gun, grabbed the core of the quasi-Yan Law, and put it into the groove of the tip of the gun, making it a divine key.

Although compared to the real God Key, the charging time of Hell Judgment is twice that of other God Keys, that is, four hours, it has entered the category of God Key.

Li Heng took a deep breath, and the gems at the tip of the gun became extremely shiny.

Li Heng jumped up, slashed down with a shot, and rushed straight to the brain door of the Law of Death.

The eyes of the 'Law of Death' are still calm, incomparably calm.

As soon as she waved her hand, a black mist greeted her and collided with the tip of the gun.


The withering collided with the power of destruction, resulting in a violent explosion that directly repelled Li Heng.

"Without the use of other powers ... It seems that he can't beat her..." Li Heng looked at the 'Law of Death' who was unscathed and thought to himself.

However, in just a few minutes, the collapse energy of the entire Novosibirsk was compressed into the body of the 'Law of Death', and Li Heng secretly said that it was not good.

How can a mimic person fuse the collapse energy of Novosibirsk.

He squinted, dodging the attack while observing the 'Law of the Dead'.

Now the Law of Death is covered in black fog, her eyeballs are pitch black, her pupils are dull, and above her skin are cracks one after another.

"Not good!" Li Heng was shocked, raised the hell trial, and wanted to mobilize all the many forces to strengthen the hell trial, and then launch a bull to solve the law of death.

"This shot, you will die." The Law of Death suddenly raised her head and looked at Li Heng with her empty eyes.

Li Heng was shocked and immediately retracted his strength.

The 'Law of Death' looked at Li Heng quietly and stopped absorbing the collapse energy, but the cracks in her body continued to increase.

Looking at her, Li Heng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If he had chopped it down just now, then the power stored in the body of the dead law would explode, and it would be a question of whether he could have a whole corpse at that time.

Li Heng flew up and was about to leave.

But strangely, the 'Law of Death' watched him fly and did not move.

Li Henghu glanced at her suspiciously, his eyes glanced at the crowd in the distance, and his brain suddenly went blank.

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