At first, he wondered why there were so many refugees on the periphery, and although the destructive power of the Law of Death was not as good as that of the Law of Flame, it was impossible to let go so much.

Together, this is the set that Honkai gave him.

How did this guy predict that I would come here?

Li Heng looked at the 'Law of Death' and thought of a possibility.

Wait, he wouldn't let the other two lawyers, let go of so many people, so that he could threaten himself, right?

The 'Law of Death' looked at Li Heng with a smile and made a gesture to wipe his neck.

"You only have a minute."

Li Heng looked at the hellish trial in his hand and fell into deep thought.

There were only two options before him.

Either abandon these people and get out of here.

Or for the sake of these people, to lose lives.

As for defeating her? Haha, her current state, she exploded when touched, maybe Li Heng can survive the explosion, but those people are not necessarily.

He is not a virgin, otherwise he would not have stimulated Celine to make her a lawyer.

He is not a cold-blooded animal, otherwise he would not have gone to Moscow to swing that sword.

He was just a man of flesh and blood.

As a rational man, he should get out of here.

The disaster brought by the Law of Death, he has tried his best to prevent it, so he can have a clear conscience.

Taking a step back, he can also remove his mask if people point fingers at him because he ran away.

Only some people know his true face, and those people will not have an opinion about his escape.

He also does not need to fulfill any responsibilities, heroes and so on are only imposed on him.

"You'd rather I leave, right?"

Li Heng walked to the south of the Law of Death, and this direction was just right to turn his back to her and turn his back to the direction where Li Heng came.

He raised his head and looked at the sun.

The sunlight was very dazzling, and he subconsciously blocked it with his hands.

But the sunlight shining through the gap was still dazzling, and he closed his eyes.

The 'Law of the Dead' did not respond.

Li Heng smiled, only to see him slowly speak.

"Then, I choose..."

Li Heng opened his eyes abruptly, his pupils already turning orange.

"Third way."

Two white giant hands appeared behind the 'Law of Death' in an instant, tearing the space behind her.

The hellish trial in Li Heng's hand jumped, and he sniped with one hand.

"Go back to your imaginary space!"

"Judgment, come!"

The fire dragon that once appeared on the moon has appeared again, but this time, with the blessing of the four cores, it will be even more terrifying!


Indeed, the broken will gave Li Heng a dead end.

Using the core of the Death Law Maker plus the collapse energy of the entire Novosibirsk, a terrible bomb that cannot be defused is made.

This makes Li Heng face two choices.

Either let these people fend for themselves here, or save them with yourself, as the 'lawyer of death' said.

As for killing the 'Law of the Dead'? In her current state, if Li Heng used the power of the Imitation Law of Flame to attack, he would directly send that group of people away.

The kind that doesn't have a hum.

However, it is a pity that this situation is only established under the power of Li Hengyou and only those who are similar to the law of inflammation.


In the face of everything Li Heng did, the 'Law of Death' put away WeChat, and the whole person collapsed and surging, and before being hit by the fire dragon, he began to self-detonate.

The entire heaven and earth seemed to come to a standstill, emitting a deafening roar.

"Boom ——!"

Along with the explosion, there was an even more terrifying collapse energy radiation, and the people below seemed to see the second sun.

Li Heng, who was at the center of the explosion, could feel the horror of the explosion more intuitively.

The intense light pierced him so that he couldn't open his eyes, and Li Heng could only sense his surroundings with his power.

The body hurt as if it had been slashed by countless blades, of course, compared to it, the blade scratching the body was nothing to Li Heng.

He can't shield the sensation of pain yet, and in order to clearly feel the explosion, he must maintain a clear perception.

"Made, why didn't you run just now! Stay and suffer this sin. Li Heng somewhat regretted not leaving, but at this time there was no choice, now let go of the crack, the pain before was in vain, and the power of the Void Law was exposed.

The terrifying surge of energy even distorted the space, and Li Heng hurriedly used the power balance of the Void Law to maintain the existence of the crack and channel the energy of the explosion into it.

At this time, the energy in the other three cores is converted into the most pure collapse energy, providing energy for the void law core.

Simply put, it is a charging treasure.

As for why it is the core of the empty law, eh....

The core of the Law of Flame will make the explosion come more violently.

The core of the Law of Reason..... There are only a few items that Li Heng understands now, and he can't generate a few Alahato, right? It's useless...

There's also the risk of getting knocked on by Tesla.

Not to mention the core of the Law of Knowledge, the guy who controls the Law of Death is likely to be Collapsed Consciousness, and influencing her consciousness is tantamount to sending a courier.

The crack is pitch black from the front, but it is indeed transparent when viewed from the back.

So those people directly below Li Heng were a little strange, why the explosion in front of them was so violent, but they didn't do anything at all.

To tell a joke, everyone who sees the pitch-black crack becomes an 'acquaintance'.

Li Heng did not have so much time to generate a second crack, so Novosibirsk was polarized.

On one side is a normal environment, on the other side it has become a terrible hell.

I don't know how long it took, just when Li Heng's consciousness was about to blur, the explosion stopped instantly.

Come and go fast.

Li Heng quickly removed the power that maintained the crack.

But he still maintained the appearance of maintaining the crack.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but when he moves, his whole body hurts hotly.

Li Heng examined his state.

Well, in order to maintain the crack, most of the strength has been consumed, and the core of the void law has also dimmed because of the crazy output, and it needs to be cultivated.

In the body, the impact of all the internal organs has shifted slightly, if not Li Heng is a lawyer who has fused the four cores, for others, let alone alive, it is good to leave a whole corpse.

What about the appearance... The most intuitive thing is that the left hand is missing, and the palm of the right hand is also thought to maintain the crack and resist the explosion.

Secondly, Li Heng is bald, although his body is very tough, his fur is not so hanging.

The mask also suffered some damage, and even exposed part of Li Heng's forehead.

The skin and clothes fused together, turning into a black substance, hard, if Li Heng moved, he would immediately make a clicking sound.

"Made, why do I get so badly injured every time..." Li Heng was speechless, every time he attacked, his energy was exhausted, and his arm and leg were severed and he was unconscious.

It seems that he is really not suitable for the personal end, or he has to rely on the Valkyries under him.

Li Heng maintained this posture and slowly walked towards the spacecraft.

The people below looked at Li Heng with a strange look.


I was literally speechless!!

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