Li Heng parked the spacecraft on the outskirts of Siberia and did not go in.

Just kidding, although Otto didn't tell him, Li Heng didn't know.

Otto this guy is going to wash Siberia with rockets with ICBMs.

The shell of the Honkai Beast is so hard that the bullet cannot deal effective damage at all.

Not to mention the Emperor-class Avalanche Beast, anti-tank bazookas can only destroy a small part of its body.

According to statistics, every time an emperor-level Collapsed Beast is destroyed, it takes the lives of 5,000 heavily armed soldiers.

Therefore, the Valkyrie, which can effectively kill the Honkai Beast, has become a valuable resource.

But in front of the 500,000 Broken Beasts created by Celine, the few poor Valkyries of Heaven's Mandate were completely little sheep.

So in the face of a huge quantitative gap, Otto ordered a saturation strike on the whole of Siberia with heavy weapons before the Valkyries marched into Siberia.

It's like a combat plane crash, and people choose to save the pilot instead of the plane.

Human nature aside, the money and time required to train a pilot, as well as the talent to fly an airplane, are all more valuable than airplanes.

Although Otto is ruthless, he is also smart and terrible, so he will not do such a stupid thing as giving people's heads.

Li Heng opened the window, stood on a chair, and looked at Siberia in the distance.

The two rabbits jumping alive in the back seat looked at Li Heng who stood up suspiciously.

"It's going to rain."

He smiled.

The breeze ruffled his hair... No, he doesn't have hair.

OK, installation 13 failed.

"I have to find a time to drive the Hyperion out, keep driving this small boat, and the master is about to change from captain to captain."

Li Heng touched his shiny head and felt cold.

Of course, another reason is... This chair is not easy to stand on, and standing on the seat of the small spaceship and watching Otto hoe the earth is completely different from standing on the deck of the Hyperion and watching Otto hoe the earth.

To put it bluntly, small spaceships are not good to fit 13.

Heavenly Mandate Headquarters Floating Island.

"The procedure for launching missiles from the third and fourth arsenals of Manifest has been launched."

The staff reported to Otto.

"Already aimed at the target, the Siberian plain, O-12, O-28 zone."

Otto stood on the rooftop, looking expressionlessly in the direction of Siberia.

"Start attacking."

With Otto's order, countless missiles drew perfect arcs in the sky, and then one by one, fell on the Siberian plain like rain.

On the Siberian plain, huge explosions continue to occur, and the hot wind generated by the explosions instantly melts the snow into water vapor.

The Broken Beast located at the center of the explosion, even if it had an extremely hard shell, instantly turned into ashes.

"This is the power of human beings..." Li Heng took out his mobile phone to record this moment, and couldn't help but sigh.

Human beings also have the ability to turn into natural disasters and change the world.

He listened to the roar caused by the missile explosion in the distance, and suddenly felt extremely pleasant.

Humans roared at Honkai, and that represented.

"Counteroffensive, began."

...... Otto calmly looked at the picture coming from the screen, five hundred years had long smoothed out all his corners.

Excited, hot-blooded, proud?

Perhaps Otto would have had this sentiment long ago, and Karen had not died because of the political struggle.

His heart had long since died with his holy daughter, Karen Kaslana.


16 February 2000 at 12 o'clock sharp.

Bishop Otto ordered all Valkyrie troops to enter Siberia in search of the Second Law.

At the same time, Li Heng also took a small spaceship and entered Siberia from the southwest and flew to the Tower of Babylon at high speed.

Although Siberia has been "plowed" by Otto with missiles, 50,000 Honkai beasts still survived.

The threat posed by these 50,000 Avalanche Beasts to the Valkyrie Army, which had less than a thousand people, was still terrifying.

"I didn't expect to encounter it so soon!" Zig Fei held the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor and attacked the surrounding Collapse Beasts.

This guy was also unlucky, and he encountered a hundred Honkai beasts as soon as he came up.

Li Heng did not have this trouble, and he drove his small spaceship leisurely towards the Tower of Babylon.

Of course, if there is really an eye-opening Collapsed Beast hitting the face, then he does not recommend practicing the target.

"If it is discovered by other Honkai beasts and enters the war of attrition, it will be finished."

Ziegfried thought to himself.

Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he looked up.

A young girl was floating in the air, looking at him.

The girl has weird wings on her back and armor similar to that of a broken beast.

The girl is the anthropomorphic Benares.

The true judgment-level Collapse Beast is even stronger than ordinary Judgment-level Collapse Beast because of the reason that it has the core of the Pseudo-Lawyer in its body.

After Benares discovers that Siegfried has sensed her presence, Honkai energy converges from the wings behind her and converges into an alien electric ball on her head.

"Yes... It's that guy! The accompanying Nicholas's face changed, and he recognized Benares at once.

It was she who killed Salome!

"Everyone disperse! Disperse! Ziggy flew like a great enemy, although he didn't know who this person in front of him was, but the electric balls he sent out casually were enough for them.

He held the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in his hand and directly greeted him.

As a squad leader, as a man, he can't back down!


Top of the Tower of Babylon.

"Those ants are really trying, they just destroyed some Avalanche Beasts, as long as I want, I can create as many Avalanche Beasts as I want."

Celine was sitting on the edge of the tower with her legs crossed, and she was watching the battle between Siegfried and Benares through her power.

"The deworming work will be left to Bella, and I will ... Well?

As if sensing something, Celine turned her head to look back.

I don't know when, Otto had already taken Fu Hua and Cheng Lixue to the top of the Babylon Tower, and at this time the three were standing together, looking at Celine.

"It seems that an annoying bug touched it..." Celine

smiled slightly, and the patterns in her eyes lit up.

"It seems that those ants are just outcasts that you use to distract me, right? Annoying bugs.

Li Heng hovered the spaceship not far from the Tower of Babylon.

"Oh, catch up." He took out his mask and put it on, looked at several people with the fierce eyes of the lawyer, and at the same time took out a video recorder.

Just kidding, this is the famous scene of 'pufferfish', how can it not be recorded.

"Come on, Red Kite Immortal!"

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