"I recognize you, you broke me Agata."

Celine jumped down from the railing and said.

"I'm getting bored, crushing you guys should be much more fun than slaughtering those ants."

"Let me have fun."


: "..." Cheng Lixue

: "..." Li Heng: "..."

Crush the Fuhua of this period?

The corners of Li Heng's mouth rose slightly, holding back himself from laughing.

Although he used the power of the law of knowledge to blur his existence, so that several people could not notice him, but in order not to be discovered by them, he could only blur it with the least efficiency, and he would definitely be discovered as soon as he spoke up.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get started. Celine curled the ends of her hair with her fingers, and said a little impatiently,

she didn't notice the extra feathers nearby.

I wiped, only to find out now that Celine's suit was.

Li Heng looked at Xilin's clothes and swallowed his spit.

Everything that could be exposed in this dress was exposed, and it still clinged to Celine's body.

Hiss...... No, calm down, Celine is only 14 years old.

Well, wait a few more years, hehe....

"Otto, according to the plan, let me fight her alone, you and Liyuki don't interfere."

Fuhua's black hair starts at the root of the hair and gradually turns white.

The pupils also changed from blue to red.

"What?" Celine floated in the air and cocked Erlang's legs, and said disdainfully.

"It's just that I defeated that waste in Agata, less get carried away, bug!"

She hasn't suffered since she went to the moon to receive God's gift!

You look at it, you look, it's swelling up again.

Li Heng sighed softly, the 'little pufferfish' at home was always swelling, and he had to let Fu Hua correct his personality.

"Lord Bishop, do we really not have to help Master?"

Cheng Lixue looked at Fu Hua's figure with some concern.

"She's enough alone."

Otto also looked at Fu Hua's back, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth

, but he had seen the period when Fu Hua was powerful, when Fu Hua single-handedly stopped the crusade of the Mandate of Heaven troops 500 years ago, and easily defeated the Holy Daughter of the Mandate of Heaven at that time, Karen Kaslanna.

And now, within Yuduchen's domain, Fu Hua can use his strongest power.

When her 500-year-lost strength returns to her body again, she is the strongest person in the world.

Cool boy somewhere in the Quantum Sea: ?

In the next moment of Fu Hua's Celine confrontation, she punched.

This punch, whether it is speed or strength, Celine does not pay attention to it, because it is like the fist of an ordinary warrior, and a person's attack cannot pass through the imaginary barrier of the lawyer.

But half a second later, Celine realized she was wrong.

What she saw was not a fist, but... Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of punches... The walls of the fist.

No, it's a storm of fists!

Most of the fists hit the imaginary barrier and disappeared completely.

However, one in ten thousand of them passed through the gap in the imaginary barrier.

At this time, Celine discovered that the imaginary barrier was not perfect, and then, because of her disdain, she could not react and could not dodge at all.

She was hit, hit by a fist that looked like an ordinary person.

Celine was extremely shocked, and in the moment she hesitated, the imaginary barrier collapsed, and after that, more... Countless fists hit the body he hit.

Although these attacks were not painful for Celine the Lawyer, Celine was completely angry.

Out of instinct, she unleashed the power of the most lethal Death Lawyer at this distance, the withering Death Mist.

In this black fog, everything will be eroded.

Looking at the black fog released by Celine, Li Heng subconsciously shrunk his left hand, which made him evoke some bad memories.

But this black fog was completely insufficient in front of Fu Hua

, and bursts of flames condensed in her hand, and the black fog would dissipate once it approached.

She swung her fist back slightly.

Li Heng raised his camera.

"Inch-inch-open the sky!"

Fu Hua punched out terrifyingly, and the air was distorted, and then slowly fell on Xilin.

The powerful aftermath even shattered the floor.

Without snorting, Celine fell directly from the top of the tower to the ground, setting off a cloud of snow.

"Click!" Li Heng wrote down this scene with satisfaction, looked at Xi Lin in the picture, and his smile gradually changed.

Fu Hua stood by the tower and looked at Xi Lin Dao below.

"Lixue, lend me [Ruoshui]."

If water is also the key of God, the key of God made with the core of the Law of Domination, the prototype is the Xuanyuan Sword, which will change shape with the user, because the characteristics of the Law of Domination, there are a total of a thousand.

Cheng Lixue immediately stepped forward and handed Ruoshui to Fu Hua.

After getting Ruoshui, Fu Hua immediately jumped from the top of the tower and chased after Xilin.

"It hurts..." Celine covered her head and slowly got up, "What happened?" What just happened!?

"How could I have been defeated!"

Li Heng came to the fence next to the tower, looked at the confused Celine, and couldn't help but take another picture.

Just kidding, these are famous scenes that can ridicule Celine in the future, but you can't let it go.

This Cylin is cute, you don't want others to know that you were abused by Fu Hua Kaitian, right?

Celine raised her head and looked at Fu Hua who jumped down from the top of the Tower of Babylon, and immediately reacted.

"By the way, that guy did it!"

"Damn, the ants actually made me so embarrassed!"

Celine slashed a wind blade towards Fu Hua, cutting a wound on the surface of the Tower of Babylon.

But he couldn't hit Fu Hua, and in just a moment, Fu Hua reached the ground, holding Ruoshui in his hand, standing in front of Xi Lin.

Looking at her figure, a familiar feeling that Celine hated occupied her heart.

That's what she felt most of the time before she became a lawyer...


Celine's fists trembled slightly.

She couldn't understand the existence of the person in front of her, so powerful, so terrifying.

She did her best to urge power, and the hot flames gathered in her hands.

"You... Don't come here! "

Three times more powerful than Agata before, the flame of the Law of Flame.

This should stop the opponent's pace, right?

Fu Hua looked at the monstrous flame in front of her, evoking her memories of 50,000 years ago.

Fifty thousand years ago, her beloved captain was chosen by Honkai and became an inhuman lawyer.

Fu Hua carried her long-cherished wish that lasted for 50,000 years.

During these 50,000 years, as soon as she closed her eyes, she would think about how to fight those lawyers.

The law of death, the law of wind, the law of inflammation, the law of emptiness....

Either way, she had already found a way to crack it.

She held water in her hand and began to channel her power.

Too Void Sword Type - Huajian Swift!

"No..." Celine seemed to want to say something, but Ruoshui had already pierced her body.

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