Just when the rabbit was about to be pinched by Li Heng, he didn't move.

The core of the Law of Knowledge in Li Heng's body suddenly shook, and a wave of energy advanced outward from the core, cleansing Li Heng's entire body.

Li Heng suddenly felt as if he had been poured with a basin of cold water, instantly sobered up, and his pupils gradually returned to normal.

"Head, it hurts... I am... What's wrong...? Li

Heng, who came to his senses, immediately let go of the rabbit, and the whole person took a few steps back.

The rabbit that was let go by Li Heng fell to the ground, moved a few times, and immediately ran to the corner, curled up in fear

but unable to wake up Celine now, why am I so angry? Also take a rabbit out of anger.

Li Heng covered his forehead and thought in disbelief.

"Could it be that you are too tired these days? Or is it because the power of those who have just learned the law is over-consumed?

Li Heng couldn't figure it out, but there was still a tearing sensation in his brain, and he slumped in his chair to make himself feel better.

The subconscious told him that the state he had just been in was very dangerous, and his whole consciousness was blurred, and only anger remained.

If it weren't for the core of the Law of Knowledge that allowed Li Heng to regain consciousness, the rabbit might have died.

In the evening, you have to add meals, spicy rabbit head.

After the headache disappeared a little, Li Heng stood up and looked at the rabbit who was still shivering in the corner.


Li Heng squatted beside him and gently touched its head.

The rabbit stopped trembling and raised his head to look at Li Heng.

"Let's go, go take a shower first."

Li Heng smiled, picked up the rabbit, and walked towards the bathroom.

He hadn't bathed for a long time, plus in order to let their consciousness into his body, he sweated a lot, and his body was sticky.

The rabbit also had a dirty body because he ate the oily roast chicken, plus Li Heng wiped his hands.

Because he didn't wash his hair, Li Heng also washed it quickly.

After he put the rabbit in a normal room, he left.

Perhaps because of the reasons just now, the rabbit was still a little afraid of Li Heng, so Li Heng planned to let him sleep by himself.

After that, he did not go to the main control room, but went to the deck of Hyperion alone.

After a day of tossing, the time had come to dusk, and because the headquarters of Destiny was flying, there was nothing to block the sun.

The wind blew the undried water on Li Heng's body, and because he had just taken a bath, it was exceptionally comfortable and cool, making the last pain in his brain disappear.

He sat quietly on the edge of the deck and began to think about what had just happened.

"Because of the existence of the thread of consciousness, I can't take the initiative to wake up Celine, I can only wait for Otto to make K423, and then there is no problem whether it is cutting the silk thread or waking up Celine."

Li Heng sighed and said helplessly.

"The other three, Cecilia, Bella and Cheng Lixue can be awakened, but..."

It's just that because of his mood, he doesn't want to wake up the other three for the time being.

And Cecilia is still Zigfei's wife after all, Li Heng is not so perverted, even his mother-in-law does not let go.

And Bella, this guy, if he wakes up, it is estimated that he will be annoyed to death, a queen a day, it is better to lie down in peace like this.

Cheng Lixue has no problem, people are quiet and willing to work, they just have to watch, in case the direction of the world changes again without Li Heng's knowledge, it will be bad.

And Li Heng already has a plan.

Otto made the K423 in 2006, and now it's only 2000, a full six years, Li Heng doesn't plan to waste this time.

His eyes looked into the distance, watching the setting sun and muttered.

"Wait for me in the future, Celine."

That's right, he's going to the future.


Mandate Headquarters: Bishop's Office.

"Huh? I didn't expect to see the captain in the morning, my friend, is there something wrong with you?.

Otto looked at Li Heng, who had come to him in the morning, and said with a smile.

"This is the core of the Void Law, I give it to Lord Bishop, I hope you can use it well."

Li Heng took out a box and handed it to Amber.

"At the same time, I would like to ask my Lord Bishop one more thing."

"Something to do with this Broken Beast in your hand?"

Otto looked at the rabbit that was being held by Li Heng in one hand, and said a little playfully.

"Well, it is indeed related to it, I want to ask Lord Bishop to help feed it, don't get used to it, just starve to death?"

"Oh? Are you going to do something, Captain?

Otto grasped the point in Li Heng's words.


Li Heng nodded and said,

"I'm going to the future."

Otto's consciousness fluctuated imperceptibly, and after listening to Li Heng's words, his brain ran at high speed.

To the future? Have you finally realized that that force exists? Can that force travel through time and space and go straight to the future?

Wait, if you can travel through the future, can you also go back in time? So...

Otto's eyes gradually sharpened, looking at Li Heng's eyes as if he was looking at some rare treasure.

"Oh, my friend, I'm more curious, how do you travel to the future?"

Otto said calmly.

Moodiness is invisible.

No matter how fluctuating his mind, no matter how complicated his mood, he will not show it, this is the skill that Ota has cultivated in these five hundred years.

"Destiny should have technology that can make people fall into hibernation, right?"

Li Heng smiled and said,

"Huh?" Hearing this, Otto's newly raised thoughts were shattered again.

Isn't it actually traveling through time and space? It is also true that the ability to travel through time and space against the sky, the power hidden in Li Heng's body is very strong, and it is estimated that it will not reach this level.

"Destiny does have this kind of technology, but..." Otto

smiled and looked at Li Heng.

Cryonics minimizes physiological activity and imitates the hibernation of animals, so that humans can reach the situation of going to the future.

But after this technology was invented, it was basically not used, and the purpose of this thing is that no one can guarantee that the future will be better than the present.

"But I'm curious, Captain, how long do you plan to sleep?"

In Otto's opinion, during Li Heng's hibernation, nothing will definitely happen, but as soon as Li Heng wakes up, it must be for someone or something.

In this way, the length of Li Heng's hibernation has become a crucial information.

Li Heng pondered for a moment and said

, "This time I will probably temporarily hibernate for 6 months, and I will sleep for a few years next time."

Otto's eyes froze

: "Could it be, in 6 months, is there any disaster going to happen?"

"It's not a big deal, I'm going to save a friend of mine when the time comes, it won't have much impact."

"Interesting, Captain, as a friend, I still want to remind you."

Otto looked at Li Heng with deep eyes.

"If there are too many people around, it will become your flaw, and if you are taken advantage of..."

"Thank you, Bishop Otto."

Li Heng waved his hand, interrupting Otto's words, and at the same time handed the rabbit to Amber.

"Dormant facilities, I need five... No, six sets. "

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