If the consciousness is always stored in the crystal, it will hurt the consciousness inside, and the lawyer itself is synonymous with killing, even if Li Heng does not want to kill, the ability instinct brought by the core will affect him.

Therefore, Li Hengcai was anxious to transfer the core to the body he constructed, and in it, their consciousness could exist stably.

Although A-grade Valkyries can also go without eating for a long time, Li Heng hibernates for as little as 6 months or more for several years, and if no one takes care of them, they are estimated to die in that space due to physical failure.

Li Heng asked Otto for six sets of hibernation devices and let them hibernate together, so that the problem was solved.

However, Otto saw that Li Heng had no intention of improving at all, and did not persuade more, but asked Amber to contact the scientific research department and let them send the previously developed dormant equipment to Hyperion.

At this time, Li Heng, who had already stepped out of the door frame with his front foot, suddenly turned his head and looked at Otto with burning eyes.

I saw him slowly speak.

"Lord Bishop, I don't know if you still have extra wine, lend me two bottles and return it to you later."

"Oh, wine? I do.

"But I'm curious, why are you still there?"

Still? Otto was a little puzzled, if Li Heng wanted wine, he could do it himself, without specifically asking him for it, and added a return word.

"I will return it to you when you die, and when the time comes, I will bring three bottles of wine to your tombstone and toast you."

Li Heng said calmly, as if stating a fact.

"You, you dare to speak ill of Lord Bishop, you..." Amber

reacted and immediately accused Li Heng.

"In front of my tombstone...?"

Otto recalled the revelation given to him by the gods, as if he realized something, and looked at Li Heng.

"I'm going to die, right?"


Li Heng nodded, affirming Otto's thoughts.

When he asked the god that question, the god replied that he had committed suicide in his own form in front of him.

He had been thinking about the meaning of this picture, which was related to his life's goal, and now Li Heng was in front of him again, hinting to him in the name of borrowing wine that he would die.

With Otto's wisdom, as long as Li Heng gave a slight hint, he could get the answer he wanted in an instant.

His own death can be exchanged for Kalien's new life.

"So what does the captain, the extra bottle, do?"

"That's a lot of bottles, it's very useful."

Li Hengshen mysteriously said.

"If you really dare to climb out and drink, then I will smash you back with that bottle of wine."

"Haha, Captain, you are so humorous."

Otto smiled, then took two bottles of red wine, got up and came to Li Heng, and handed him the wine.

"In a sense, we're similar, aren't we?"

"Maybe, but there is more than one person I need to save."

Li Heng took the wine and looked at Otto.

Both saw the persistence in each other's eyes.

"If it hadn't been Honkai, if Karen had been alive, maybe we would really be friends, right?"

"Haha, aren't we friends now?"

"You're right, hahaha."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then went back to each house, each looking for each mother.

Li Heng wants to go back and prepare for hibernation.

After Otto gained this confidence, he had to perfect his plan.

Leave a confused amber.

Amber didn't know what Otto was thinking, what she saw was that Li Heng asked Otto for wine, and said that he would toast him in front of Otto's monument, and even said that he would smash Otto with a wine bottle.

But this guy Otto was not angry at all, but cheerful, saying things like "we are friends..."

Amber was holding the rabbit alone and stood there confused.

What's wrong with the world....

Li Heng carried two bottles of wine and rushed to Hyperion.

Pick up rabbits when you come, and bring red wine when you go.

My name is the Vice-Bishop, you have to remember clearly.


A voice sounded behind Li Heng, causing him to freeze, and when he turned his head, Delisa was looking at him suspiciously.

"Why did you come out of Grandpa again?"

"Ahem, it's Teresa..." Li

Heng touched his head embarrassedly and said

, "I'm a vice bishop, is there a problem with going to the bishop to talk about things?"

"Talking about things you have with wine? It's still grandpa's favorite kind.

Teresa looked at Li Heng and held two bottles of red wine.

"Go, you're still young, you know what."

Li Heng waved his hand in disgust, as if to drive Teresa away.

"Small? Where am I small! I'm all..." Teresa was about to report her age when she suddenly got stuck.

She can't tell Li Heng directly that she is already 28, right?

Age is a woman's biggest secret.

"Hmm... It's small everywhere, especially here.

Li Heng pointed to his head.

Teresa: ...

Teresa was silent for a while, and

said, "Captain, is what Grandpa said true, Cecilia, she..."

This time it was Li Heng's turn to be silent.

Tell her the truth, Otto is fooling her, Cecilia was killed by him?

No, this is not the truth either, the truth is that Cecilia herself saved and is lying in the superimposed space in the Hyperion Captain's Room.

But these two truths, no matter which one, are explosive existences for Teresa, and she has no idea of going against her grandfather at this time.

Seeing that Li Heng was silent, Teresa sighed and said

, "I know, grandpa he... Didn't lie to me... But why, Cecilia, why did you leave Kiana alone..."

"If I had confirmed the status of the Second Lawyer at that time, wouldn't Cecilia have not..."

said Teresa sadly.

"Sorry, Teresa, I didn't beat the Second Lawyer."

Li Heng sighed, 'very guilty'.

"But for the next period of time, you may not see me, and I applied to the Lord Bishop for hibernation facilities."

"Hibernation facilities... Why?

Teresa raised her head and looked at Li Heng in surprise.

"This is Lord Bishop's plan."

Li Heng thought about it and threw the pot to Otto again.

"Grandpa's plan? But... Hey, forget it.

Teresa let out a long sigh and asked,

"Captain, how long are you going to sleep?"

"If nothing else, this sleep is estimated to be 6 months, but this is only the test of Lord Bishop, and when the second hibernation occurs, it will be a long sleep... So, Teresa, we'll see you next time.

Li Heng smiled, steadied the wine, and planned to leave here.

"I... Carry it for you. Teresa stopped Li Heng and reached out to take the red wine in his arms.

"Well, Teresa, you don't think I can't even lift two bottles of red wine, do you? In fact, if you want to go to Hyperion to play, you can say it directly, don't bother so much.

Li Heng dodged Teresa's little hand, joking, he is not a fine dog, and even this little thing has to be held with the help of women.

"You... I don't want to go to Hyperion!

Seeing that Li Heng wouldn't let her take it, Delisa immediately hummed.

"Okay, I'm leaving, the time given by Lord Bishop is limited, and it is estimated that hibernation will be completed in two days."

"Wait..." Teresa looked at Li Heng's figure leaving, wanting to stop him.

But knowing that Li Heng's figure was completely invisible, she only said one word.

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