When Li Heng returned to Hyperion with the wine given by Otto, it was still early, and the people of the Otto faction had not yet arrived.

Come to the deck and watch the people coming and going in the distance.

Maybe they knew Li Heng, but Li Heng didn't know them.

He came to the place where the wind had been blowing last night, placed the wine beside him, and quietly looked at the sun hanging high in the sky.

He used to be unable to look directly at the sun because of its dazzle, but now, Li Heng, who has four cores, can even become the sun himself.

He unscrewed the stopper and suddenly found that he did not have a wine glass.

These days, he used the Heavenly Fire Great Sword to stop the meteorite, protect half of the inhabitants of Novosibirsk, and at the same time participate in the conquest of the Second Lawyer, and finally save Celine, Cecilia and their consciousness.

On Li Heng's right hand, the scar left before has not been repaired until now.

He seemed to have saved something, and it was as if he had not saved anything, and this empty feeling made Li Heng very uncomfortable.

Moscow was still destroyed by meteorites, and Novosibirsk was not easy to destroy, but after he passed, only half remained.

But he did pay the price for doing these things.

In order to save Moscow from being seriously injured by meteorites, in order to save Novosibirsk, in order to save Celin, the power of the Tai Void Sword God was exhausted, and in order to save Cheng Lixue, he was penetrated by Cylin's spear with the Yakong Spear.

Took the cost, but did not get the results they wanted.

In the end, it was still alone.

Drink to eliminate your worries.

Li Heng picked up a bottle of wine, opened the stopper, and held it like that, he was too lazy to use the power of the Law of Reason to construct a cup.

In his memory, he had never drunk or smoked.

The red wine has a smooth mouth and delicate taste, but when the wine and the tip of the tongue really collide, the refreshing feeling it brings makes Li Heng have a different feeling.

This wine is not very strong.

After understanding this fact, Li Heng drank even more unscrupulously.

Suddenly, he put down the wine he had drunk halfway, and a core appeared in Li Heng's hand as soon as he raised his hand.

The light red core was calmly suspended in the palm, and it contained the collapse energy fluctuating slightly, looking at this core, Li Heng's somewhat restless mood actually calmed

down: "You say, is this really worth it?"

However, the core is the core after all, will not speak and will not give him a response.

"Haha, I'm really drinking and drinking stupid, and I still expect a core to chat with me."

Li Heng shook his head, put away the core, picked up the wine bottle, and prepared to finish the rest of the wine.


A familiar voice sounded behind Li Heng, frightening him, and the wine bottle almost fell to the ground.

He turned around and saw Ziegfried coming with Kiana in his arms.

"Ah, why are you here?"

Li Heng said a little embarrassed.

"Well, I got news from Teresa that you're going to hibernate?"

Ziegfei put Kiana down and looked at Li Hengdao.

"Haha, that Teresa guy... Well, indeed.

"Oh yes, Kiana, this is Daddy's friend, your captain's uncle."

"Well, Kiana knows."

Kiana nodded and said

, "Kiana and Mom have seen Uncle Captain before, but, Dad."

Kiana looked at Ziegfried suspiciously

, "Dad, what is hibernation?"

Zigefei touched her head and said

, "Hibernation, it's a long, long sleep, when your captain's uncle wakes

up, Kiana will grow up" The corner of Li Heng's mouth twitched

, "What kind of stuff Uncle Captain, Kiana, don't listen to your father's nonsense, call the captain's brother."

I'm only 20! Siegfried, you have nothing to add to me!

"Yes, Uncle Captain."

"Hey, you kid."

Kiana hid behind Zigfei and stuck out her tongue at Li Heng.

"Is the captain's brother holding wine?"

Kiana said huffily.

"Brother Captain also have to drink like Dad?"

"Eh..." Li Heng's face froze

, "You are still young, you don't understand."

"Hmph~" Kiana don't go overboard and no longer take care of Li Heng.

Li Heng looked at the lively Kiana helplessly, a little puzzled, and asked Zigfei

, "You, didn't you tell her?"

"Hmm..." Zigfei's eyes darkened a little, "

I haven't thought about what to say yet."

Li Heng patted him on the shoulder and said

, "Go, go in and say, it's windy outside, don't let the child get cold."

Zigfei nodded, then led Kiana and followed Li Heng towards Hyperion.



As Ziggy flew past the captain's room, he suddenly felt a familiar breath that made him stiffen.

"What's wrong?" Li Heng, who was standing on the elevator, turned around and looked at Zigfei.


Zigefei shook his head, and then followed Li Heng into the elevator.

"What a perceptive... Is this the wonderful connection between husband and wife..."

Just now, Zigfei seemed to feel the breath of Cecilia in the superimposed space, and Li Heng did not expect that the two could still sense it at one level.

"This time I came not only to say goodbye to you, Teresa also asked me to ask you something."

After arriving at the main control room, Ziegfried spoke.

"She applied to Lord Bishop for an artificial island, and established a school on it to train Valkyries, and she asked me if you want to be the vice-abbot of Saint Freya."

The corners of Li Heng's mouth twitched wildly, and he recalled the way Teresa wanted to say something just now, and only then did he understand what she needed time to say at that time.

I'm the second oldest in a thousand years, right?!

"Daddy, where is Saint Freya?"

"O Saint Freya, that was established by your aunt Teresa to train warriors like Dad and Mama."

After listening to Zigfei's explanation, Kiana's eyes immediately lit up.

"Kiana is going to school in St. Freya! Kiana wants to be as powerful as Daddy!

"Okay, well, when Kiana grows up, Dad will take you there."

After calming Kiana, Zigfei looked at Li Heng.

"Captain, how are you thinking about it?"

"Of course, since Teresa invited me, of course I have to go, but I don't care."

Li Heng smiled and answered.

"Shhh, it's terrible, you don't care, Teresa doesn't care, and I don't know how long Saint Freya can last."

Ziegfried sighed, as if lamenting the fate of Saint Freya.

Li Heng: "..."

You probably don't know St. Freya's other name, the House of the Lawyers."

What is the law of thunder, the law of emptiness, the law of reason, the law of knowledge, all from Saint Freya, it is outrageous.

Li Heng and Ziegfried chattered for a while, and Ziegfried left Hyperion with Kiana.

After Ziggy flew away, the equipment approved by Otto also arrived.

It is very simple to use, as long as the time is set, and then lie down, there will be a drug that makes people sleep spray, and then the freezer is filled, and hibernation begins.

Li Heng moved five machines into the superimposed space and hibernated the four people in turn.

Then Li Heng returned to the real space, looked at the dormant warehouse in front of him, and put the hell trial next to him.

"Well, see you in 6 months, old friend."

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