[Your Excellency, the scheduled hibernation time has arrived, and you have been hibernating for 180 days at 0:00. 【

Since you are performing short-term hibernation, if you need rehabilitation and cognitive recovery training, press the red button next to your left hand.

With the sound of the mechanical prompt, the nutrient solution wrapped around Li Heng slowly faded, and he opened his eyes.

"Hiss... This is... Six months now?

Li Heng sat up and shook his head.

I don't know why, he felt a little heavy in his chest, as if he had experienced a parting.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something hard in his right hand, spread out his hand, and the two cores were lying quietly in the palm of his hand.

"Two... New core? The Law of the Dead Core and the Law of the Rock Core.

Li Heng was shocked, why didn't he want to think about it, he was directly sure that it was these two cores.

Suddenly, he felt that the core of the Law of Knowledge in his body was a little hot, and then the core of the Law of Knowledge appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the core of the Law of Knowledge appeared, Li Heng's brain froze, like a volcanic eruption, strings of memories flashed in front of him, and disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

In a trance, he seemed to see a white-haired girl flash through it.

"Hiss... This is... What the...... I... Dreaming?

Li Heng felt as if his brain was about to split, and the violent tearing sensation caused him to fall directly to the ground.

However, his intuition told him that these images were very important, so he still endured the discomfort and tried to see the fragments.

Unfortunately, those pictures appeared for too short a time, and before Li Heng could see one of them, they had already disappeared.

In the end, he understood only one thing.

He carries responsibility, on his back, on the responsibility that they give him.

However, he has no way of knowing who gave him the responsibility.

Or maybe he's forgotten.

"In the depths of my consciousness... What exactly is hidden..." As

the fragment disappeared, the pain of the headache also disappeared, and Li Heng breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time realized it.

In the depths of his consciousness, there must be some hidden secrets.

Then, a person is needed to enter the depths of Li Heng's consciousness and bring out the secrets inside to tell himself.

However, at this time, the person who knows the law has not yet appeared, and the only person who can peek into the depths of his consciousness is him.

Su, one of the thirteen heroes of the fire, "

Whew... Whew..." Li Heng supported the dormant warehouse, stood up, and glanced at the time.

15 July 2000 at 12 noon.

"Mother Duck passed away on August 18th, which means that I still have nearly a month to prepare."

A month, which should be enough.

Li Heng stretched his waist, and his whole body made a clicking sound.

"At this time, Su should still be in the world bubble created by the Thousand Worlds Multiplication, observing the three thousand small worlds, although I don't know the location of the Thousand Worlds Multiplication, but..." Li

Heng also showed the core of the Law of Emptiness, looking at the two cores in his hand, revealing a thinking expression.

"It should not be difficult to directly skip the Thousand Realms and locate the specific location of that world bubble through the power of the Law of Knowledge, and then use the power of the Law of Void to teleport over."

"It's just... Before you go, say hello to Otto, in case the guy thinks I'm running away, it's a cauldron.

Li Heng made up his mind, changed his clothes, and took the elevator to the main control room.

There was no change in the general control room, and just like before hibernation, Li Heng even had the illusion that he did not hibernate at all, but only slept a little for a while.

Lying in the familiar chair, he dialed Otto's communicator.

It's just that this time it's a language call, and although he doesn't think Otto wouldn't mind talking to him in such an arrogant posture, his healthy smile is estimated to make children cry at night.

No, it can also scare and cry during the day.

"Welcome, Lord Vice-Bishop of Destiny, I have been looking forward to your return."

Otto's voice came from the communicator, and for some reason, it made Li Heng lose a little, a little, and a nostalgia.

It was as if he had really spent 6 months in a dream.

Of course, it is also possible that Li Heng is sleeping.

"Oh, hi, Lord Bishop, long time no see."

The corner of Li Heng's mouth twitched, grandpa is just lying in Hyperion for a few months, and your grandpa seems to have gone to the moon for a walk.

No, when Ye really went to the moon to circle in circles, I didn't see you like this.

"Destiny hasn't happened anything strange lately, has it?"

"Strange thing?"

Otto paused, as if thinking, and after a short moment, spoke.

"If you want to say something strange, there is one thing, Destiny found a strong collapse energy reaction in Siberia, and the mecha team sent out subsequently lost contact, specifically, Amber will send you the information."

Perhaps under normal circumstances, Otto would not pay attention to this.

But during the period when Li Heng is about to wake up, as long as there is any wind, Otto will cast his eyes on the past as soon as possible.

The mecha is lost, and the high collapse energy reaction.

It seems that Mistelin did not run.

"Then trouble you, Bishop Otto."

Li Heng smiled, saving himself from looking for it.

"Oh, is this the captain's old friend?"

Otto's tone seemed to be a little more curious, and he asked Li Heng to preach.

"That's not it, my friend is just an ordinary person."

After saying this, Li Heng felt something wrong again.

Duck's mother also seems to be a Stigmata Awakener, which is why she was able to survive the high concentration of Avalanche energy emanating from Mistellin's side.

However, she eventually chose to let Mistelin close her stigmata in order to save the duck.

Maternal love is a great existence.

Fatherly love, although sometimes landslides, is just as great.

"By the way, where will my rabbit be put for you, I will leave soon, so I will trouble the bishop to feed that thing for a few more years."

"So, I want to ask the captain, do you know Asman Gerrit?"

Asman Gorritt is the father of the little boy.

"Asman Gorritt? Hiss...... It seems that there is no impression, how, is there something wrong with him?

Li Heng quickly searched his memory, but did not find this person, which made him a little puzzled.

"Oh, nothing, Captain."

If Li Heng could see Otto behind the screen, he would find that he showed an unusual smile.

After hanging up the communication, Li Heng stood up and used the power of the Law of Reason to construct a piece of clothing and draped it over his shoulders.

Because Li Heng felt that this would make people look very handsome.

He came to the superimposed space, looked at the few people who were still in hibernation, and suddenly fell into a trance.

This hibernation, he seemed to have something missing from the bottom of his heart.

His concern for his past life, his friends and relatives in his past life, and the existence in his memory are all blurred.

Instead, there is a stronger familiarity with the world.

Suddenly, he touched his bald head, and then revealed the core of the Law of Death.

Just kidding, who can tolerate hair loss.

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